
Old Memories

Title: Old Memories

No: 4

Prompt: Locket - # 3

Additional Member: Hangeng

Rating:- PG-13

Genre: Gen/Angst/Fluff


♥ 규성 ♥


“Are you just gonna sit there?” Yesung asked over his shoulder.

The question directed at the big idiot lounging on the bed when he was supposed to be helping him, his hands busy going through the stack of boxes that was in front of him, a million things spilling out and he was just that little bit overwhelmed.

“Yep” Kyuhyun said happily, turning so that he was face down on the mattress, shaking his hands and legs about like a baby seal, enjoying his little time at relaxation, even though he was mindful of the fact that his boyfriend would probably kill him soon.

He really did not like when Kyuhyun was so lazy, but it was just too bad there was nothing he could do right about then, Kyuhyun being a brat about it and showing off his excessive laziness.

“Have you no shame?” Yesung questioned, not even bothering to look behind him, though Kyuhyun could be sure as to the type of expression he was wearing, Kyuhyun looking at him from beneath his eye line, seeing him sorting through all of his packages.

“None” Kyuhyun laughed, admitting to the fact easily, seeing no need to dispute it.

“Clearly” Yesung agreed comprehensibly, turning to Kyuhyun with pure judgement and displeasure, hands cutely on his hips and Kyuhyun nearly died when he bit down on his tongue, positive that telling Yesung how much he sounded like a nagging wife would lead to his death.

He was already threading a very thin line as it was and he had better not push his luck.

As it was, he was lucky that Yesung had not thrown something at him yet for being a shameless lazy brat, wilfully ignoring his request for help in cleaning Kyuhyun’s own room.

The place was terribly dirty as of late, Kyuhyun amassing a mountain of gifts and presents over the last couple of months and had made no effort to sort through them, just piling them up in a corner of the room as he received them.

They were plentiful considering he had let to go through his birthday presents and the ones he received from Super Show and the concerts and his musicals just kept being added to the pile and in the end it was no longer just a corner but was taking up almost half the room.

Since it was blocking his shelves and cabinets, he had taken to leaving his things on his desk and that meant that in the long run the entire room was covered in boxes and trinkets scattered all over, making it nearly unliveable.

 The only place that was somewhat clean was his bed, since Yesung hated when he had things were on the bed, especially since Kyuhyun, in his infinite childishness had made him fall on the bed once and he landed on one of Kyuhyun’s game consoles that struck him pretty hard on the back and Kyuhyun was smacked repeatedly as soon as he could feel his hands.

Since that time Kyuhyun was more careful about what he left on his bed, a couple of broken CDs also the result of some rough housing and in the end Yesung made it clear that he would not enter Kyuhyun’s bed if he kept leaving things in the way to hurt him.

Kyuhyun wanted to be all male and domineering and brash and say that he would leave it so, but then he remembered that Yesung only ever let him kiss him on that bed, rather than anywhere else in the dorms where they could be seen by the others.

It was plain courtesy he insisted.

Why should he force the others to watch him and Kyuhyun face? That was certainly not an amusing sight to anyone other than Heechul maybe, the older man always very interested in Kyuhyun’s and Yesung’s relationship.

 Yesung however was not very keen on sharing, insisting on his right to privacy and basically barring all obvious shows of affection outside the confines of the bedroom.

The floor was generally clean, since the dorm ahjumma would come by ever so often to see to that and for a while it was still possible to enter Kyuhyun’s room and exist, but over the last week or so, it had gotten even worse. Kyuhyun was so busy and tired from all of his schedules that he was even more careless and dirty, his clothes scattered everywhere and all in all it was a total mess.

Yesung by then had had enough!

There was no way that he would be staying in that sort of filth; no matter how much he claimed to love the little brat. He had made it clear to Kyuhyun that if his room was not cleaned he would not be seeing him.

He had expected the little brat to clean it up himself, since it was his own laziness that had caused the room to degenerate to such a point, but Kyuhyun had instead turned pitiful puppy dog eyes on him and begged for his help.

He kept on whining about how tired he was and how long his schedules were and how little sleep he was getting and how hard it was for him. Yesung was always a er for Kyuhyun’s whining, a fact known to them both. Kyuhyun of course took full advantage of it, begging Yesung to have mercy on him.

 Yesung gave in, since he clearly had no backbone when the little brat was involved, promising to come see him even though his room was still in a state of horror. He did so on the assurance that Kyuhyun would help him clean. He accepted that Kyuhyun was not in a position to do it all by his lonesome and if he remained stubborn and refrained from seeing him, then in the long run he would have to go weeks without seeing him, since Kyuhyun did not have the time to get all that cleaning done. It was just too much.

Yesung agreed to help. The key word being HELP.

Not do it all for him, as the younger man seemed to think that meant.

Kyuhyun had been a total lazy bum since he arrived, sprawled on his bed and refusing to move, even as Yesung had taken to clearing up the mountain of gifts that he had stacked up.

Yesung was so very minded to throw them all away or give him away, since Kyuhyun certainly did not deserve them after being so goddamned lazy, but he supposed that would be a disservice to the fans and the supporters that had gifted them to him. They took time to pick out the items and likely spent a lot of money on it, so it would be wrong to do that. It was their show of appreciation and Yesung had to respect that.

Yesung however really wanted to tell them stop giving Kyuhyun anything!

He was too freaking lazy and unappreciative and did not deserve any. Why on earth did he let them pile up so much? He really deserved a smack.

He glared at him instead, giving him a harsh sharp look, hands still on his hips displeased.

“Hyunnnnng” Kyuhyun whined, putting a show, turning onto his back so that he could look at Yesung better, wanting him to feel sorry for him.

