The Present

What If

"Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before." -Edgar Allan Poe





The evening air is cold. It's even colder as the weather slowly change and winter is finally approaching. I clutch to my trench coat finding comfort and hoping that it could ease a little bit of the coldness, of what i'm feeling. The leaves are one by one falling from their usual spot. Making me place myself to them, will it happen to me someday. Will I fall and be replaced to my place right now? I can feel soon it will eventually happen but not now please, not now that i'm not ready to let go.



I must be tired. Suddenly, thinking of things like that. I took a peak at my phone before looking around. Strangely, there's no one around. Not even a single car passing by the road. Paranoia is starting to creep its way to my brain as I think of worst scene that may or may not happen to me. Pressing something to my phone and wait for it to ring, standing up to the bench after 10 minutes of sitting cause my legs to feel numb. 



"You! You , how dare you come!?" I turn my back to see who's shouting. Her shouting voice broke the peacefulness of the place. She point her finger towards my direction in instict I turn around to look if someone is behind me but none. So when I look back, I dropped my phone in shock. There she was infront of me but I cannot recognize her face. She's pretty with her pouty lips, almond eyes and black short hair.



Before I move an inch she already push me with her sitting on my stomach. Struggling to get free, I manage to escape and run but why my feet are slow. She's catching up, I know because I can hear her heels clanking to the ground. Next thing I saw is I am at the edge of the railings the half of my body is ready to welcome the freezing water of han river. 



I don't know what to do. All I hear is her whispering and the voice in the phone saying the same things but I can't fathom.



"How could you do this to me..."



"I'm sorry"



I gasp for air as I tried to reach for my lampshade. Finally turning the lamp. I look around as I inspect the room like expecting something to come at me. Little did I know tears are starting to pour down my very own eyes, can't control them to stop. 



"What are you doing dara? You're suppose to be an actress. Why can't you control your tears." Getting irritated as its not stopping. I slap myself for the tears to stop. And lately pain is seemingly my new bestfriend as it always with me everyday. I wish that I can just invent a switch where can I just stop the pain that i'm currently having.



The creak of my door made me snap to what i'm thinking. I immediately lie down and pretend to sleep. The door finally open because I saw the shadow that enter. 



Minute had passed before the intruder made its way to my bed, maybe its contemplating if i'm asleep or not but who am I fool anyone when I know for myself that I can fool anyone even myself but not her. "Unnie, its okay. Just a dream. It can't hurt anyone." She whisper the words that she knows may soothe me but she's wrong. Dreams are sometimes a reflection on what's happening in our life, maybe its not in the literal way but I know its subtitute way of showing what were hiding inside. Deep inside I know its not just a dream.



And that's the every night routine I have before falling into a deep slumber.






The tension is rising and the silence is making me feel i'm deaf. I wish for a moment to someone to interrupt us before I go crazy in this damn room. Its been a hell of 30 minutes since this started and no one is talking. They seizing each other before talking. And here I am being the younger one in the group I needed to just sit at the back and just support on what they want to do. That's the life of being the maknae. Yey.



"You know you can't do that sajangnim." The older one said controlling her temper while staring to the boss without blinking. If you rewind a fe years back, she cannot keep a 3 seconds eye contact with sajangnim but now she can even talk while looking. That's how time changed her, us.



"You know the issue of the company bom. I need a distraction to the public for a meantime." Sajangnim reason out but that does not made any situation better for unnie, in fact it made it worse. "Distraction for what? For the hate for your favorite to vanish. Fine so be it but it will not lessen the hateful words the people have for him." Bom unnie said with venom in her voice. I think i'm getting poison to the words she's saying.



"Go pick anyone in this company and bait them to the netizens just to save your favorite boy." She continue. "You don't even care for our well being. YG family my a$s" And that made it, she push the button.



Sajangnim's face became impassive with no trace of emotion. "You know i'm not like that." Her eyebrow shot upward and was about to speak. "One word from you and your out."



"Here's a little information I think you already forgot, bom. Your also in one of those scandals." Sajangnim cross his arms as bom unnie become speechless. "Don't use the 'you don't care about us' to me because I know your going to benefit from this."



"But my case is different you know the truth but you chose to ignore them and hide me. How's that from protecting me." Hurst is now visible from her doe eyes. "And dara is incapable of being in the eyes of the public sajangnim. She's unstable, her health is unstable. One wrong move from her and she will become the spitefull words of the people."



Boss eyes turn soft a little as she saw how concert bom unnie to dara unnie. Even if I want to join their conversation, I know better to just stay quiete and balance things.



"That will never happen. She's the media darling. Everyone loves her, even if I don't show her for years people will remember her." He pointed out. It's the truth, people adores unnie to bits. Everyone loves her and we love her. "So be a good girl and just do what I say." Then there's the sickening silence.



A soft voice boom inside the room. shocking us. "I will do it sajangnim."






First chapter done! Hope you like it! Sorry for the wrong grammar, spelling and this crappy story. Don't have time re-reading this XD 



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yahkire #1
update juseyo authornim!! I kinda like your story! Aja! Aja! Fighting!
Nicoletan0000 #2
Chapter 1: Kinda confused :( I don't know who's talking :( maybe my getting was bad sorry