

Hoseok didn't know if he would ever see him again. He didn't know if he ever wanted to see him again. The last time he saw Yoongi, he was walking out of the door on his way to work. Hoseok didn't know that he wouldn't come home that day. That was two months ago. Two months that the love of his life never came back. Hoseok tried texting him, calling him, he even showed up at his work, but he was nowhere to be seen. 

Hoseok gave up after that day. He stopped going to school, stopped going to work, and stopped talking to his friends. All he did was stay in his house, Yoongi's stuff still laying around because Hoseok couldn't bring himself to throw it away. He even slept in Yoongi's shirts, just to feel like he was still there with him, but he wasn't.

He's had enough. He was tired of being miserable for someone who didn't even care. Someone who was so low that he couldn't even break up with him. Hoseok got up and got dressed. He needed to get out, the memories of Yoongi were suffocating him. He grabbed his jacket and headed to the park. It was always nice there.

There was a slight breeze, pushing cool air onto Hoseok's face. It was a refreshing contrast to his stuffy home. He stopped at the fountain, smiling at the kids playing to his left. Hoseok admired their innocence. He was envious of the innocence that children have, the innocence that he once had. Someone walked up to him, stopping to his right. He looked over, a smile on his face, and a hello on the tip of his tongue, but it never left his lips, His smile faded, a grimace replacing it. Yoongi stood next to him, shaking with anticipation, nervous at what Hoseok would say, but Hoseok said nothing. He just hugged him. Hoseok knows he shouldn't be doing this, he should walk away, but deep down he knows that all he wanted was to see him again.

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riceucakes #1
Chapter 1: Awww :') Hoseok loves too much ♡ and that "He was tired of being miserable for someone who didn't even care. " hits home oh gosh ♡♡♡ /two thumbs up/ (and is this going to be a chapter fic or this is all?^^)