“I’m so tired Hyung. Let me rest” Kyuhyun pleaded, eyes half closed, putting on a cute act for his displeased labouring beloved, who was giving him the stink eye to be sure.

“No. You are just lazy” Yesung argued with a sigh, minded to walk over there and smack him hard, then force him to get his chores done, but those damn eyes looked so pitiful that despite his best efforts, he still felt sorry for him, turning away from him to get back to his task.

“Continue. I will deal with you just now” Yesung threatened, but his attention was once more on the stack of items he was sorting through, unwrapping the gifts and separating the items, folding the present paper and stacking them in one of the fancy boxes that the gifts came in.

As soon as he was done making the room a little liveable he would go and strangle Kyuhyun. He knew he really was tired, but now he was just being manipulative. He was making no effort at all to help, instead just being a brat.

He would strangle him, just as soon as he was finished with what he was doing.

He was minded to leave, but he knew that would be the same problem tomorrow. The longer he left it the dirtier the room would get and at the rate Kyuhyun was going there would be no room for him to even sleep properly.

And to be honest, there was a smell as well. The idiot properly left some sort of food in the room somewhere and it got lost in the chaos, rotting likely and the place would be pungent before long.

Then Kyuhyun wouldn’t be able to rest and Yesung would have to worry about him sleeping and being comfortable and then he really would be mad enough to strangle him. Once he left it alone, the room would really just get worse and in the long run there was no benefit to him.

He was more than capable of punishing Kyuhyun and avoiding him, but that just left them both longing and aching for each other and with their current schedules, spiting each other was just pointless. It was not pleasurable for him to go a month without seeing his boyfriend no matter how much joy he took in torturing Kyuhyun.

If the room continued to get worse, then they really would have nowhere to be together and that was also something that he would regret as well. That was the place where they could kiss and cuddle and touch each other and without it, they would have to refrain and in the long run he got no benefit from it.

All in all he really needed the room clean and if he waited on Kyuhyun, it would never get done. He just didn’t have the time even if he had the will. That did not mean he got a free pass though. He should at least have the decency to help clean the mess that he created. It was all his fault and he was being entirely too lax and brazen about it.

He should take some responsibility!

Just he wait. Yesung would deal with him, fine and dandy. He would torture him for real.

His mind was blazing in annoyance, his body tense as he worked, cursing Kyuhyun under his breath, wondering if these girls were idiots for sending him such nice presents when he was such an annoying lazy unhelpful boyfriend.

Clearly these more girls were deceived.

He shook his head, continuing to berate Kyuhyun as he worked, Kyuhyun himself finding the older man to be quite amusing even though he was aware that chastisement was the likely reaction to the complaints.

It was hard to feel that way when he could only think about how adorable he was as he cleaned, pulling himself upwards and into a half way seated position, propped up against the headboard, just watching Yesung work, admiring the meticulous way he carried himself about.

That was the thing about Yesung. No matter what he did, he did it with a certain level of seriousness.

When he read lyrics or practiced notes and scales or if he were doing inventory and going through order forms or if  it was just doing his annoying boyfriend a favour and cleaning his room, he always gave it his all, scrupulous in every action, careful and determined. It was an amazing quality, but often annoying. He was often led to give things of little importance, more significance than they should have.

In manifested itself then, Yesung sorting through his packages as if they were prized jewels or precious manuscripts other than little trinkets and clothes and a couple bottles of wine here and there, cataloguing it and making note in his little book as to who the sender was, so that a record could be kept and in some cases, if it came from a registered fansite, a token of thanks could be sent to them.

Kyuhyun watched him in a bit of awe, finding him to be gorgeous and efficient, but mainly just gorgeous, admiring the slope of his back, the lift of his in those always too tight jeans, the strength of small thighs and the cute curve of short legs, Kyuhyun humming in appreciation, supposing he ought not be staring at his gorgeous boyfriend, but from his position against the headboard it was hard not to admire perfection, his back of him entirely gorgeous to Kyuhyun.

More than gorgeous though.



“Stop staring at me” Yesung instructed without turning back. He could feel Kyuhyun’s gaze on his form, hot and heavy and he rolled his eyes.

Of course.

“And stop thinking dirty things about me” He further instructed, this time with more heat, still unwilling to turn towards Kyuhyun and give him the satisfaction of seeing his cheeks red.

He could feel Kyuhyun undressing him with his eyes, his stare heavy as it followed his actions. It was very clear to him where the younger man’s mind was, deep into a filthy gutter no doubt.

He would be lying if he claimed he didn’t feel a little bit flattered. It would be hard not to feel a little satisfied that he was able to tempt his boyfriend by doing so little, but that didn’t change the fact that Kyuhyun really was just a concupiscent little ert anyway and he should not be encouraging that behaviour.

“ert” Yesung condemned, this time turning to give Kyuhyun a judging stare.

Kyuhyun simply leered at him, entirely satisfied and without shame.

“Since you are awake enough to be a ert, you can certainly help me” Yesung stated, giving Kyuhyun a sharp look, hands crossed over his chest.

He didn’t buy the little bastard’s claims of tiredness before, but now under the given circumstances, Kyuhyun had effectively proven that he was energetic enough to engage in inappropriate activities, so he really did have no excuse for his laziness anymore.

Kyuhyun however was unaffected by the chastisement, continuing to leer at his y boyfriend, the way Yesung’s hands folded, the heat of his command, the sharpness of his displeased eyes, all warping itself in a way to create a heated sort of fantasy.

Lean muscles, skin, harsh words, blistering charisma, heated kisses, roaming hands.

