


 "God, Taem, you little creep."
 "Shut the up, Krys." 
 Taemin wasn't being creepy, he was observing from a distance, or at least that's what he was telling himself. It was hard not to observe, not with a face like that-
 "I'm never taking you out with me ever again if we get caught."
 "Oh my god, stop being such a drama queen, Stal." 
 It all started very innocently actually. Krystal, one of Taemin's best friends, had invited him to the local cafe to grab something to eat. Though he did suspect an ulterior motive, Taemin accepted and here they were. Krystal was finishing the last of her strawberry shortcake while Taemin was staring, no, more gawking at the man sitting at the table in front of them. Well, not in front of them, the table in front them was empty, it was the on in front of that one. Either way, the guy was ing gorgeous. Taemin watched as the man wrapped his tanned hand around the coffee cup, bringing it up to his lips, taking a sip. Taemin's eyes were glued to his Adam's Apple as it bobbed up and down with each gulp before the man set it down, turning his gaze to his phone. The blonde looked away for a moment before taking a sip of his own bubble tea. 
Ugh, he's so hot.
 "I wish I was his coffee." Taemin spoke nonchalantly before turning to his friend, who looked at him with disgust.
 "You're so gross. Ew. What the actual , Taemin?" She said, rolling her eyes, causing Taemin to lightly jut out his lower lip. 
 "See, now you know how I feel when you and Jinri fangirl over those K-pop guys-"
 "Don't you dare bring iKON into this, Bobby's abs to die for. And it's not like I stare at him in the middle of cafe you weirdo." The fiery haired girl spat. Taemin simply stuck his tongue at her before turning to the coffee guy once again.
Ugh, he's so hot.
Taemin was thankful the guy was too busy on his phone to actually notice his creepy staring. It gave him time to admire his well-defined jaw line, and messy brown hair. Taemin swore he felt his heart suddenly flutter when a charming smile appeared on Coffee Guy's face as he typed something quickly on his phone. Taemin let out a soft sigh.
Please smile at me like that.
That's when Taemin noticed how Coffee Guy was shaking his cup, as if he was trying to hear if there was anymore coffee left. That meant he was probably done and Taemin wouldn't be able to stare at him anymore. 
Nope, I'm not ready for this.
 "Krystal- I think he's done. Oh my god, he's probably gonna go now and I will never see his gorgeous face ever again. What do I do?-" Taemin whines as he poked at his friend's cheek, which in turn, earn him a hard smack in his arm.
 "First of all, stop that- and I don't know?- take a picture or something?" She snorted as he took the last bite of her came. Taemin blinked. That was a brilliant idea- pictures lasted longer anyways.
 "You're so smart, Stal."
 "What?- Taemin no. I was kidding oh my god don't-"
Taemin reached into his back pocket to fish out his phone. He knew this was a new level of stalker but he couldn't help it- it's not like he'd every see the guy again so what was the harm in taking in picture? With that, Taemin quickly tapped to his camera option, focusing in on man.
 Holy , he looks glorious on camera too.
