Is This Even A Date?!

Crazy Beats

"Ria," your professor called. You ran up to her and waited.

"I would like to enter you as a possible candidate for this years valedictorian," she said handing you a paper.

"Thank you so much!" you bowed. She smiled.

"I'm pretty sure you'll win, but we'll see," she said. You signed your name on to the paper and handed it back to her. 

"Well, congratulations on graduating. I'll see you at the ceremony in a couple days. Great work sweetheart," she said hugging you. You bowed and thanked her before heading out. There were two large crowds as you headed out to the exit of the school.

"Come check out the final test scores seniors!" someone yelled. You pushed through the crowd and looked for your name.

Name: Score: Place:
Park Ria 100% 1st

You let out a breath of relieve and took a picture of the paper with your phone. 

"Congrats Ri," a girl said patting your shoulder.

"Thank you, you too!" you smiled seeing her name right under yours. You walked out and towards the front to see another crowd.

"Oppa!" you heard the girls scream. 

"Oh my gosh! He's so hot!" another girl yelled. You just avoided the crowd, but looking over your shoulder you saw Yongguk leaning against a motorcycle.

"Excuse me," you pushed past them. They growled and shoved, refusing to move. You managed to squeeze through because of your small height. 

"Yongguk!" you called. He looked over to see you and walked over, causing girls to scream in that area. He held his hand out and you grabbed it as he pulled you towards him. Other girls who tried to grab his hand shamefully hid themselves. 

"Way to make a scene," you said gasping for air. 

"I have something to show you," he said handing you a helmet. You looked at him like something was major suspicious.

"Hurry up, damn," he smirked. He never showed his gummy smile in public.

"Gees, chill," you laughed a little, putting the helmet on and getting on the ride. He grabbed your arms and wrapped it around his waist. 

"Where are we going?" you asked.

"You'll see," he said. He pulled into a parking lot, showing the building you bought. He then parked the bike and looked at you. He grabbed your hand and pulled you towards the entrance. 

"Oh, hey guys!" you said seeing the gang.

"Glad to see you sober," Himchan joked. Yongguk hugged you from the back and punched Himchan's arm for you.

"So what is everyone doing here?" you asked. Jongup and Zelo pulled a cloth. 

"No way," you said eyes growing wide. On the top of the entrance was a brand new, bright sign.

'Crazy Beats' and a pretty sheet music design on it.

"You guys are the best!" you said excited. 

"Hey hun, why don't you check out the interior?" Yuna suggested. She pulled you away from Yongguk and hooked arms with you. You both ran in. You pulled the door opened to see posters and lights everywhere. 

"This is where they can find music. Each aisle has their own genre. This station is where they can start fusing music. For fun, we Yongguk installed a silent booth where they could add their own vocals," Yuna said showing you around.

"This is where they come to the front desk to pick up their CDs and prints," Youngjae said while sitting behind the counter and spinning on the rolling chair.

"And what's with the stage?" you asked.

"This is your stage. You can be DJ Ria whenever you want," Yongguk said. 

"Well, if you don't mind, Himchan Oppa and I are going to go take a nap," Yuna winked.

"Ew, leave," you said shooing them.

"Thanks though," you added. She smiled and hugged you before leaving with Himchan.

"Dae and I are going to get some cheesecake and boba, you guys want to come?" Youngjae asked.

"Me!" the maknaes yelled. 

"I want to look around some more," you said hugging them.

"Alright, we'll see you," Daehyun said before heading out. You turned around and just hugged Yongguk, burying your face into his chest. Yongguk pulled you towards the back room. 

"How's the uniform?" he asked amused. It was a fitted white t-shirt with the logo on it.

"That's so cute," you said picking it up.

"Oh and here," he said handing you a red bandana. tied it in your hair and smiled, looking in a mirror.

"We open for buisness in 2 days. You wanna help advertise?" he asked holding flyers. 

"Sounds very romantic," you said sarcastically. You wore the uniform with ripped jean shorts and the bandana and grabbed a stack of flyers. You saw that Yongguk had the same shirt on, but with ripped jeans on, and his fake specs. 

"I like that," you said pointing at his new snapback. He wore it backwards and had on his gummy smile. You locked the store up and entered the streets of Seoul, to adverise. 

*After 2 hours* 

"I love this cafe," you said plopping down on a chair. He handed you a mason jar with pink lemonade while he had a regular lemonade.

"It's really hot," he said fanning himself with a flyer.

"We still have one stack left," you said frowning. 

"I can put them around in the club," he suggested.

"That sounds great," you said chugging your drink. 

"So how was this date?" he asked teasing.

"is this even a date?!" you smacked his arm.

"Alright. I promise after we start up the buisness and are not busy, i'll take you out on a legit date," he said.

"You better, or you'll regret it," you said standing up and tying your hair in a bun.

"I'm going to the store and blasting the ac. Then i'm going to prepare for my speech," you said sighing.

"Speech?" Yongguk asked, standing up.

"Oh yeah! I got valedictorian!" you said excited. He just smiled.

"I thought that was obvious," he said.

"What?" you asked.

"You're a nerd," he said while pulling you along.

"Nerd?!" you crossed your arms. He just put his arm around your shoulder.

"Come on little nerd, let's get out of the heat," he said amused.

"I am neither a little nor a nerd," you argued.

"You're in denial," he laughed. You just bumped your hip against his and crossed your arms tighter.

"Come on," he said laughing and pulling you along.


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loveroflove #1
Chapter 20: Thx for clearing everything up authornim^^ now we can start making some real progress. And dayumm, you're lookin fine Ria. Feeling the loss, Yongguk?
loveroflove #2
Chapter 19: I hate how Ria is made to look like a boyfriend stealer (I think it's gonna happen again with Sooah):/ but I cant really blame the girls tho, Yongguk needs to get it out that he's UNAVAILABLE if he is still in love with Ria. I mean it's ok to try and move on when you thought you'd nvr see her again but now that she's back, you can't just go after her while you're still with Sooah!
KwonHyemi #3
Chapter 19: oh my gosh I want them to back together !!! TT.TT
JongByung #4
Chapter 14: yeay new updates! thank u author-nim ^^
JongByung #5
Chapter 11: i want more updates ^^
JongByung #6
Chapter 10: aww~ i miss their moment when yongguk and ria crazily combined various songs and having their own life in their own world..
update soon author-nim, i miss your updates already ^^
KwonHyemi #7
Chapter 7: this fic is sooooooooooooooo cute!!! I like it! ^0^