By then Kyuhyun wasn’t really even hearing him, torturing himself with his own sinful creations, eyeing Yesung with lust and fire, lips and a sound of pleasure dying in the back of his throat.

“Are you even listening to me?” Yesung questioned, annoyed at the fact that Kyuhyun really was just leering at him and not listening to the words he was saying, Yesung glaring at him.

“Yah!” He yelled a little, trying to get Kyuhyun’s attention.

That too failed of course, Kyuhyun mind much too deep in the gutter to be reached by a mere call.

Yesung was flattered of course, but he was mainly just annoyed. Kyuhyun could be a ert later. There was just so much to do and he was certainly not going to be stuck doing it alone. Kyuhyun shouldn’t be thinking dirty things about him either, but it was not as if he could control Kyuhyun’s mind and he didn’t want too.

That was Kyuhyun’s business and he would leave it alone, provided it did not inconvenience him.

It was inconveniencing him.

So he threw a plushie at him. Hard. Struck him right in the face.

 Yesung grinned.

Kyuhyun was still a little dazed, but at least now he was still trying to focus a little bit on reality, his cheeks warm and his length half hard, his imagination a little too vivid.

“You would look good in a French maid outfit you know” Kyuhyun said a little greasily, the last remnant of his little fantasy fresh in his mind.

 Sitting upwards so that he could properly measure Yesung’s body, envisioning those curves in the skimpy little outfit, the way it would fall on his thighs, the fit against that small fine waist. It really was a shame he was so flat chested, honestly. He would make for it with that small cute though, Kyuhyun’s dirty mind assured him, envisioning the entire thing, the little bit of role play returning to his mind, manic greasy grin and low lidded eyes, hot cheeks and a tense body, entirely enjoying himself and the little fantasy that was surrounding him, scorching eyes not leaving his very displeased boyfriend.

He gave Yesung such a leering erse look that the older man felt dirty and violated.

And hot. So very hot.

He shivered.

He of course couldn’t deal with the conflicting feelings, so he did the only think that came natural to him.

He threw a comic at Kyuhyun.

“Owwww” Kyuhyun groaned, this item a lot heavier and impactful than a plushie for sure, the item having the effect of knocking his dirty thoughts from his mind, especially since it replaced it with thoughts of pain and aches and whether or not his forehead was going to red where the comic smacked into him.

Yesung however quite satisfied with himself possessing a malicious streak for the most part, gleeful when the spot does indeed turn red, Kyuhyun childishly rubbing at it.

That would show the erted bastard!

Yesung didn’t even want to wonder how he came to such a conclusion or rather fantasy, especially since Kyuhyun was very well aware that he hated that cross dressing thing, kicking him in the shin the last time he had suggested it when he was a little tipsy and just plain handsy.

“You are so freaking violent” Kyuhyun complained as he all but pouted at Yesung, who was laughing at his suffering.

Yesung gave him a smug look and not an ounce of pity, well set in his view that Kyuhyun was a brat and deserved much worse for his words, making him blush and what not and to make it worse, he was just plainly lazy still!

“Shut up. You deserved it” Yesung dismissed with a stern look, not caring that Kyuhyun was a whiny .

 He knew if he talked to him like that he would be smacked. This time Yesung was unwilling to leave what he was doing to walk over to him, so he threw something. Kyuhyun just had to deal with it.

“You really need to learn how to take a compliment” Kyuhyun said with a grumble, twisting his face in pity over his idiot boyfriend, who had long since turned away from him, returning to his work and not gracing Kyuhyun with his conscious presence, Kyuhyun grumbling under his breath.

 “If you don’t shut up, next time I am using a book and I’ll hit your nose” Yesung threatened sweetly, once more not turning towards Kyuhyun, instead hands busy unpacking a new back, sounding uninterested, but Kyuhyun knew he was not kidding.

Bastard also had an amazing arm and if he said he would break his nose, he really would.

Seriously, he really needed to learn how to take a compliment. Anyone else would be happy to know that their boyfriend spent so much time fantasying about them, even when they were mean spirited violent little weirdos!

He really should have been sort of grateful at least. Kyuhyun really was complimenting him. He didn’t seem to understand that though, never really being fond of Kyuhyun’s very active mind, especially if it ever involved female clothing, which really was such a pity was.

“Prude” Kyuhyun mumbled under his breath, condemning his inflexible boyfriend…..well….that was a lie.

Yesung was very flexible. He had tested that theory out already. It was amazing.

“What did you say?” Yesung asked with a hard edge to his voice, still not turning around, but Kyuhyun knew he could attack at any second.

“Nothing” Kyuhyun denied.

He was crass, not insane.

“Thought so” Yesung said, once more meant to scare the life out of Kyuhyun.

He didn’t actually hear him, but knowing Kyuhyun he knew it was something derogatory. Maybe one day he would be concerned that his boyfriend was so afraid of him, but for now he thoroughly enjoyed the fact that he could have him sweating with such little effort. He would feel sorry for him, but the brat totally deserved it.

“Now come and help me whilst I am still being nice about it” Yesung directed, this time sparing Kyuhyun a glance, making it clear that this was his final warning.

Before he found him cute despite his better judgement, but now that he had emptied so many boxes and the brat really had made no effort to assist he was really losing his temper. He wouldn’t be violent of course, though he was sure Kyuhyun thought that was what he meant, but he would leave him to do it all and really stay away. He enjoyed spoiling Kyuhyun admittedly, but it was also his responsibility to ensure Kyuhyun acted responsibly and not be a total loafer.

He would ensure that much certainly.