 It was just then, Coffee Guy looked straight ahead at the camera, sending at almost confused look.
 Awh, he looks like a puppy, wait-
 "Taemin- he's looking at you weirdly- he knows, oh my god, he knows-" Krystal began panicking while Taemin merely brushed it off. 
 "Don't be ridiculous." He mumbled, waiting for the perfect moment. Coffee Guy was still looking at at him and Taemin started to get paranoid. So he quickly threw an arm around Krystal, pulling her close to him.
 "Taemin, what the fu-"
 "Shh, we're 'taking a selfie', okay-" 
That way he wouldn't suspect anything. Krystal just groaned, mumbling about how pathetic Taemin was before faking a smile to make the act seem more believable. Taemin smiled as well before finally tapping the camera button and with a bright flash, the picture was successfully taken.
 Taemin froze as he brought his phone down. Coffee Guy was staring right at him with a stunned look on his face. His flash was on. Taemin's lips parted as if he was going to say something, but his flash was on. He turned to Krystal who was just as shocked because his flash was on.
"Taemin you idiot, you are truly an idiot-" Krystal hissed, pulling away from him. Great, now Coffee Guy was staring at him. Taemin could practically feel his cheeks heat up and turn fifty shades of scarlet, he's never felt this embarrassed before.
 Wow Taemin, you ed up. 
 Taemin glanced back at the man, who was now getting up and walking towards them.
 "Oh my god- Taemin he's coming towards us- I can't- I'm going to the bathroom, bye-" Taemin's eyes widened as his best friend got up and scurried away into the ladies' room.
 Krystal, you - how dare you leave me like this-
 Taemin could feel his heart rapidly pound against his chest as Coffee Guy stepped closer and closer to him. This is the most embarrassing things he's ever done and now Coffee Guy knows he's a creepy. Good bye to any chance he ever had.
Kill me now, I'd be fine with dying at this moment. I'm sorry Jinki Hyung, tell Mom and Dad I love them-
"Did you...just take a picture of me?" Taemin's thoughts were interrupted by a low, but smooth voice. Taemin's heart stopped as he turned around to meet his gaze with none other than Coffee Guy. 
Wow, you're a lot shorter than I thought.
Taemin blinked once, parting his plush lips as he thought of a good excuse.
 "Uhh.." There really was no point in lying when he was so painfully obvious. Taemin took a moment to observe Coffee Guy's expression. He didn't seem upset, which was a good thing, Taemin thought himself as the other pressed his lips into a thin line, arms crossed.
 "I- Yes, I did in fact take a picture of you and it's hella fine." Taemin suddenly said, shooting out of chair. Honesty was key and he was pretty shameless anyways, not like he was gonna ever see this guy again. Coffee Guy seemed only amused by Taemin's outburst and Taemin swore he saw his lips tug on a small smirk.
 "Can I see?"
Please don't think I'm creepy.
Taemin reached down to pick up his phone, quickly opening it to the picture he took. He didn't get a chance to look at it and he might as well show the guy at that. Nothing would prepare him for the sight he would see next. 


