Pretty Little Liar




"I told him I lost my foot in a tragic car accident that happened approximately four years ago."

"W-Why did you tell him that?"

" make up stories as horrible as that."






P R E T T Y  L I T T L E  L I A R



When his basketball team's undefeatable title comes into an end after the Match of the Century. Jongin and his teammates were forced to volunteer in a rehabilitating facility where athletes are trained despite their disability. The sole purpose of this was to promote teamwork, determination, hardwork, and learning to accept failure. There, he meets one pretty young woman who, like all the others in the facility, lost something of her own.






"What if I told you I love you."

"Are you gonna tell me that's a lie too?"

"Maybe...but one day you'll eventually figure out which ones have been a deceit all along."



.C.O.M.I.N.G. S.O.O.N.


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