With that said however, he returned to his task, giving Kyuhyun a few minutes to make up his mind before he dealt with him.

In the midst of his activity however, distracted by his note taking and careful actions in removing a glass sculpture of some sort, probably meant to represent some attribute of the brat or the other, delicately wrapped in bubble wrap for safe keeping. He had to be extra careful with it and as such was entirely distracted for a few minutes.

It was the reason he nearly leapt out his skin when two hands slips around his waist and a lean chest was pressed against his back, swiftly invading his personal space, a weak laugh when he released a shocked sound in the back of his throat. Kyuhyun gently caressing his sides to sooth him from the shock, holding him close as he finally placed the item down on the desk, all ready to scold the brat for sneaking up on him.

The words were stolen from his lips however when Kyuhyun leaned over him, apple scented skin in his nostrils, heady and light, caught up in the heat of the man now clinging to him, Kyuhyun cheekily planting his lips at  the spot just beneath his jaw, his body tensing momentarily, pleasing Kyuhyun greatly.

Yesung did settle though, a few seconds and hands joining at his middle and a warm kiss to his throat and he relaxed into the hold. He knew it was bad habit to give in so easily, especially when he was supposed to be insisting on discipline, but it was hard to be stern when Kyuhyun was warm and adorable and pressing such sweet kisses to his throat.

“You’re such a nag” Kyuhyun informed in a low voice, parts complaint parts seduction and Yesung laughed low in his throat.

Romance was really never their sort of thing.

Yesung leaned back against Kyuhyun’s shoulder in his amusement before he snorted, twisting to plant a quick peck against Kyuhyun’s lips and then he pulled away.

“Alright. Get to work” Yesung instructed as he pulled himself out of Kyuhyun’s hold, the time for their games long over and work was to get done.

Kyuhyun made a show at pouting at him, but Yesung knew that the fact that he got off the bed was indicative of his willingness to assist finally, simply touching him because that was his personality, always intending to help now that he was up.

Yesung reached a hand out to pat his cheek fondly before he pointed to a second pile and sent Kyuhyun on his way.

They worked side by side, silently for the most part for quite a while, until Kyuhyun decided to be brat and complain about everything. Yesung indulged him briefly, listening to his complaints, but the work never stopped, not permitted to. Yesung continued with his side of the room, packing and unpacking, admiring some of the gifts, fighting away the jealousy from the time when Kyuhyun got something he wanted, planning sneakily how he was to steal it or at least er Kyuhyun into giving it to him, but mostly admiring how nice Kyuhyun’s fans were to him, thankful in his own way for their kindness.

Kyuhyun was given the task of clearing up the room, grumbling at all the clothes on the ground, Yesung having no qualms about pointing out that he was responsible so really ought to shut up about it. Kyuhyun was a little ball of grumbles, but he worked hard, stripping down the sheets and having them changed, packing back all his pillows and plushies and removing the mountain of items that seemed to have gathered on and around his bed, moving the comic that had hit him as well.

When he was finished there, he had to start on his closet, or at least the smaller one inside with his immediate clothing and not the one outside that he used to house his more fashionable “appearances/sponsored” clothing, this one inside just for his sweats and t-shirts and jeans and his underclothes. The only way to get the dirty ones was to sort through the clean ones.

He expected Yesung to help him with it, but the older man was still sorting through his presents, so just gave instructions from where he was most of the time. Kyuhyun tempted to just throw everything in the hamper, but Yesung glared at him and told him to don’t even think about it.

It therefore took a lifetime to the clean clothes sorted in his cupboard and then the dirty ones in the hamper. Good news however was the fact that the floor was now useable, or at least it was after he picked up a few books and music sheets that had escaped his tables. Next was the table that he made a mess on, packing back everything the way it ought to be, ignoring Yesung’s disgusted look when he found a couple half eaten sandwiches and snacks, all mouldy and gross, depositing them in the thrash in the kitchen, thankfully with no Ryeowook to take the piss out of him.

By the time he returned, Yesung was finally through the presents, all unwrapped and unboxed and spread out to be placed where Kyuhyun wanted, the boxes all piled neatly together, wrapping paper folded and stored inside and the place was like a new world.

Yesung didn’t really know where the put all the items. Some usually would have to be sent to Kyuhyun’s parents’ house for safe keeping, since his room was much too small. Those Yesung instructed him to keep in the boxes he set aside in a corner, and now out of the way for him to take home.

It was frightening how efficient he was sometimes, despite his clumsiness generally.

Together they both attempted to store the items away, Yesung dealing with the trinkets and the smaller items, Kyuhyun dealing with the video games and clothes and wines and things of that nature.

Yesung was a little tired from all the unpacking, but now that he had Kyuhyun vacuuming, he was feeling a lot better. The air in the room was finally clean and breathable, the humidifier working properly now that it was not so dusty and he could finally move without knocking into something.

You are just clumsy!

Oh shut up.

It was nice that the place was finally clean he thought to himself, just as he examined the pretty wrist watch one of Kyuhyun’s fansites had sent to him.

It really was very nice. It was just a little unfortunate that Kyuhyun probably would not wear it, always too lazy to find the right accessory when he was going out. The child was so unfashionable, it really was a shame.

 He didn’t even wear the jewellery that Yesung had gifted him.

There as the chain set from their first Kyusung Day. He couldn’t ever recall Kyuhyun wearing it, but then again, Kyuhyun never really wore any jewellery. He trusted that he had it in a safe place. There were a few other pieces that he had gifted or were shared, like the slave band that he had forbidden Kyuhyun from wearing. Just thinking about it made him blush.

Though he did wonder where it was.

