Love Marks

Love Marks

“This is so bad.”

“It’s not that bad.”

“No, Hanbin, it’s pretty bad.”

“Look you can barely see that one!”

"Oh, my God, I hate you so much right now."

"What? I think they’re cute." Hanbin poked your neck at one of the many ‘love spots’ he seemed to enjoy so much.

You slapped his arm. “I have to go to work, stupid! Do you know how hard it is to cover these up?!”

"Oh, come on, babe." He hugged you from behind, his reflection smirking at you in the bathroom mirror. "Are you embarrassed?" He kissed your shoulder.

You grunted at his teasing. As much as you thoroughly enjoyed his neck kisses, it came at a price. Every girl knows how difficult it is to cover up even a single hickey. Try five! Seeing as last night was one tipsy blur, you didn’t really have any time to protest before your boyfriend went off on a rampage all over your neck.

"I just really wish you hadn’t done this before a work day." You sighed, rubbing one mark in particular that was two seconds away from just being a black hole in your neck. "It’s the dinner shift; I’ll be bumping into people all night. And I have to tie my hair up, too!"

"How do you think I feel?" Hanbin feigned discomfort. "I can’t walk around shirtless without seeing—"

"Hanbin, don’t—"

"—your claw marks all over my back!"

You mentally face-palmed yourself. As much as you wanted to put all the blame on him right now, some of this might have been your fault, too. And seeing as he was practically bleeding from where your dominant hand was, the damage on him might be slightly worse than the damage on you.


He stripped off his hoodie and pulled up the back to reveal red streaks going down his skin. “I mean, seriously, it’s like I got mauled by a panther!”

You rolled your eyes. “It’s not that bad.”

He backed into you, pressing his back onto your arm. “Look at that! How is this not that bad?! If Bobby ever saw it, he’d tease me for the rest of my life…”

"Hmph." You scoffed. "It’s not the same."

Your boyfriend raised his eyebrows. “Are you serious?”

"At least you can cover those…" You muttered under your breath.

Hanbin simply smiled to himself as he got redressed. He loved it when you had your little tantrums over him. After a year of your antics, he just knew what to expect and how to fix everything.

"So how are you going to cover them?" He followed you into your bedroom.

You rummaged through your makeup bag. “With as much cover up and foundation as possible.”

Hanbin grabbed your hand before you could begin applying.

"What?" You snapped.

"You and I both know that your neck is a little paler than your face. It won’t be the right shade."

"It’s not like I have any other options—" You started to apply again.

Hanbin grabbed your arm and motioned for you to sit down on the bed. He knelt in front of you with a sincere grin. “You’re beautiful, you know that?”

Despite how frustrating he could be, he knew just what to say and when to say it.

He pushed your hair back passed your shoulders. “You know, this is the greatest part about having a girlfriend who always wakes up late.”

"What are you doing?"

"Just close your eyes." He cooed.

You did just as he said. After a couple of seconds of silence, you felt something cold touch your neck. Taking a peek at Hanbin, you realized that he was putting something on your neck. Your eyes shot open.

"What are you doing?!" You started to panic. What was he doing?! What does he know about makeup?!

"Relax, babe." He chuckled. "I ran to the store while you were asleep, and grabbed something a shade lighter. Look! It blends perfectly. I even got an expensive one."

You ran to the mirror to inspect. Low and behold, he was right. He covered up two of the five marks completely much to your surprise.

You felt him hug you from behind once more. He smiled into your neck, kissing you again. “Another one?” You smirked.

"Might as well." Hanbin shrugged. "I bought expensive concealer for a reason, didn’t I?"

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Loveexo1 #1
So cute :)
un_known99 #2
Chapter 1: wahh!! so cuteeeee!!! i love it!!!
Yonghyunism #3
Chapter 1: Soo cute!!
Chapter 1: Didn't you get this from imaginekon?? (Tumblr)
Smitians #5
Chapter 1: so cute <3
Chapter 1: OMG hanbin! So cute!!! :D the way he said those sweet stuff made me melt
Chapter 1: Hanbin is so sweet ...... The way he talk to her is so romantic ><
aldimia #8
Chapter 1: Aww hanbin so qtt
Ok I like this oneshot ;)))