And then there was two

Let's go to the army!

“Are we going to start training for today?” Hayoung said as she continued to do her warm up stretches.

“Ummm…any minute now.” Chorong anxiously scanned the park before checking her watch for the millionth time.  “Where are they…” she mumbled to herself.

“Oh, oh, I see someone coming!” Bomi shouted, jumping up and down with excitement. 

“Sunny sunbaeniiiim!” Chorong squealed as she ran over to the older girl.  In one swift movement, she wrapped her arms around Sunny and lifted her off the ground as they spun around.

“It’s good to…see you…too, Chorong,” Sunny managed to squeak out in between breaths.  

“Oh sorry, unnie,” Chorong said shyly as she brought Sunny back to Earth.  “Sometimes I don’t know my own strength,” she added with embarrassment.

“No harm done, kiddo.  My back needed realignment anyway,” she said as she ruffled Chorong’s hair.  “Oh, I almost forgot!  I brought someone with me,” Sunny said as she clapped her hands together.

“Who, who?” Bomi asked in mock suspense.  “A member of Super Junior?  No, no, EXO!  Is it EXO?”

“Even better,” Sunny said with a wink.

Suddenly, a voice shouted from behind Bomi and Chorong, causing the girls to jump in surprise.

“Wassup Apink!” Hyoyeon playfully bellowed as she swung her arms over the shoulders of the two girls.

In a blink of an eye, both Bomi and Chorong spun around, quickly gaining the upper hand as they pinned Hyoyeon’s arms behind her back.

“I come in peace, I come in peace!” Hyoyeon yelped.

When both girls realized who it was, they quickly let go of Hyoyeon and began to bow profusely.

“We didn’t realize it was you, sunbaenim.  Please forgive us.”

Surprised by their actions, Hyoyeon was more embarrassed than anything else.

“I should have known not to sneak up on two black belts,” Hyoyeon chuckled as she massaged her arms.

“Lesson learned the hard way,” Sunny added with a nod.

With all the attention focused on the impromptu martial arts demonstration, no one noticed another figure approach the group.

“You need help with that?” a smooth voice said from behind Hayoung.

Looking up as she turned in the direction of the mystery person, she was first met with a pair of long tanned legs.  Following the silky road up with her eyes, she gazed upon slightly visible washboard abs before arriving at a piercing set of brown eyes and a y smile.

“Yuri……sunbaenim!” Hayoung practically shouted.

“Last time I checked that was my name,” Yuri said with a laugh.

Completely caught off guard by Yuri’s presence, Hayoung could only giggle in response.

Yuri extended a hand and Hayoung gently placed her hand on top of the other girl’s as she was helped to her feet.  Hayoung couldn’t help but blush at the contact.

“You seem surprised to see me.  I thought you knew I would be helping with your training for Real Men,” Yuri said with raised brows.

“Oh n-no…I-I-I….” Hayoung stuttered as she searched for answers, first looking at Sunny and then at her fellow members who avoided eye contact.

“I would be honored to receive your help,” Hayoung said as she looked directly into Yuri’s eyes.

“Great!” Yuri said with a smile that nearly melted Hayoung’s heart.

Wanting to break up the love fest, Bomi cleared . 

“Before we get started, I just wanted to mention a few things,” she stated as she took out a yellow notebook and began to flip through some pages.

“You will be graded on three different areas,” she said out loud.  “The first is a physical exam which basically measures your height, weight, eyesight, and so on.  The second is a psychological interview where you will be asked a series of questions.  Last, but certainly not least is the physical fitness test.  This will be the determining factor, proving whether you have what it takes to be a cadet.  If you fail this part of the test, it is highly unlikely that you will receive a passing grade.  That is all.” Bomi said as she closed her notebook.

“Thank you for sharing that with us, Bomi,” Sunny said with a serious look on her face.  “Now then, you’re probably wondering where Yuri fits into all of this,” she said as she turned to Hayoung.  “It’s simple; Yuri is physically fit.  She works out everyday.  She does yoga, she drinks ma juice.  If she was a Spice Girl, she would be sporty spice.  No offense to you, but both Bomi and Chorong feel that you lack the physical fitness required and are concerned that this weakness will show when put to the test.  If anyone can train you in such a short amount of time, it would be Yuri.  As the saying goes, the first part of winning a race is showing up. 

“Who in the world said that?  It doesn’t even make any sense!” Chorong exclaimed.

Sunny raised her hand up as if to silence her.  “That doesn’t matter.  What matters is that Hayoung receives the help she needs from the one person that can give it to her.  If anyone can motivate her, it would be Yuri.”

“Probably just looking at her would be enough-uggh!” Bomi uttered as she was nudged in the ribs by Chorong.  “Why do you always have to resort to violence?” she said, rubbing her side.

To Hayoung’s relief, Yuri didn’t seem to notice. 

“So I was thinking,” Yuri said changing the subject. “Why don’t we all workout together?  I think it would feel less overwhelming for Hayoung if we trained as a group.  And I think it would be fun!”

“I could go for a workout right about-ack!” Hyoyeon felt a sting on her arm as Chorong gave her a quick pinch.  “I mean, I think I should ice my arms or something; I’m still recovering from Chorong and Bomi’s grip of death,” she said with a half smile as she gave Chorong a ‘you’re gonna die later’ look.

“I’ll help you with that!” Chorong added.

“Yeah, me too!” Bomi quickly followed.

“I’ll supervise?” Sunny said with a confused look.

“Great, it’s settled then!” Chorong shouted as she began to corral the others.  “We’ll leave you two alone to do…whatever it is you need to do,” she said hurriedly not bothering to look back at the two girls.

“What just happened?” Yuri said with a puzzled look after the rest of the girls disappeared from view.

“I have no idea,” Hayoung said sharing a similar look.  “I guess it’s just you and me, sunbaenim.”

“I like the sound of that,” Yuri said as she gave Hayoung another heart melting smile.  “Let’s get started.”


A/N:  Oh my lord, I still have absolutely no idea what to do with this story.  Argh.  Right now, I feel like a lost puppy wandering aimlessly; I just keep on writing in hopes I find my way home.  Maybe inspiration will hit me soon.  In any case, hope you enjoyed chapter 2.  Thank you to those of you who commented and subscribed; I heart you.  =) 

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Aish1994 #1
Chapter 2: update pleasee...
Chapter 2: lol i never heard about this ship before- hope you'll update one day :3
Chapter 2: Uuu I cant wait for Hayoung and Yuri to get sweaty, if u know what I mean *wiggles eyebrows* hahahahhahah anyway, I was wondering, will there be ? Cause well I'm just asking but u know... just to make sure..... and to get ready (¬_¬)ノ (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) for the sweaty moment. the SWEATY moment. well okay goodbye now authornim( ˘ 3˘)❤
taeyangtiffany123 #4
Chapter 2: Its creepy but somehow I can't resist cutest hayoung fangirling on the y Yuri so I hope you can update soon ! The story so far is pretty interesting too , and can't wait to find out what will Yuri do to help hayoungie hahaha
Chapter 1: Srly, i wanna know more. I mean like, what would yuri do? Hehehe
Hanhel #6
omg cant wait :">
author-nim fighting <3