That was likely what prompted him to open the small drawer at the table where Kyuhyun kept trinkets, easing the drawer downwards and glancing inside, instantly spotting the small intricate box that it came inside, still in love with the box, but more in love with the item inside. Easily he lifted the box and the lid, his mind rushing back to the day he received it and the joy he felt then, the confusion, but mainly the way it felt to be in Kyuhyun’s arms and the words that were said.

Carefully he opened the box, glancing down at the silver band with his name engraved on it.

 “ Property of Kim Jongwoon”

His fingers gently tracing the words, smile busting from his lips, turning to look at his adorable boyfriend, watching Kyuhyun try to fit his new games on his overcrowded self and smiling deep in his heart at the love he felt for him.

What he would do with that stubborn bastard?

He had never loved a present as much as he loved that band and by some strange circumstances, the band was not his anyway, still attached to it, still grateful and just plainly in love.

With careful movements he replaced the item, wondering if he would ever see it on Kyuhyun’s hand again, probably one day he was sure, when they no longer had to hide so much.

With it safely tucked away, Yesung casually explored the drawer. He didn’t see it as an invasion of privacy or anything like that. He and Kyuhyun were always open with each other about their lives and their possessions and Kyuhyun never had a problem with him touching his things and looking at what he liked, even if he was particular with everyone else. Kyuhyun always advocated openness between them. He wanted them to get accustomed to sharing their space and their lives with each other, so he encouraged them to be free in actions.

And to be frank, he really was just mainly looking for the gifts that they shared with each other, the anniversary necklaces with the treble clef pendant and “Kyu” written on the back. They had both agreed to keep it hidden and safe and he just wanted to see it again, the relive another sweet memory.

It was whilst carding through the various boxes that something else caught his attention.

Shimmering silver catching the light and not protected by a box.

His curiosity getting the best of him, reaching for the shining item, fingers clinching around the material of the thin chain and pulling it loose, lifting it upwards.

A locket.

Well, this was strange.

It was a pretty thing certainly, a long thin chain that seemed more metal than precious, but nicely patterned, leading all the way down to a locket, also made of some hard metal, but patterned as if it were a vine, Yesung watching it in curiosity.

He had never seen it before.

It also didn’t seem like a fan gift, given the fact that it looked sort of cheap. Not to be rude or dismissive, just that it was not really the sort of thing that Kyuhyun normally received, the item really making Yesung curious.

Kyuhyun was never the sort to really buy accessories and he really had never seen him with a locket before. The more he looked at it, the more it seemed to remind him of those little trinkets that the ahjummas sometimes sold at the side of the street, except, the character on the front of the locket seemed Chinese.

It was all very strange now.

Yesung wondered where Kyuhyun could have come by such an item.

Wait…….was it possible?

Was it a gift from an old girlfriend?

Yesung examined it more critically, the length of the chain and the off chance that maybe it came in a set, his eyes falling on the locket part, wondering if it would be inappropriate to open it and basically snoop. Maybe there would be a picture of Kyuhyun and the girl?

The real question however, was firstly, why was he so interested? And secondly, if it was within his rights to open the locket or if he was breaching Kyuhyun’s right to privacy?

If Kyuhyun had wanted, he would have shared it with him. The fact that he never mentioned it probably meant that he wanted to keep it to himself. If that was the case then he really ought to respect Kyuhyun and his right to privacy and put it down and pretend he did not see it.

He was curious though.

He was so caught in his thoughts that he was once more taken by surprise when a clingy little brat came up behind him, Kyuhyun once more wrapping his arms around his waist, always fond of such actions.

He loved holding Yesung in his arms and the back hug was the best way to do so when Yesung was busy and to be quite honest, it was safest. Yesung would at most elbow him, but if Kyuhyun stood at the right angle he would avoid being hit and he would get to bury his head in Yesung’s fragrant hair, today smelling like strawberries and then he would get to kiss his throat.

Now he was minded to do the very same thing, except Yesung was busy looking at something that he couldn’t see well.

“What is that?” Kyuhyun asked, barely glancing at the thing on a long chain that Yesung was holding, mildly interested, but truthfully just thankful that Yesung was distracted and unwilling to pry him off, allowing him to wrap himself around his body and hold on tightly, the remnants of his little fantasies making him feel particularly touchy, wanting to be with the older man as much as possible, thoroughly taken by him.

“I found it in your drawer. It’s a locket” Yesung informed, releasing his hold on it so that it could fall more openly and be visible to Kyuhyun.

He was surprised that Kyuhyun did not show any recognition and was itching to ask him about it but so far he was strong in holding back.

What if he asked him and got an answer he didn’t want?

 He was aware that Kyuhyun had various relationships in the past and to be frank, he had point blank refused to discuss or explore any of those things. He and Kyuhyun both adopted a don’t ask, don’t tell policy when it came to their relationship past. There were some things that they would know due to their prior friendship, but the details were plainly ignored for their own sanity.

Yesung did not consider himself to be as possessive as Kyuhyun, but maybe hearing about such a thing would not be the best thing for him.

Maybe he should have just put in back in the drawer and dismiss it all together….but, damn, if he didn’t find the whole thing to be interesting.

“Oh” Kyuhyun said when he finally got a look at the locket, his mind plunged back into old memories, the sadness scorching his throat and really, he wished he didn’t see it.

Yesung however was a little concerned when he heard Kyuhyun’s response. He could tell instantly that the locket had a sad memory attached to it and wondered if he did something bad in touching it.

Maybe it was something special that he wasn’t supposed to touch?