What the ???!!??

For a moment, Taemin stared at picture with shock. Of course this would only happen to him, he took the picture right as Coffee Guy was blinking. He looked so stupid and with that Taemin lost it. The blonde let out a loud snort before bursting into a fit of laughter. He didn't care if thy whole cafe was staring at him, this was too funny.
Oh God, it hurts, I'm dying- Oh my god-
"What?- what's so funny?! Gimmie that-" he heard Coffee Guy say a he snatched his phone from him.
"Holy -" Taemin only laughed harder and in turn, he could hear Coffee Guy laugh with him. Taemin took his phone back, breathing hard before looking at picture again.
This was great.
"I really hope that's not your definition of 'hella fine'-" The shorter male chuckled. 
"You still look hot." Taemin replied shamelessly, earning a snort from the other.
"Delete that you little weirdo-"
"Nah man, I'm making you my lock screen." Taemin looked back at Coffee Guy, sending him a bright, but cheeky grin, in return, Coffee Guy gave Taemin a charming smile and Taemin could feel his heart do flips all over again. 
You're so attractive, man. 
"You're lucky you're cute, don't think I didn't notice you staring at me like a creep." Taemin's eyes widened slightly. 
"Wait- you noticed?-"
"Yeah, you're kinda obvious..." And here he thought he was being so clever. The blonde shoved his phone back into his pocket, lightly jutting out his bottom lip. So much for that. His little pout earned another laugh from the stranger and Taemin was glad that Krystal wasn't here to witness this, she'd never let him go. 
 "But like I said, you're cute. I'd be lying if I said I didn't sneak a couple glances myself, but I thought you were with your girlfriend or something..." The other male trailed off, causing Taemin to arch a brow. He wasn't sure if the man was being serious or was just trying to make him feel better, but either way, he was a little flattered. This certainty wasn't what he was expecting but it was a nice turn of events. 
 "Ew no, she's not my girlfriend- she's a loser. I'm totally single by the way, just saying."
 "Wow you're such dork- Jonghyun by the way."
"Jonghyun, my name is Jonghyun and music is my passion." Coffee Guy grinned, reaching out his arm for Taemin to take. Taemin looked at him for a moment, before smiling, grasping the other's hand, shaking it once.
 "Oh, I'm Taemin and steak is my passion." He replied cheekily, causing the other to snort again.
 "Yup, a total dork." He mumbled before glancing down his own phone. 
 "Anyways Taemin, as much as I'd love learn more about you and your passion for steak- I gotta run to work now." Coffee Gu- Er, Jonghyun started before shoving his phone towards him. "Instead of taking stupid pictures of me, how about you give me your number?" The man smirked and Taemin lit up like a Christmas tree.
Damn, he's totes into me.
"Sure, why not?" Taemin took the phone, quickly saving his number before handing it back. Jonghyun looked at his phone again, grinning lightly before looking at Taemin.
 "Cool. I'll text you later?"
Taemin watched as the other waved at him before finally leaving the cafe. He couldn't believe this actually happened. Taemin was about to do his happy dance until he heard footsteps approach him.
"What happened? Did he beat you up?" Taemin inwardly groaned as he heard the familiar voice, turning to his friend.
Nice timing, . Can't believe you left me like that.
 Taemin lightly rolled his eyes, crossing his arms across his chest.
"No- in fact he thinks I'm cute and got my number." He said with a smug smirk. 
I'm not about to tell you he knew I was stalking him.
Krystal wrinkled her nose before letting out a soft sigh. 
 "Bummer. Anyways, Amber called and said the girls wanna do a shopping trip today. Go pick the rest of them up and drive us to the mall." Taemin let out a soft whine at the sudden demand, and questioned why he was even friends with her. He'd much rather wait for Jonghyun's text then go shopping with a bunch of chicks. 
 "Since when did I become your chauffeur?-"
 "Since Sunyoung Unnie started dating your brother and he said we could do anything we want with you. Now let's gooooooooooo!~"
Damn you, Jinki Hyung.
Taemin sighed but couldn't help but smile as his friend sent him a bright expression. Unfortunately she was cute. 
 "Alright whatever let's go." He muttered, jutting out his elbow for the girl to take. Krystal happily took his elbow, letting out a small cheer. The two friends were about to walk out the door when Taemin felt his back pocket vibrate. 
The two stopped, as Taemin pulled out his phone to check. It was an unknown number. Taemin opened the message and wheezed.


'Make this your lock screen instead ; )'

Needless to say, Taemin was not at all ashamed with the inhuman nose he let out.
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Chapter 1: So funny and cute! I love it! (。◕‿◕。)❤️
Chapter 1: OMG this is such a cute fic and the characterizations are really full of sass that I wanna pinch them all because so so so adorable!! Tbh, I feel Krystal a lot. Taemin is such a shame honestly hahah BUT I am so freaking glad that Jonghyun wasn't really that disturbed with the failed stalking that Taemin did. Sighs I wish this was a bit longer because I really had fun reading this <333333
Seoulqueenka #3
Chapter 1: Jongtae was so cute. Lol Krystal just abandoned him.
Chapter 1: I shouldn't laugh that hard at the pic Taemin took xD my gosh
Chapter 1: Amazing like I thought it turned out to be. It's has a good cute plot and the interaction between tae and krys is just hillarious just like tae and that pretty mouth of his. You did a great job, it's a good fanfic. It makes you laugh but as well have the damn feels.
backpackkid #6
Chapter 1: Omg omg omggggggggggggggg gosh my jongtae feels :""""""" how you can write so well? I mean, the idea is just so cute good fluff overload and whatnot. K. bye.
Chapter 1: this was very cute oh gosh ;u; taemin you dork. i really liked the friendship between taemin and krystal omfg