
Our unusual bond



Everyone dissapproved of our relationship but I knew, it was true love.

Ever since I first laid eyes on him, it was definately true love. The way he would breathe on my neck without knowing sometimes when we were on the bus, how he would never let me be alone. All the small actions that he did for me, I couldn't resist. I was THAT madly in love with him. I was infatuated by his whole being. And no, I wasn't sad about it. I was the happiest person alive. Happy because I knew from the moment I laid eyes on him that he would never leave me. 

He was of course intoxicated by me too.

He didn't think I noticed his stealing glances at my hair every so often but I did. His long, slender body just waiting to be in my grasp. He loved it when I complimented his looks.

"You look so shiny today baby~"

He loved that compliment especially. He would heat up slowly and then just sigh. I thought he looked cute when he did that.

Sometimes I could hear him calling my name in soft whispers.

"Jonghyun! Jjongie~"

His voice made me feel as if I was in cloud nine. As if I was floating above eveyone and everything. Everyone and everything except him of course. He was the person who was just one cloud above me.'Cloud ten' I would call it. For two reasons. The first reason being that he was one cloud above me so what comes after nine? Oh that's  right! Ten! And the second reason being that he was 10/10 wherever he went and whatever he did. 

I could never eally stop myself from loving him at all. It had felt like I knew him for ages but in reality, it had only been about six months.

Yes in those six months, love blossomed inside of me and with every look he gave me, every touch and every word, the flower in my heart would grow bigger and bigger.

The next six months became hard.

The next six months, I had to live with the pain of possible rejection. I was waiting every day for an oppurtunity to confess my feelings. To let out everything I had been bottling in for the past months. To finally let him know how I felt. Alas, it was extremely difficult. Not only for me, but for him too. 

If we were to go ahead with this, we would have the whole world giving us wierd looks and stares. Yes, it was happening already but it was only the tiniest bit and of course we didn't mind it at all. We weren't in a relationship yet but it sure felt like we were. I guess that was why we earned spits from people walking down the road and sniggers.

"Poor kid, he must be really lonely."


"Honey, don't pay any mind, he's a lunatic."

Honestly speaking, they were just jealous. Just jealous of our amazing friendship that was bordering love. Only bordering at that moment.....

I guess the day that I finally confessed came quickly and passed quickly with us sitting on the couch. He was on my lap and we were watching some netflix as we cuddled through the night and honestly, I wouldn't have had it any other way.

Skip forward a few years and thats when things became truly amazing. We had known eachother for a while and we didn't want to end our relationship any time soon.

Our friend found out about this relationship and simply told me that we couldn't be together no matter what. We didn't give two s about her. She could hate on us if she wanted. Who were we to tell her that she couldn't express her opinion. It was freedom of speech. And it was also freedom of mindset. We could side with anything we wanted to. We sided with our love. That was the most important thing for us then. She could tell us countless times that we couldn't do this but our love would just wash her away like a stain on clothing.

We decided to elope when we found out that too many people dissaproved of us.

For a while, it seemed like an amazing idea but it was around then that I realised, he wasn't the one.

"Mum......What are you doing with Jinki....?"

"What do you think I'm doing with it? I'm drying my hair for god sakes! Jonghyun go get a life! This dryer isn't the only thing you have!"



And all the while, I thought he was the one for me. He was there. Silently smirking at me.

I knew I shouldn't have trusted Jinki....

I knew I should have broken his wires a long time ago....

Our unusual bond was clearly different from all others. That's why I liked it though.

It was OUR bond and only OURS.

Jinki would come back. I knew he would. And I would be there, waiting for him with a head of wet hair~




im serious that made me cringe so hard that I think my body is stuck.

Anyway, I have other fics too XD im not wierd! I swear!

Oh god........






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Chapter 1: What?! I'm speechless again... w⁠(⁠°⁠o⁠°⁠)⁠w
Yaneyane #2
Chapter 1: This has to be the bestttttttttttt fic that I've ever read 😭😂😂😂😂😂😂😂. What even was that? 😂😂😂😭😭😭😭😭
babyoil #3
Chapter 1: This is the best thing I've read in a while.
Chapter 1: omg.....jinki is a hairdryer????!!!!
i'm so serious when i read this and at the end ...taadaaaa....the twist really something haaahaha
When I realize what you meant by hairdryer, I burst into laughter. Well played.
Chapter 1: The end was just hilarious whahahaha
jongyulovexxx #7
Chapter 1: Omg.... this is so funny hahahaha lol xD