“I’m sorry for touching it. I just saw it there and thought it looked pretty. I am sorry for bringing it up” Yesung hastily apologized, feeling a measure of shame and guilt for virtually prying into Kyuhyun’s business and dragging up bad memories for him, cheeks heating and hopeful that Kyuhyun would forgive him, quickly trying to replace the item, a little bit startled.

Even more so when Kyuhyun stilled his hand.

“It’s not like that Hyung. I am just surprised to see it that is all” Kyuhyun explained softly, rubbing his head against Yesung’s temple to relax him.

At first he was a little surprised by Yesung’s reaction, but then he thought about it for a second and realized why the older man would be so jumpy and chastised. The idiot probably thought it was from a previous relationship or something that he didn’t want him to see.

It really was nothing like that. He had no secrets from Yesung, or at least no secrets of that nature and if it were something like that, he would be happy to explain it to him, rather than allow it to breed uncertainty and mistrust. He had enough problems getting Yesung to trust him fully as it was.

This was something different entirely.

“Hmmm” Yesung said, unsure what he was supposed to say then.

He wanted to apologize again, but the way Kyuhyun was holding on to him however was a bit puzzling. He didn’t think Kyuhyun was mad at him, or that he was trying to protect some old secret. He was desperate to ask him more but held his tongue. His curiosity already got him in trouble already, so it was best to let it go. He looked at the locket again and couldn’t help wonder where it came from, but he could live without the knowledge truly.

What he probably couldn’t live without knowing was why Kyuhyun seemed to be even clingier now that the locket was being discussed. Was it something that Kyuhyun thought Yesung would not like and was trying to appease him? Or was it something that saddened Kyuhyun so much that he was seeking his comfort?

So much to consider.

“Stop thinking so hard. I can almost hear your brain tinkering” Kyuhyun laughed softly, knocking his head against Yesung’s, the older man making a huffing sound and a sure pout to follow.

He supposed Yesung was curious. It would be very like him to be.

“I got the locket as a gift from Hankyung hyung…Hangeng ssi” Kyuhyun began to explain, his words low, but it was obvious that he was caught in the memory of it all, Yesung diligently listening even as he observed the locket, waiting for Kyuhyun to continue, though he did note the change in tone from familial to formal, supposing there was still a lot of hurt there.

He wished to comfort, but figured for now he could just listen to Kyuhyun’s story, using his free hand to hold on to the hands that were joint at his waist still, this time a loose hold, but something inside him told him that Kyuhyun would need his presence.

From the heaviness of the words, and the wistfulness in which they were stated, he knew Kyuhyun was reliving the memory and not simply recounting it for his benefit and naturally, he would be sad.

It was the same for them all when they thought about Hangeng.

“We were in China that first time, when M was now formed. It was hard then. I was sick and tired and I missed home, missed my parents and the dorms and you guys” Kyuhyun continued a little roughly, explaining it to the person he loved.

Whenever he thought about that time he still felt sort of sick. It was hard to even think back to those days, how tired he was, how lonely he felt. There was so much pressure on all of them, Hangeng especially, clinging to Hangeng to help them get through it and realizing for the first time how hard it must have been for Hangeng when he moved to Korea. It was like a whole new world over there, missing everything and everyone.

Just thinking about it made him feel sad, experiencing it was much worst. They lived phone call to phone call, the language lessons hard and no matter what they did they couldn’t get it right.

He was glad that those days were over.

“Me?” Yesung asked a little stupidly, wanting to smack a hand over his mouth when he realized what he had said, entirely embarrassed.

It earned him an amused laugh though, very different from the melancholy way in which Kyuhyun was speaking.

“Yes, I missed you too. More than I should have really. Should have figured something was different since then” Kyuhyun spoke with endless fondness, pressing a sweet kiss against Yesung’s temple, a confession of sorts, but  born more from nostalgia and that whole concept of hindsight.

When he thought back to those days, he really could have kicked himself so very hard. When he was in China the first time he missed Yesung so very much then.

They weren’t even that close back then, but somehow or the other, he missed all the little things about the older man and was so thrilled when he finally got to see him again. He felt like an idiot now when he thought about it. How could he not realize what he was feeling then, what the longing had been implying, the effect the older man had on his feelings.

 He supposed then it was not love, but now that he looked back, it was probably where the seeds were set and were growing all along without him noticing, missing those small hands and that annoying laughter, the comfort he felt in his presence, the measure of completeness.

It was easy to dismiss then as the outcome of familiarity. He missed him the same way he missed Leeteuk or Heechul, but it was always different, so very different.

“I should have too” Yesung also admitted, his mind back to that time, the itch he felt in his blood, how worried he was about Kyuhyun, always terrorizing their mangers about how they were doing, feeling so lonely and tired and just lost.

Then he thought it was just the effect of being away from all of his most favourite dongsaengs, but now he could recognize how much different it was with Kyuhyun.

They were both so foolish then.

“Anyway, I was really sad and homesick then and completely out of it. Hankyung hyung must have felt sorry for me or something. So one day when we had an afternoon free he invited me out with him, just the two of us. It wasn’t anything special. He took more to one of the street markets near our dorms. We shopped around for a while, just eating random things and looking at all the handcrafts and things like that” Kyuhyun recounted, a warm smile gracing his lips.

Regardless of where their relationship eventually ended up, the memory was a fond one for him. He could still remember Hangeng trying to convince him to eat a scorpion on a stick, teasing him endlessly when he got all his Mandarin wrong and really just having a good time with his hyung.

Then he appreciated it so much and now when he thought about it, he appreciated it even more.

 It was stifling then. He felt as if he was dying. He couldn’t sleep and couldn’t eat and missed everyone so much, he could barely function. That afternoon was such a respite. It was his hyung taking care of him, reminding him to have fun, showing him that the world may be different but it could still have so much for him.

