



It’s nothing short of a spectacle, a treat for the eyes. Whosoever found themselves cordially invited to the holy union of two souls in love as the Almighty bears witness.


In this joyous occasion I add myself to the repertoire of black and grey and white tuxedos, prim, proper and crisp. Flowers of white and gold and silver hang like tapestries, crystal lights whose sparkle and radiance blur into a never ending flow of little rivulets bringing life to the whole venue that brims with excitement.


Hyukjae and Donghae roll eyes at my apparent state of ineptitude. I find myself being pushed into the merrymaking by the two who had dealt with this particular trait of mine one too many times.


Mr.Cho hurtles through the crowd towards us with a brilliance that could easily seem to outshine the radiance of the lights. He is a happy man and why wouldn’t he be? His darling daughter is about to enter into a very important phase of her life, the sacred nuptial that is soon to bind her loyalties to a loving, awaiting family.


Its amusing to see how Teukie-hyung never seems to forget his responsibilities as our beloved leader even at times like this as he guides us through the venue as if we were a troop of petulant, obnoxious children, especially Donghae and Eunhyuk.


At the far end of the hall I spot Mrs. Cho speaking words of comfort to her beloved daughter/bride-to-be who seems to be working herself slowly into a full blown panic attack. Wedding woes, I snicker! Sometime in the near future it would be me up there holding the trembling hands of my dearest as we stare deep into the farthest recesses of each others’ eyes and share our wedding vows. Speaking of whom, I haven’t spotted the object of my fascination so far.


I trudge back to Mr.Cho to ask the whereabouts of his gifted second child, his precious son and the love of my life. He points in the direction of his room upstairs where he seems to be busy sprucing himself for the occasion.


I bound upstairs taking two steps at a time, clearly not having patience, the wait not going down well with me.


I knock once, twice and I am unceremoniously greeted by a volley of profanities erupting from the person on the other side of the closed door, the timbre of his voice resonating within the four walls. My gentlemanly demeanour takes a back seat as I barge in without any further delay.


There he is, standing there staring frustrated at his reflection. Currently he is the epitome of imperfection as I look at him wearing his tie like a bandana around his head, his hair all ruffled up, his chest heaving up and down as a result of the brief spell of anger that had engulfed him during the onslaught of tying a tie. He dejectedly sinks back into the soft cushion of the lone couch in the room.


“Let me.” I offer my spotless services to him in tying the tie perfectly. I could sense him curiously watching me place knots in just the right places and with a final tug, voila its all done!


He pouts at me in the most adorable way that makes me want to abduct him and take him to a secluded area devoid of human interference and keep him all to myself. With his chocolate curls dancing on his forehead, his sparkling doe eyes, his smooth pale skin whose beauty gets amplified by the black tuxedo he is currently wearing, he tempts me to no end making me nearly lose my self control.


“When did you come?” he asks me as he tidies up his messy hair and loops his arms around my neck to pull me closer towards him which surprises me since usually it’s the other way around. Being the sly creature who jumps at any opportunity given, I also place my hands on his petite waist and reply “Not too long ago.”


Our noses nuzzle each others’. Our foreheads rest against one another’s. Blissfully drinking in the view in front of me, I bring one of my calloused palms to caress the velvety softness of his cheek.


“What were you exactly trying to prove with that tie? Everybody knows you cant tie one to save your life!” I blurt out trying to humour him.


He bites his bottom lip and chuckles at his uselessness.


“I have you to tie me down.” He says and I am left to decipher the underlying meaning.


“You’re so gorgeously obnoxious!” my voice comes out in a husky whisper that makes him bristle for a moment.


“You’re no different! Sneaking into my room, its totally uncalled for!” his voice laced with a menacing tone as he pulls me closer by my tie till I could smell his minty-fresh breath.


“What’re you gonna do about it? Punish me?” I encourage him by cocking my eyebrows at him that makes him giggle cutely.


“Oh of course there’s punishment!” And the last few inches of distance separating us dissolve as he and I lock lips passionately. What starts as mere pecks steadily progresses as a series of deep tongue driven hungry kisses as we both tug and pull and fight for dominance. If it weren’t for Mr.Cho’s relentless pounding we both would have definitely got caught in the mood and humped like bunnies while there was a serious wedding going on downstairs, the bride being the elder sister of my bride/bride-groom.


“Kyuhyun your sister is already a nervous wreck waiting for you down there. Hurry up already!” he yells from the other side.


“Oh no! Ah ra!!!” he scurries away from my hold and shouts out “I’ll be there in a sec!”


Hurriedly he gathers his stuff that lay strewn around the premises and tidies himself up. Hand in hand we both head down as the ceremony peacefully progressed into the evening.


