The Fear

My Celebrity Crush



“Oppa, it’s amazing how nobody recognize us, right?” She asked. Her hand was clinging to my arm. I turned to face her and smiled. *I wonder what Yeon Jung is doing right now?* I suddenly thought of her.

It was quite sad not being able to celebrate with her like previous year. A lot had change this year. I rarely get a chance to meet with her due to our hectic schedule, promotions and also showcases. I hope she’s doing fine and frankly speaking, I miss those times I used to spend with her.

“Oppa, what are you thinking right now?” Suzy waved her hand snapping me out of my thought. I shook my head and briefly answered her, “Nothing…”

“Oppa, look, those people are probably getting ready with the firework.” Suzy pointed out. My attention turned towards where she was pointing. Just then, Yeon Jung’s face come racing inside my mind. “Oppa, are you really okay? You look distracted. Anything bothering you?” She asked as her eyes eagerly waiting for my answer.

“No...” I assured her. We then continued to take a stroll around the town while enjoying the cold winter breeze. As we were walking, we passed a bookstore. This was Yeon Jung’s favourite bookstore. She always comes here during her free time. I stopped my pace and grabbed Suzy’s arm, dragging her inside.

“Oppa, I thought you hate books.” Suzy said. “I just need to get something for Yeon Jung.” I answered her as I made my way to the horror genre section.  Yeon Jung loves to read horror books. Not just book, she also enjoys horror film and watching horror film was one of our ways of celebrating New Year.

Every year, she would come to my house to watch horror movie. In the end, I would end up sleeping and she would be watching it all by herself.

Unconsciously, I smiled to that thought. It was indeed a good time. “Oppa~~ It’s getting bored in here. Let’s go.” She whined as she grabbed my hand.

“Okay okay.” I said and arranged my step to the cashier to pay for the book.

We walked out of the bookstore after paying. Right at that moment, my phone rang. It was from Sunggyu hyung.

“Ahh, hyung. Wae?” I asked.

“Remember to come here at 11pm.” He reminded.

“Oh ok. I’ll come with Suzy ok?”

“Araso. See you soon.” He said and we both hung up. I put back my phone into my pocket and turned towards Suzy.

”Wae? What’s wrong?”I stopped her from pacing and asked when I noticed that she was gloomy all of a sudden.

She crossed her arm and just merely shook her head. “Sometimes I even wonder if you actually had feeling towards Unnie..” She said casually. I was completely shocked by her sudden remark.

“What made you think that?”

She looked away, still with her arm crossed. “You talked about her all the time and you always care for her. You bought her present, and look, you even made her photos as your wallpaper.”

“What? It was a photo of the two of us.” I tried to clear things up.

“I’m your girlfriend oppa. Why didn’t you put our picture as the wallpaper? Why her?” she slightly raised her voice.

“Yah, it’s just a small matter. Alright I’ll change it to our photo then if that’s what you want.” I finally said.

She rolled her eyes and turned away, not wanting to face me. “Why are you so jealous about such small thing?” I asked, seeking for her explanation.

“It might be small for you, but not for me. We have been a couple for almost 2 months, but I feel as if I am never special in your eyes.” She said as she lowered her head.

I was speechless for a very short moment. Without even a word coming from her, she walked away.

“Suzy ah.” I called her and grabbed her wrist.” I need some time. Maybe this date could end right here. Happy New year Oppa.” She said. She then placed her lips on my cheek and started to pace again, leaving me dumfounded.

I wanted to chase her, to stop her from taking another step but unfortunately, my body refused to do it. It was as if my feet were completely glued to the ground. I stood still as I watched her disappeared from my sight.

I used to be so sure of my feeling towards her, but right this moment, I was unsure of my own feeling…



“Myung ah~~” You slightly raised your voice and pulled your arm from his grasp.  He stopped walking.

“Why are you dragging me like that in front of your hyung. You should at least show a lil bit of respect!” you almost yelled at him. You breathed heavily trying to control your anger.

He turned to face you. “Are you out of your mind?” He suddenly raised his voice too causing you to startle. “You know why I dragged you from there?” He paused to catch a breathe.

”That place is the perfect spot to watch the firework. You could see all the fireworks in Seoul from there.” He said to you leaving you speechless.

You looked down avoiding his gaze.  You actually had a really serious fear of fireworks due to a past incident. Few years back, you witnessed your mom being killed by the loan shark on New Year’s Eve. Your mom was shot right in front of your eyes the same moment the fireworks exploded. Because of that, you were scared of the firework.

From that day onwards, you would try to avoid the fireworks. Even small exploding fireworks can cause you really severe anxiety. That’s why every year, you avoided celebrating New Year.

Myungsoo took a glance over his watch. “It’s almost midnight. Let’s get home quick.” He said and grabbed your arm again.


“I’m going to stay here with you until your unnie get home.” He said as soon as you guys entered your house. He then walked towards the window and closed the curtain.

“This way, you won’t be able to see the firework.” He said to you while flashing you a smile.

“And by the way, I have some good movies we can watch together tonight.” He showed you three sets of CD’s.

Just then,

Boom Boom…

You heard the firework exploded. It wasn’t really a loud one but you could still hear it. Your heart suddenly pounded wildly and you were slightly shaking. Myungsoo walked towards you and placed the headphone to your ears. He turned the volume up. You glanced up meeting his gaze. He then pulled you into a hug and embraced you tightly.

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ArmytaLKim #1
I just begin to read and surprise seeing ArmytaLKim in there! Good job! I definitely gonna read this!
Love the fact that it says lovelyb2utie
asdfg5555 #3
Chapter 59: great story! love it <3
pinott #4
Chapter 59: Off to the sequel then...

Btw, your writing is good, can't wait to read the sequel :D
Chapter 9: new reader :3 am really enjoying this! Great~~
Chapter 59: this story is interesting...
gonna read the sequel now
hi, new reader here...
i'm so happy reading this...
kartikakholidah #9
Chapter 59: no sequel???
btw it's awesome!!!
Chapter 31: Im crying :(