Instead of just missing home, there was so much about China for him to explore and to learn to love. Hangeng had told him about his own experiences in Korea and how he had learnt to appreciate all the new things and at least Kyuhyun had him to take care of him.

It was a happy memory.

“Just when we were leaving, we saw this tent with this old lady selling charms and things like that. We were tired, but I was curious, so we went over. It was there that we saw the locket. She said it had a nice meaning. I couldn’t read Mandarin then, but Hyung seemed to like it. He brought it for me then. I just kept it. I forget it was there honestly”

Kyuhyun continued to recount, remembering the way Hangeng had look when he read the word engraved on it, handing it over to Kyuhyun despite his protest.

‘Strength’ it was written.

It was a promise he said.

A promise to protect Kyuhyun always.

‘Don’t worry Kyuhyunnie, Hyung will always take care of you’

He did then.

He didn’t anymore.

Now it felt like empty words, a broken promise, a fleeting memory in a life full of disappointments.

He can’t feel hate, but there is a bitterness that attaches to the memory, the fragility of the promise, but he still held on the memory, the happiness he felt in that moment, the trust that he placed in Hangeng to be with him, to take care of him always.

That trust was broken now, but that kindness then was never forgotten.

“You should wear it” Yesung said after a few minutes, taking in the story and feeling his heart stir with so many emotions.

He remembered his kind hyung, the softness of his eyes and the shyness of his smiles, the good days that they had spent together, the warmth that he always felt in his presence. Then he remembered the abandonment and the confusion, the heartbreak and the sorrow, the disbelief and the betrayal, the way it felt when he acted as if everything they ever shared was fake, as if it never had any value.

He remembered wiping Kyuhyun’s tears and standing silently whilst Heechul destroyed his room, so overcome with grief and anger and pain.

Those were dark days, some of which he wished to forget. So much went wrong at that very minute and the pain was always just that real.

Sometimes he thought he had forgiven Hangeng for that time, but then again, sometimes he knows that he can’t ever forgive the person that caused everyone so much pain.

Mostly now he just tried to hold on the good memories, the morning bickering and the weird jokes the words he couldn’t understand and the warm compliments.

The locket seemed like a good memory to Kyuhyun. He hoped that Kyuhyun could let go of the bad times and hold on to the good memories, the times when they loved each other and they were real brothers. No matter how Hangeng claimed it all fake after the fact, he knew deep in his own heart that he truly loved and cared for his hyung, just as he knew Kyuhyun adored Hangeng, that he looked up to him and cherished him.

It was a true pity that it all ended that way, but they really should just try to hold on to the good and let go the bad. The locket was one such means.

“Nah. I don’t like jewellery anyway” Kyuhyun dismissed in disguise, not sure how to tell Yesung that that locket was a symbol of a broken promise more than anything.

Whatever good feelings and memories associated with it, was often overshadowed by how little in all meant in the end, how little value Hangeng placed on their relationship and their trust, on their promise to each other.

Not all heartbreaks came from romantic love.

“It’s pretty though and has a good memory” Yesung said instead, turning around in Kyuhyun’s arms to look at him, the locket lodged in his grip, wanting to help Kyuhyun in his own way.

He really thought that if Kyuhyun wore the locket, it would be easier to forget the sadness and hold on to the good points.

Kyuhyun however bit back his words, not willing to go further into it than necessary. He understood what Yesung wanted and was grateful for his sentiment, but there was just too much he didn’t know and understand and this time, Kyuhyun couldn’t or really just wouldn’t go any further.

“You can have it” Kyuhyun said instead, releasing his hold a little so that he could reach upwards and brush a strand of hair from Yesung’s eyes, smiling at him in a dismissive sort of way, grateful for the happiness he could have now rather than focusing on the past.

“Oh no! I can never do that. This is a gift from Hyung. You should keep it” Yesung insisted, eyes wide at the suggestion that he keep it.

Admittedly, it was something that he would like, but it was not his to take. Kyuhyun had kept it so long and it had a special memory, a gift from an old friend. It was Kyuhyun’s to keep and cherish.

“I won’t wear it. Seems more to your taste than mine anyway….and who knows, now it can be an even better memory” Kyuhyun said instead, wanting Yesung to keep it.

When he saw it, he remembered all the things that were said then, the way he was a fool to believe Hangeng’s words, how naïve he was then. Now it was more bitterness than fondness.

If anything that could change the meaning of that locket however it would be Yesung. Hanging around Yesung’s neck, it would be pure and innocent and precious, very much like the man wearing it.

 He was not a fool to think Yesung would never hurt him, but he would always have the memory of a greater love associated with the man. That was a promise that he had made to himself a long time ago. He would always remember the good days spent with the man he loved. In that way, the locket would always have a good memory attached to it, the honour of having been around an angel’s neck.

“Still….” Yesung didn’t want it.

He didn’t see why Kyuhyun wanted him to have it. To him, it was a precious trinket, something to keep safe from a friend no longer at his side. It was a disservice to gift it away. He would admit that he liked it, but he could never take it from Kyuhyun.

“Take it…and this time, the promise won’t be broken” Kyuhyun said with a wry smile, using his hand to push the hand holding the locket to Yesung, meaning what he said, wanting Yesung to have it.

This time it would have a new meaning and this time the promise would be kept for a long time, love that could never fade, near wean, even if broken.

“What do you mean?” Yesung asked, interested in whatever it was that Kyuhyun was not telling him.

Clearly there was more to the locket than he let on, and Yesung wanted to know what it was, giving Kyuhyun wide curious eyes, hoping to pry the answer from him.