Very soon the merrymaking ensued after all the proceedings went by. The bride and the groom were the stars of the event each of whom were whisked away to varying locations within the halls for solo shots by photographers. And then some couple shots followed soon after. I couldn’t help myself but visualise the two of us in their place right now. Now if I had said that aloud surely that would have definitely earned an eye roll or a snarky remark stating my never-ending cheesiness, so I keep this thought to myself. I smugly settle myself between him and his best friend Changmin who time and again had posed a potential threat to my love.


And whats Choi Siwon without having to flaunt his superior social networking skills when such an event is underway! I, therefore, decide to record these surreal moments in print by taking out my trusty hand phone and clicking away a few shots and posting it on various social networking sites.


“The fans are having a field day baby! Take a look at all these comments!” I decide to show-off the power of our pairing and the influence it had on hard core shippers worldwide.


“Seems like you’re the one having it!” he replies as he intertwines his slender fingers with mine, his impeccably manicured nails gleaming under the light of the huge chandelier right above us.


Within moments as the couple head back to the centre of the stage to greet the crowd, Mr.Cho requests Donghae and Eunhyuk to do a celebratory performance of their hit single “Oppa Oppa” and they do justice to their respective acts. Teukie-hyung’s speech follows and he blesses the couple to have a long and fulfilling married life.


However the grand finale comes when the bride herself requests her super star vocalist younger brother to enthral the audience and sweep them off their feet with a song. And so he rises, bows respectfully at the audience before wielding the microphone like a magic wand to work his magic. With a voice as rich and smooth like molten chocolate, he weaves fairy tale like scenarios and takes us on a journey with a soulful rendition of one of the songs of his favourite singer from childhood. The audience including the bride and groom are moved to tears.


He then proceeds towards his speech for the day reminiscing all the wonderful memories both had had during their childhood, their bickering, their squabble and their lovable moments with their parents with his signature witty attitude. It brings both laughter and tears to the bride. Finally everyone of us stand together with the couple for a group shot, each and every one of our emotions splayed for the whole world to see before they are sent away by their loved ones to start their journey of life together.


I firmly clutch his hands as I spot two tear drops making their way down his cheeks. His sister was more than just a sibling to him, she was his mother, father, guardian and friend and now she had been set free from the confines of her family to start anew with her companion.


“You’ll get to see her again, Kyu.” I tell him as he nods his head in agreement. Both his parents are currently engaged with the rest of the guests thanking them for being an exceptional audience for squeezing in some time for the occasion.


“You go on ahead! I’ll catch up with you guys at the airport.” He tells me. Though I hate to leave him, the more practical side latched onto the opportunity to remind me that I am yet to pack my stuff for the flight to Nanjing later tonight.


“Will be waiting for you. Hurry back to me!” I say to him and he blushes adorably.


“Ya you better hurry before he eats our brains up due to your tardiness!” Eunhyuk warns. I elbow him harshly and he glares back at me.


They head downstairs and leave the two of us alone momentarily.


“No goodbye kiss?” I ask him with a glint of naughtiness.


“I’ll see you again in a couple hours Won!” he laughs out loud. Oh how I love him so much when he does that!




“Fine..Come here you big goof!” he signals for me to come closer. We both share the second kiss of this evening with this one being sweeter and slower in comparison to the earlier one filled with so much passion and vigour. This one is filled with some untold promises, hopes and aspirations that we both hold so dear to ourselves.


Staring at the depths of his eyes I whisper “I love you Cho Kyuhyun.”


“I love you too Choi Siwon.” Comes his reply and thus he lets me go before my accomplices make their way back to drag me by my collar. Silly as it may sound, this is how we both are and how we both will be for eternity. Cho Kyuhyun forever Choi Siwon’s.


The End


So what do you guys think?

As mentioned in author's note, First Rain's update will be made next week as promised during one of the weekdays.

Comments are a must guys....tell me your thoughts and just dont be mute!

Okay since its the holidays i am going home tonight! Yippee!!!

K have a nice day!

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Merettevan #1
Chapter 1: OMG I died... this story is so sweet and heart-warming! I loved it!
Chapter 1: And I was crying out my feels when I saw their photo in IG.
Chapter 1: awww siwon is too cute, his mind is full of kyuhyun <3 love it ^^
Chapter 1: Why am I crying my heart out?
HaruCho #5
Chapter 1: Oh my WonKyu feels...
Thanks for sharing these story...
dbbyaelf #6
Chapter 1: Aahh. I love it. Thank you for sharing :)
Chapter 1: lovely story... oh my wonkyu heart :D
kyuwon1013 #8
Chapter 1: wow....i love it❤❤❤
jiyoongsbaaby #9