
We Got Married

A/N : Sorry for the long wait!! I'm currently writing the HARDEST chapter of this story that I constantly forgot to post Chapter 2. Sorry! :(



'Who is it?' Hyesung asked when he looked at Eric.

Eric just shrugged his shoulder.

When Hyesung opened the door, there was an envelope on the floor. He picked it up and brought it to the living room.

'We got a letter'

'What does it say?' Eric moved closer to Hyesung who was opening the envelope.

*Congratulations! You guys are officially live together as a couple! Your mission is to write a pre-wedding contract before your wedding*

'So, we are a couple finally' Hyesung mumbled and when he looked up, his face was so close to Eric's that it made him blushed.

'L-Let's not reveal our marriage vows to each other' Hyesung immediately stood up to get away from Eric.

Eric on the other hand just stared at him blankly, 'Isn't that what couples usually do? They don't tell their partner their marriage vows'

Hyesung felt embarrassed, 'Oh, right. Plus, we don't have to write them now since we don't know when is our wedding day' he said and sat opposite Eric.

'Do you want to write our pre-wedding contract now?'

'Sure!' he smiled.

'I'm going to take some papers and pens' Eric stood up and searched for it.

'Let's write separately and then we combined our contracts' Eric suggested.


Hyesung sat at the dining table while Eric sat at the sofa.

'DONE!!' they said in unison.

'You first' they said.

'No, you!' they said again.

'Okay, fine. Let's reveal our conditions one by one' Eric suggested.

'Okay' he nodded.

'First' they started.

'If you cheat on me, I would take all of your appearance fees' Hyesung said.

Eric looked at Hyesung before saying, 'You would have to sponsor me on a Bali trip with first class flight if you cheat'

'Second...' Eric gestured Hyesung to continue.

'The second condition is...' Hyesung halted and looked at Eric.

Eric sighed and showed Hyesung his paper. Hyesung was stunned but later grinned widely as he showed Eric his paper.

'Y-You don't have second?' Eric looked at him.

Hyesung shook his head, 'You also don't have'

It was reveal that they only wrote one condition for their prenuptial contract.

(The judges)

'Wah, they are so cute~' Andy chirped happily.

'I'm starting to get a good feeling about this couple' Dongwan grinned widely.

*Why didn't you have more than one conditions in your contract?*

Hyesung : I don't feel that marriage is a contract kind of thing. I'm going to take the risk and see where this relationship is heading.

Eric : Because I'm starting to feel that our relationship would last long and it would be nuisance if the contract holds us back. When Hyesung showed me his paper, I knew that I can trust him more than he trusts me.

'Before our marriage, we have to ask blessings from our parents' Hyesung said after their signed their contract.

'My parents are in the US but we can FaceTime with them'

'We can visit my parents tomorrow' Hyesung said but Eric could sensed that there was a weak tone in his voice.

Hyesung's friends, Dongwan and Junjin also noticed his tone but they didn't want to comment anything.

'Do you want to FaceTime with them now?' Eric tried to lighten up the mood.

'Wait!' Hyesung stood up and looked at himself in the mirror.

'How do I look?' Hyesung asked.

'You look like a pretty husband' he teased.

'Yah, I'm not pretty!' Hyesung glared.

Then Eric tried to reach his parents in the US and luckily they received the video call.

'Hello, mum, dad' Eric smiled happily, so different than his usual self.

'Hello, Eric-ah. How are you, son? I miss you so much' his mum said.

'I'm fine, mum and I miss you too very very much'

'Mum, dad? Remember that I told you that I'm going to be in a reality show?' Eric asked cautiously.

'Yeah' they nodded.

'Well, I'm filming the first episode right now and my partner is sitting opposite of me'

'Ommo! Where is she?! I want to see her!' his mum said excitedly.

'Before that, I want you to know that my partner is a guy, not a girl. So, I hope you're okay with that' Eric hesitantly dropped the bomb.

'So, that's why you agreed on becoming the member on the show' Eric's dad understood him immediately.

'It doesn't matter if your partner is a guy or a girl. I want to see him!' his mum said with the same tone of excitement.

Eric changed the camera and it was now looking at Hyesung. He gestured the younger guy to introduce himself.

'Hello, aunty and uncle. My name is Shin Hyesung and I'm your son's future husband. Please accept me as your son-in-law' Hyesung bowed politely.

'OMMO! Are you sure you're a guy? You have a pretty feature for a guy, dear!' Eric's mum couldn't hide her surprise.

Hyesung laughed awkwardly, 'Hahaha, yes I'm a guy, aunty'

Eric told the cameraman to hold his phone for him as he wanted to sit next to Hyesung. He looked at Hyesung and together they did their formal bow as a couple.

'Please accept us as a couple~' they said before bowing.

'Aigoo, of course we would accept you guys' Eric's dad said.

'You guys look so cute together. Are you sure you guys are in a reality show and not real life?' Mrs Mun asked suspiciously.

