Birth of a Beauty

Birth of a Beauty

"It's starting. Taekwooon!!! IT'S STARTING!" you yell out in pain.

Not too long after you yelled, you could hear him running, dropping something along the way. He freezes for a while before you hear him mutter something as he starts running again.

Once he enters the room you can see he's panicking, as his eyes are wide open and he's panting, even when he didn't run for long.

"Are you sure? It's really starting? It's not like the other times?"

"This is it. I'm sure." you say as you stand up from the bed and put your book in your bag, revealing a large wet patch on the bed.

"My waters just broke."


Taekwoon is frantic as you get to the hospital. Even with all the training at the group for expecting parents and listening the advice Taekwoon’s older sister gave, it seemed as though he had totally forgotten everything.

He holds your hand as he helps you out of the car and walks you to the front desk, asking for the doctor telling the receptionist your waters broke 20 minutes earlier.

Even if you reminded him many times that the baby wasn’t going to be born for a few more hours, he still drove as fast as he could and keeped hurrying the nurses to get the doctor.

You let out a laugh and put your hand on his shoulder, gently squeezing it.

"Honey, please calm down. I'm the one giving birth, remember? I'm only having contractions and they're still not too frequent. Let's just wait for the doctor, okay?"

Finally, he calms down and nods before smiling lightly. "I'm sorry, I just can't believe the baby is going to be born soon… I thought I was ready, yet here I am, with a blank mind..."

You sit down and take his hand and rest your head to his shoulder.

"It's alright, I understand. I can't believe it either, and I just try to keep your sister's words in mind. We're going to relax for now and let the doctors take care of us. They deal with births every day."

Taekwoon sighs and lets out a chuckle. "I know sweetie. I know."


"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" you scream as the doctor and the nurse tell you to push more and breathe slowly. It's impossible to concentrate on both things at the same time, and you really feel like punching someone. Preferably the nurse who's standing right next to you, explaining to you how you should breathe.

"This little...." you think "just wait till the baby is out, I will break your nose!"


At the same time, Taekwoon was outside the room, listening to your screaming. He paces back and forth in front of the door, waiting. He really wishes he could be in the room, holding the hand of his wife and help her with the delivery of your first child. He felt anxious as he was told to wait outside and couldn't be there for his wife.

He realized he had no idea what time it was and how long he had been waiting, and so he reached for his phone. It was already 7 am, and they left home at 9 pm. At 5 am she had been moved to the delivery room, and since then he had been waiting. He finally decided to sit down, and placed his head in his hands.

Minutes passed by slowly and suddenly his wife stopped screaming and a small cry could be heard.

He quickly stood up from the chair, and walked to the door. He waits for permission to go inside, to see his wife. To see their baby.

The realization hits him suddenly, and he doesn't hear anything anymore.

He falls to the ground, on his knees. He's actually a father now. After 9 long months, their child was born.

Behind those doors, were his wife and their baby. His lifelong dream had become true.

And he couldn't be happier.

He snaps out of his thoughts as someone puts a hand on his shoulder.

"Congratulations, Mr Jung. It's a healthy baby girl."


You hold your little girl against your chest, and the door opens. Your husband, the father of your child, steps in slowly. He looks totally out of it, as he stares back and forth between you and your child and falls to his knees. You hold you your hand and he snaps out of his daze and stands up, taking your hand in his when he gets close enough.

"Isn't she beautiful...?" you say as the both of you look down at your child.

"She's just as beautiful as her mother." Taekwoon says as he gently her head, and sits down on the bed next to you.

"Just as beautiful as her father." you say and grin at him, only receiving a small smile from him.

That's when you notice tears in his eyes, slowly coming down his cheeks.

"...Why are you crying?" you ask, only to receive no answer.

A minute later he finally opens his mouth.

"Can I hold her?" he says gently, and you give the baby to him. More tears fall from his eyes, and finally he answers.

"I'm just so happy, to be with you, to be a father. I can't believe I'm a dad. I feel like it's all a dream."

You place your head against his shoulder, your daughter’s small hand. You smile tiredly as you say the last thing before falling asleep.

"If it is a dream, then I never want to wake up..."





// ok so yea, this happened ...? XD



anyway, I have no idea how giving birth works as I have never given birth and the only time I've seen it is on tv lol
sure i googled how long giving birth takes but yea that's it I'm too lazy.
It's almost 6 am and I haven't slept at all, I think I did quite a decent job lol

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hryoung96 #1
Chapter 1: good story ^^
minleo #2
Chapter 1: I'M SORRY, OKAY?!?!?!?! HAHAHAHAA!!!!!! It turned out really well!!! :3