“Nothing” Kyuhyun rejected, really not minded to get into that now.

He had been having a good time and recalling people that abandoned you was probably not the best way to spend his evening anyway, especially not with such a gorgeous man in his arms, looking delectable as always.

Yesung bit his lip, holding back the mountain of questions on his tongue.

Kyuhyun was obviously not telling him something and he wanted to ask so badly, but he knew Kyuhyun and could read his moods fairly well. Kyuhyun didn’t want to talk about it and he would be wrong to force him. This time he had to hold his curiosity back. Kyuhyun wanted peace and he would give it to him.

“Okay” Yesung said, not really an acceptance but more to the fact that he would not ask any more questions.

Kyuhyun nodded in gratitude, thankful that Yesung understood his heart in the matter and would no longer be asking any questions. He wanted it to go back to where it was, to have the locket forgotten once more and just focus on the good things in his life now, like the man smiling at him albeit a little subdued.

“So, where are my kisses?” Kyuhyun asked instead, wanting to change the topic and what was the best way to do it than to bargain for kisses anyway?

“For what?” Yesung asked instead, lifting his eyebrow and playing dumb to what Kyuhyun was likely asking for, allowing the locket to be forgotten momentarily, casually leaning backwards a bit and slipping it back into the drawer without much fuss.

Regardless of what Kyuhyun said, it was not his to take. He would respect Kyuhyun’s wishes in letting the matter go, though he would be mindful to explore the heartache that Kyuhyun was still holding to regarding Hangeng at a later time. For now though, he could be understanding and supportive and help Kyuhyun forget about the whole thing, tucking the locket back where it was safely. It would be amongst all the other trinkets and memories that had value to Kyuhyun, where it ought to be.

“You thought all that labour came for free?” Kyuhyun questioned with a mischievous smirk, Yesung rolling his eyes at the child’s very dirty mind.

Why did he think he deserved to be kiss for cleaning his own room, Yesung would never know. Kyuhyun was always like that, always using kisses as a currency of sort, a reward for any good deed that he did. Yesung would be lying if he said he didn’t find it adorable, but that didn’t change the fact that Kyuhyun really should be punished for his laziness and not rewarded for his poor conduct.

“What makes you-“Yesung questioned or at least tried to question, but was then rudely interrupted.

Kyuhyun’s lips were on his instantly, kissing him quite reverently and Yesung, well, he just let it happen. He could point out how flawed Kyuhyun’s argument was, but really why bother?

It was not as if he was against kisses anyway, and after all his hard work, that would be a good way to spend the rest of the evening, hands wrapping themselves around Kyuhyun’s neck, dragging him down to deepen the kiss.

The locket forgotten once more.

♥ 규성 ♥

A/N: Happy Kyusung Day! I hope everyone enjoyed it, especially since we will soon welcome our OTP back with a KRY Tour on the horizons. Thanks for sticking with Kyusung J

Also, I have opened my previously locked fics in commemoration of Kyusung Day. Feel free to read and ignore or whatever.


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The Hangeng back story.
The lusty Kyukyu.
The implied life of KyuSung, yeah!
Yeye, still the unromantic but adorable person that he is

THANK YOU FOR THIS AUTHOR-NIM! I loooooove love love it ~
Chapter 1: Lol to Kyuhyun being a huge ert. I seriously want to see Yesung in a French maid’s outfit too! Only it's more of the cute factor for me and not a factor like it is for Kyu lol. He needs to wear a skirt at a super show god damn it! We should make up a petition, ‘Elf's for putting Yesung in a skirt!’ You totally can’t force a person into a skirt. Sign, I guess the only one in the Kyusung pairing we’ll be seeing in a skirt is Kyu. That man really loves wearing woman’s clothing >.> I’m sure Yesung’s happy about that.
I think this story was so fun and sweet, Yesung's reaction to Kyuhyun's teasing was super cute, I think he's coming around to the idea of doing some of the dirty things Kyuhyun is thinking....or maybe I'm just hopeful, lol. Kyuhyun’s mind would probably be terribly embarrassing to write out in detail. The locket plotline was very sad, possibly matching the level of angst when Yesung and Kyu were fighting in The Emergency of Fears. I love Hangeng so much, obviously I will always hold out for a SJ with thirteen members, I'm a er that way. I like Kyuhyun's mixed emotions on the matter though, it's very compelling and heart wrenching to read, I hope this plotline is revisited because I'd really like to dig more into his hurt feelings over Hangeng.
Plus it wouldn't hurt to have Yesung cuddle and kiss him back to health *wink, wink, nudge, nudge*
Chapter 1: *Sobs* This was perfect - I can't ugh! Why do you do this to me? This was just so sweet and hilarious and asdfghjkl. Like, where do I even start? First off starting off with lazy erted Kyuhyun was ridiculously funny - I mean Yesung in a French maid outfit? LMAO (I mean I agree with Kyuhyun because he is completely right, but I never thought he have the guts to say it out loud! XD ) I love all the back hugging they do in this fic, it reminds me of some of my fav Kyusung moments, which I will probably be spamming till yeye comes back, and I can see more Kyusung. Then the locket bit of the story was so touching and the emotion of it was written very well. I really am happy Kyuhyun can look to a positive future with Yesung (if he stops being so violent lol). They comfort and love each other in such a beautiful way, and no lingering bitterness can touch that. That's a really comforting thought. This was a extremely well written story authornim. Thank you so much of sharing this with the rest of us Kyusung lovers. ^_^ (Really hope to see more amazing fics like this one in the future- if you're willing). *gives cookie* : )