'W-What are you taking about, mum?' Eric stuttered.

'T-This is a reality show, aunty' Hyesung smiled awkwardly.

'A show or not, you guys look good together' she praised.

'Thank you' Eric and Hyesung thanked her.

'Listen, Eric, Hyesung. I know that most people has already accept same relationship. But bear in mind that some people couldn't accept. Whatever happen, don't listen to them and put your trust and faith in each other. If God willing, things might be better for you guys' Mr Mun advised them.

'Thank you for the advice, uncle' Hyesung smiled.

'Thanks, dad' Eric winked which in return, his dad gave a thumbs up.

'Hyesung-ah, Eric is a complicated awkward guy you want to be married with but behind those difficulties, he is a nice kid. Please be patient with him if you ever feel like killing him' Mrs Mun's turn to give her own advice.

Hyesung just chuckled, 'It's okay, aunty. Whenever I feel like killing him, I would contact you to kill him for me' he answered cheekily making both Eric's parents laughed.

(The judges)

'It seems that Eric's parents are already liking Hyesung hyung' Junjin remarked.

The judges nodded in agreement.

'He really should be thankful' Minwoo added.

'Trust me, Hyesung should also be grateful to have Eric. You would never expect that Hyesung could change 360 degree in seconds' Dongwan assured.

*Can you comment when Eric's parents gave their blessings?*

Hyesung : I'm happy and I didn't expect that they would give their blessings so easily. I would remember their advice everyday and use those as a motivation.

*Can you comment when your parents gave their blessings?*

Eric : I knew that they would give their blessing when they first saw Hyesung. I mean like who doesn't like to have Hyesung as their son-in-law? I realised that I'm really lucky to have Hyesung as my future husband because his personalities are completely different than mine and I'm sure that we are compatible with each other.

After the FaceTime, they decided to get some sleep. They bid each there goodnight and went to their respective room. Suddenly, Hyesung reminded of the video game that Eric gave. He wanted to knock on his door but he was sure that Eric had fallen asleep.

Hyesung : Eric-ah, I don't know if you have already asleep or not but I just want to say that I'll return your video game tomorrow morning before shooting.

Minutes later, he received a reply.

Eric : Why would you want to return it? I thought you like the game?

Hyesung : I do!

Eric : Just take it, Hyesung-ah. I was serious when I told you I wanted to give you my game.

Hyesung : Really? Thank you, Eric! ^^

Eric : So, I don't have to give your mug back right?

Hyesung : Nope! But promise that you will keep it properly okay.

Eric : Good because I don't intend to return it to you.

Hyesung smiled widely at the text. It seemed that Eric really sincere when he said he will keep his mug.

(Next day)

'After the traffic light, turn right' Hyesung guided Eric when they wanted to meet Hyesung's parents.

Eric was stunned when they arrived at the cemetery. He looked at Hyesung and what he got in return was a faint smile from the singer. Eric quickly off the camera and told the cameramen to turn off theirs.

'Are you sure you want to do this, Hyesung?' Eric asked.

He didn't want because of some reality shows, Hyesung revealed his painful past.

'I'm sure. I think it's time for everyone to know that my parents are dead' he nodded.

'The time will come when you're in a REAL relationship, Hyesung'

'But I want to do this. I want to make this marriage sounds real' he stubbornly said.

Eric sighed at his stubbornness as this was the first time he saw the stubborn side of Hyesung.

'Alright. Let's just go and get their blessings without the camera okay' Eric smiled.

Hyesung gave him the biggest smile and nodded, 'Okay!'

Eric told the cameramen to keep this as a secret which they complied and he said that he will personally told the PDs about it. Together, they went to Hyesung's parents' graves.

'Hello, mum, dad. It's been awhile since I last saw you. I'm really sorry' Hyesung smiled and kneeled in front of them. Eric followed his gesture.

'I want to introduce you to someone. This is Eric, my future husband!' he said cheerfully.

Eric played along and smiled at the graves, 'Good morning, aunty, uncle. My name is Eric Mun and I am Hyesung's future husband'

'Don't be too shocked, guys' Hyesung laughed and continued, 'He is my virtual husband. We are on this marriage reality show. Even though it's just for entertainment, we want to make it real. That's why we're here. We want to get your blessings!'

'Please accept me as your son-in-law, aunty, uncle' Eric bowed politely.

'Yes, please accept us as a couple~'

After they asked Hyesung's parents for their blessings, they walked towards their cars. Eric noticed some tears in the corner of Hyesung's eyes. So, he held Hyesung's hands and smiled.

'This is what couples usually do if the other half is sad' Eric innocently explained.

Hyesung chuckled and rubbed his eyes, 'I like the comfort that you're giving'

'You smile... I'm glad' he smiled.

'You know, my parents died 6 years ago due to an accident. Thank God, I have Junjin and Dongwan to help me physically and emotionally' he looked up to the sky.

