Chapter 4

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The majority of the morning was spent in Chanyeol's living room, putting things in boxes. There wasn't anything big, it was mainly pictures of friends and family, DVDs and video games. It didn't take very long to get everything together since Chanyeol's apartment was, well..small. The main battle would be Chanyeol's bedroom, and Baekhyun knew this because of the younger boy's habit of keeping things way past when they're needed.

Baekhyun sighed when they finally made it into the taller boy's room. Chanyeol opened up his closet and immediately started putting all of his hats into a suitcase. "Chanyeol, do you really need all of those hats?" Baekhyun questioned. "These are all I need." Chanyeol replied. He didn't even sound like he was joking.

"Chan, you do realize that you can't take JUST hats with you, right?" Baekhyun asked him, not sure if the boy was being serious or not because he sure as hell looked like he was. "But Baek, I can wear your clothes." Chanyeol smirked. "Chanyeol you cannot wear my clothes. You won't even fit into them!" Baekhyun exclaimed. This made the younger gasp as if he was offended. "Are you calling me fat?" He put a hand to his chest, gesturing that he was hurt by his friend's words. "No, I'm calling you a ing giant. Come on, Chanyeol." Baekhyun rolled his eyes, and Chanyeol started actually packing his clothes.


Once they finally got everything packed, they loaded up Chanyeol's car and made their way back to their house.

Baekhyun was thinking about it all the way home. Their house. Baekhyun wasn't living alone anymore. He had lived on his own for awhile, but to be honest his house was fairly small. Now with all this space, he didn't like the quiet and now he has Chanyeol to live with him. It was all he could think about, honestly.

Once they arrived, Baekhyun helped Chanyeol carry everything inside and he left his friend to unpack his things.

"Hey, Baek!" Baekhyun heard Chanyeol yell from the other room. "What?" Baekhyun yelled back, too lazy to get up. "Come look! I finally got my room fixed up!" He could almost hear the smile in his friend's voice. "Okay, okay. I'm coming." Baekhyun laughed to himself.

He made his way upstairs and stuck his head through the doorway of what was now Chanyeol's room. It looked nice. Everything was neatly organized, the bed was even made. Baekhyun was impressed, mainly because Chanyeol was never really neatly organized before. "It looks great, Chanyeol!" Baekhyun said to his friend who was sitting on the floor. Chanyeol was just sitting there, smiling like the dork he is.

Baekhyun was about to make his way into the room further too look at everything when he seemed to miss the box right in front of him. Tripping on it, Baekhyun closed his eyes while he awaited the pain of hitting the floor.

That pain never came though.

When Baekhyun opened his eyes, he realized he hand landed on something tall and broad. Well..he landed on Chanyeol. He was staring right at the giant, their faces two centimeters apart. Neither of them moved. Nor did they speak. They just sat there and stared at each other for what seemed like forever.

Especially to Chanyeol. He just couldn't stop staring at Baekhyun. The older's eyes were big and round, most likely because he was shocked from the fall. His mouth was slightly opened, and h

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Chanbaeksugerplum123 #1
Chapter 5: Sooooooooooooo cute ?????????????
kamboja #2
Chapter 5: ong so cute,....moreeeree pleaseeeeeeee
btexolyn #3
update soon please
Chapter 4: Yehet!! Go channie go!~~ this chap! Scratch that, LOVE THIS STORY ! Heheheheheh.good job authornim~ hwaithing ^-^
Phoenixtears #5
Chapter 4: Yessss <3 go get him channie!
Chapter 4: i looooove it
Chapter 3: Love this, Can't wait for the next update! Looking forward to more fluff.
Chapter 3: I love this so freaking much!!!!1
sleepyixing #9
Chapter 2: I'm already in love with this fanfic omg