My Reaction & Feels


Okay, let's vent out my feels here. I watched the Chinese MV first. But before that, I am guilty of listening to both the korean and Chinese audio released by sm on the same day as D.O.'s teaser. When I listened to the audio, I was totally blown away after only hearing the first few seconds. Mind you this is my first comeback with exo, I was totally pumped for the MV. I've been waiting and waiting and WAITING these past few days, and after getting trolled by sm, I randomly decided to check up on the status of the youtube account before going to sleep. After seeing that the music videos were out, I totally freaked out. I clicked on the Chinese one first, and this is what I thought:



and then he starts acting all smexy, and stuff which I totally couldn't handle. And he hadn't even started singing yet!!!! Then when he did, he was showing off his muscles, being like, you lift bro? 


Baby, I lift, and I totally dig you*smirks*


i almost fainted from that


jk no, but I seriously felt like it.


then out comes baekkie, sehun, xiumin, and suho, looking fine as ever. And then sehun has become the controlling maknae with his dancing! I mean seriously, did you see him! Dominating his hyungs like that!!!! 


i was like damn son!

and then Chen came! And he did an outfit change! And he came to their club to hang, And then D.O. Started singing looking supah fine.

i saw a comment on his teaser, and it said,


"is his sweater black and blue, or white and gold?"


Lol let's not talk about the stupid dress again, but that's what I thought when I saw him. Then LAY THE MAJESTIC BABY UNICORN CAME!!!


Now you all know who's at the top of my bias list at the moment, kaybye.



please don't leave yet.

still need to finish all my feels.


so as I was saying, lay started slaying and then Tao came out singing. Like REALLY SINGING. And it was beautiful. Then the boys kept on slaying and slaying until it was just beautiful. The dance was on point. And LAY LOOKS GOOD BLONDE! I really disliked his blonde hair in the wolf era, but they finally found the shade that looks good on him. And it's gone because of his movie *cries* now I have another excuse to watch the music video. I also loved the part where they harmonized. Oh, and the rapping! Who could forget about that!!!! 


Tao looked like a smexy mafia lord or something. I was like, if your shirt is already open, why do you still need buttons? Just keep the rest of it open. Or better yet, don't wear a shirt. Lol, wait keep it on, you might slay to many fans if you take off your shirt. 


And Xiumin the baozi had a little man baozi on his head! So cute! But I personally thought that his outfits in that part of the video and the end were not that great. I mean, xiumin looks great in lots of different styles, but this one could have been better. I don't mind adorable outfits on xiumin,  but I feel like it didn't fit the theme of the song and with the way the other members where dressed.


did you guys see how awkward suho was at the end? I laughed, he looked like, as other fans commented, " a piece of seaweed; he was just a long noodle wiggling around" I saw in the concert fancam their preview of the MV, and I hoped he wouldn't do it for the MV, but he did! It was still funny though. 


On to the korean version.




They looked funny, and I kept laughing at him. Okay now I feel mean. But seriously though, this stylist needs to get their act together. I wasn't really feeling the cut out hawian shirt thingy he was wearing. But who am I to judge really. At the end of the day, they kicked and captured fan girls hearts. Clothes don't matter. 


In this MV, chanchan sang! He has a wonderful voice too! But sehun has too few lines. But I heard he has more lines in other songs, so I guess it makes up for it. 


All in all, LAY looked beautiful, EXO SLAYED! They sang wonderfully. They didn't dance in a box the whole time, just 80% of the time. They all got more parts(-sehun). But they all worked hard to make the music video and comeback and show us an even better exo. Especially after last year and the difficult changes, they have comeback stronger. I am so proud of them, I hope they are successful. I will continue to love and support exo❤️. I'm sorry if I made any rude and offensive comments, i didn't mean to in any way be hurtful to the boys. I'm just fangirling here, and every person has there own opinion. Again, I apologize if I said anything that made any of you upset. 


So please to comment below if you would like to share your feels on the new MV!

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Yup, the feels. I loved the scene where Xiumin, Baekhyun, Suho and Sehun were on top of the car and moved to beat in a spiky manner. The music video was interesting to watch and the song itself was catchy and refreshing. The camera angles were right on the target and moving from scene to another was smooth, like in Growl. Their dance was eye catching and skillful, as expected from EXO. I liked the style of their clothing, especially Xiumin's. Lay's hair style however earns a round of applause, it fits him great.
Yes!!! The MV's AMAZING! and they all looked amazing as well :)
I hope you don't mind... I just started writing a fanfic and it would be great if yalls could check it out! there's only one chapter so far, but I am planning on updating every other day, or possibly sometimes everyday. PLEASE CHECK OUT :)