|| Your Confessions ||


Have you ever wanted to confess something that you have done but don't want people to know who you are or even just read people's REAL stories? This is the place for you! No one will know who you are, not even me! 

It can be anything, rants, stupid drama, how you love llama's, ual, etc. 





Want to confess? Confess here.

We are also hiring people to be apart of our new AFF page Convices. Would you like to join? Apply here.

Remember, this is not for advice, if you would like advice on a situation, go here


Poster by Sweet_love_Exo_ships from Reading is Beautiful Shop. Thank you so much!



Let's Talk : Confessions and Advice

New QOTD!: What is your favorite movie at the moment? And why?


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Chapter 7: You should choose one for a day and the other the next day :D
Chapter 5: She is right ! Even if it seems like that it is not. It takes time and with the time the right person is going to come :D
Chapter 4: I think you will meet a guy like that someday so dont lose confidence ! Everyone is different when it comes to love. You don't know when you are going to fall for someone. The things is that you should also have patients ! They say that the people that aren't really in a relationship are just looking for THE right person. And you are one of them. When it will come time the right person will come to you. If you lose interest on that person it was just not ment to be so dont be hard on yourself :D Have you ever tried online dating ? Maybe that will help. You could put what you like in a guy and see if it works out. If you date face to face then my best suggestion is that you make the best of it. If someone ask you out accept because they might be the right person after all. They would show you things that they really don't show anybody else. If you lose interest in them its fine just give them a few weeks to change your mind ! :D I hope this helped !
Chapter 3: You should just talk to him. Come up with questions that you can ask. Ask your friends to pretend to be him. With everytime you talk to him it would become easier :D I know how you feel so just try to be relax and you will see that it would all turn out great ! Try to be friendly so he doesn't get the impression that you aren't I hope this helped ! :D
Chapter 2: I dont think it is bad. You just want someone to love you and that is fine. Just don't sleep around with all of them if you are old enough. To tell you my opinion you should wait for someone to ask you out and give it a try. If you love them and they love you back it will work out but if they don't then it wasn't ment to be. Plus you still might be young so have passions. Love doesn't work that easily between two people that are in a relationship. I wish you the best of luck <3
Chapter 2: No it not you just trying to find the person you love and the person that loves you back only so it not bad.
Chapter 1: Wow this first confession is so cool and sad to hear. I hope she is doing well and good now.