What I Did For Love


Jessica Jung, a 17 years old teenage girl, who wear black-rimmed big eyeglasses and dress black clothes every single day. Normally, people would pick on and making fun of someone who wear eyeglasses but somehow, the aura that she gives to everyone is kind of scary which make people wouldn't dare to talk to her but secretly judging her behind her back. She is a really mystory person, sometime she laughs and some other time she does nothing but blank.

Everyone think somehow she is kind of a bipolar person. But who is she really though? What is her personality is really like? What if a quiet scary girl secretly have a crush on one of her classmate, Kwon Jiyong who happens to have quite similar outside personality as her? What will she do to get noticed by him? Will he like her back?



Enjoy reading the story of Jessica in 'WHAT I DID FOR LOVE'. Join Jessica in her journey in facing her trials in life, overcoming the shadows of her pasts and her unpredictable future. 

PS// I won't be writing Jiyong's point of views so please understand since this story about Jessica's life and things she has done for her crush, Jiyong or GD. 


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it’s been so long since i last read this story xD
Princessjessica92 #2
Update this author...I wait...