Make Me Real

Make Me Real

Hyunseung flinched when a odd pencil fell from the sky and landed on his head. Literally. The pencil just came out of nowhere. He leaned over and picked it up, studying it closely. It seemed harmless; why not give it a whirl? (Which leads us to...)

Jang Hyunseung drew a female figure skillfully, the pencil doing its magic. When he was done, he admired his work happily. It's been a few months since he quit BEAST in order to follow his love for art. There have been times when he regretted it, but he would always shrug it off because he had to focus on his artistic career.

Hyunseugn stood, stretching his arms. All that drawing got to him. He sighed, yawning afterward and shuffling to his bed. He flopped down, burrowed himself into his warm bed and promptly fell asleep. But the sun crept in, and there was a knock. Hyunseung twitched but ignored it, his mind slipping into dreamland.





"YAH!" Hyunseugn yelled, growling in frustration. He stormed over to the door and flund it open. His old bandmates stood there, grinning happily at him. "WHAT DO YOU WANT?!"

They ignored Hyunseung's snappy attitude and piled in. Hyuseung watched in exhausting as Yoseob bounced up and down in front of him.

"We got you something, Hyuseung~" He sang cheerfully then he shoved something into Hyunseung's chest. "LOOK AT IT!"

Hyunseung scowled, walked over to his coffee table, and glared at them.

"When I get some sleep first," he snapped, and he stormed back to his room, slamming the door behind him.

...Hyunseung could be such a when he doesn't get his beauty sleep.

The day progressed fairly well. Hyunseung went out to the park and found things to sketch, stopped by his favorite cafe, signed some things for his fans from his music career, and started his venture home. But when he opened the door, he found himself a great surprise...

You were basically jumping in excitement. The door opened, revealing the very person you've been waiting for. Hyunseung's eyes widened as he stared in shock at the bare woman in his bed. You stared innocently back, and he stammered, face heating up. A smile slowly crept onto your lips.

"Welcome back, Hyunseung!" You greeted cheerfully," I've been waiting!"

The next thing you knew your beloved Hyunseung promptly fainted, meeting the ground with a loud thud.

"OMO!" You panicked. What should you do? What was wrong with him? Then you came to a very stupid conclusion: you should kiss him! You beamed, glad you found the supposed solution, and you sat on him, leaning forward until your chest was pressed against his. Your lips just barely brushed against Hyunseung's when his eyes flew open and he screamed... loud... and like the girl he is. "OH! Hyunseung-oppa! True Love's kiss really did work!"

Hyunseung gawked at you and your naivety. Then his eyes drifted to your open, milky mounds. He covered his eyes.

"PUT SOMETHING ON!" He ordered, and you obeyed without hesistation. You slipped on one of his shirts which was extremely big on you and giggled to let him know you were decent.

He had to admit though... you looked pretty cute, even if he didn't know who the hell you were or the fact that you were his drawing.

"Alright, so what's your name?" Hyunseung calmly asked once he had simmered down.

"I don't have one!" You chirped happily. Hyunseung stared at you blankly.


"Yeah! You never gave me one, Hyunseung-oppa," you pouted. , you were using aegyo on him. Well, two can play that game, Mysterious Lady.

"Oh! I never did, right? Well, let me give you one, you cutie pie," he returned your aegyo with one of his own. "Lee... Eun Mi. Yeah, Lee Eun Mi."

"Lee Eun Mi. Got it!" You smiled at him. Well then... what to do with you?

Author's Notes: And that's how it ends! ...I'm not joking. Seriously. That's how I ended it. Just Hyunseung newly discovering you, not founding out the truth about you, and deciding what to do with you. He makes you his slave. I've read too much Kim Jonghyun fics. <.< >.> Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this short fic!

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