'From now on, whether I'm still your husband or not, I'm going to help you too' Eric encouraged him.

'Thank you, Eric-ah'

Later, Eric met up with the PD and told him about Hyesung's situation. Thankfully, he understood and said that he will make some changes to the footage.

It was the first weekend break for Hyesung and Eric and they were allowed to go home. That night, they received a text from the PD saying that at 10pm, the premiere of their first episode together started.

(Eric's side)

Eric took a beer from his fridge and switched on his TV to watch the first episode. To be honest, he was a little bit nervous to see himself on TV. No, not because how he would look on TV but rather, how he interacted with Hyesung. Was it going to be natural or plain boring? He didn't usually appeared on reality shows so often because he was too busy with his dramas and movies.

'Eh?' Eric mumbled when he saw two familiar face on the judge panels.

'Yah, these morons!' he cursed when it was confirmed Minwoo and Andy as the judges.

No one told him that his friends were going to be the judges.

Eric immediately called Minwoo and Andy, 'YAH, YOU BASTARDS! Why didn't you tell me that you guys are the judges?!' he said angrily.

'First of all, you never asked' Minwoo defended himself.

'Second of all, we wanted to give you a surprise' Andy added.

'SURPRISE!' they said in unison and laughed mockingly.

'I can't believe that my two dumb friends are the judges and the only thing they did was complaining and talking bad about their friend' Eric scoffed.

'But you seemed like you had fun with Hyesung hyung' Andy said.

Eric kept quiet. He did had fun with Hyesung during the filming.

'So much fun that you gave the limited edition game that I wanted to borrow' Minwoo said sarcastically.

'Too bad then. He is now my boyfriend and automatically becomes someone more important than you, Minwoo' Eric smirked.

'ERIC MUN! Next time I see you, you're so going to be dead'

'Like you dare, small guy. Anyway, I'm hanging up. Bye' Eric said and he could heard his best friends started cursing before he hung up.

He continued to watch the show and overall, he liked what he see. He felt that he didn't feel fake and that the show was real to him. He didn't know whether it was a good thing or not.

(Hyesung's side)

'Omg, it's in 5 minutes! Should I watch or should I not?' Hyesung nervously asked himself.

He didn't know what to expect honestly like how he would look like. Would he look good with Eric?

As soon as he started watching, he was surprised to see his friends, Dongwan and Junjin in the judge panels.

'Dongwan! Junjin! Why didn't you tell me about you guys being the judge?'

'We wanted to give you a surprise, hyung!'


'I'm really surprised. What did you think of us? Do we look okay? Aish, I don't want to make it look fake!' Hyesung started to be anxious.

'Eyyy, you don't look fake at all' Dongwan assured him.

'Did you have fun, hyung?' Junjin asked seriously.

Hyesung stuttered, 'I-I did'

'Then, you didn't look fake at all! I'm pretty sure that Eric hyung had fun too!' Junjin grinned widely.

'Did you guys go to your parent's cemetery?' Dongwan asked.

Hyesung kept quiet, 'Yeah' he said softly.

'I wanted to make it real as possible with the cameras of course, but Eric won't let me. Instead we went without the cameras. Eric said that he would talk to PDs about it'

'That's so nice of him' Dongwan said sincerely.

'Yeah, he is nice even though he's socially awkward' Hyesung chuckled lightly.

During the part when they asked Eric's parents for their blessings, Hyesung wouldn't lie when he felt really nervous as if it was a real thing. Somehow, he was really lucky to have Eric as his partner. Even when he tried to make it look real, it ended to be real. No fakeness in his actions or words.

Both Eric and Hyesung didn't understand why they felt the marriage was somehow real? Is this normal like other couples? Or something they shouldn't feel?







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Chapter 8: that's lovely!!
wishing the show program to be real(^_^)hahaha
Chapter 8: I love it! This story is amazing! It was a brilliant idea Author-nim having Ricsyung in WGM! I can't stop thinking of them in the real WGM! Man that will really blow our Ricsyung-shippers' world!! ☺
Chapter 8: AHHHH SO SWEET!!! The magic of WGM to these two. XD Daebak authornim!
Gobybae #4
Chapter 8: Here, my heart. Take i! =)))))))
ryoukocha #5
Chapter 8: I like the ending kkkk. VIVA RiCSYUNG ! XD
zhendy-mf #6
Chapter 8: sooooo, lovely
Chapter 8: YEAY ! IT'S UPDATED ! Thank you author-nim ~
SoulDragon #8
Chapter 8: Yyaaaahhh, so lovely! Thank you very much author-nim for this.
esluve #9
Chapter 8: Wahh its such cute story of them... why they suddenly quitting kkkkk authornim (^o^)
Bt yeahhhh they are tgt now hehe
HunieMineNahLuluis #10
Chapter 8: Aww but am wanna see people reaction when they say they gonna marry and they already on realitionship tho,but still cute fanfic authornim thank you soo much for Ur hard work