Mr Kim Smells Fishy

I Don't Want to Be a Teacher

"Ah...-!" Hongbin rubbed his head as the pain began to set in. He sat up and wobbled slightly on the uneven surface. Wait, uneven surface? He stole a glance at what was lay underneath him and almost leapt back out of the window as the realisation hit him mercilessly in the face. A groaning Mr Kim lay squirming on the floor, his face scrunched up in agony. Hongbin held out his hands in front of him, staring at them like they were monsters tethered to his arms. He bit his lower lip to prevent it from trembling as he stared helplessly at the writhing Mr Kim on the floor before him. This was all Hongbin was capable of for he sadly did not hold the brains to think that he should perhaps be helping Mr Kim instead. 

In the corner of the room, next to the 'grub hub', a cupboard door cracked open ever so slighty. This could have been dismissed as the result of a draft coming in through the window but a hand slithered out, suggesting otherwise. Hongbin stepped over Mr Kim who lay fighting for consciousness and jerked open the cupboard door, releasing Mr Lee who rolled out onto the coffee stained carpet like a gymnast with perfect execution. Hongbin was mesmerised and began to clap in the same way a tasered seal would be expected to.

"I have been summoned", Mr Lee announced. "Speak, young one, for I shall act upon your wish."

Hongbin, who stood looking like a puppy that just got scolded for peeing up the wall, pointed innocently at Mr Kim.

Mr Lee nodded and his hand into the cool box that was teetering on the edge of the dry rack. It took several moments of rummaging around before Mr Lee's hand emerged, salmon fillet in hand. With this newly acquired tool, he proceeded to squat over Mr Kim in what Hongbin felt was an extremely awkward way, reserved only for...lovers. This thought caused Hongbin to squirm but his action was short-lived as the horrendous sound of wet fish slapping against a hard, sweaty surface vibrated around the room.

It was too much, Hongbin couldn't bare to watch as Mr Kim was continuously slapped back to reality by Mr Lee's unforgiving salmon backhand. It was at this moment that the quiet guy from a few hours ago stepped out of the bathroom across the room. His face appeared contorted with shock and artificial disgust before he slowly backed away into the bathroom again, shutting the door silently in the hope nobody saw him.

A shiver traversed Hongbin's delicate spine as Hakyeon's breath unexpectedly came into contact with it.

"What was Wonshik doing, get knocked out cold when he knows he was meant to be helping me and my a$$", Hakyeon mumbled to no one in particular.

Wonshik, so that's his name. Hongbin mouthed the word several times, feeling like he could get used to saying such a beautiful name on a regular basis. 

Meanwhile, ignoring Hongbin and whatever useless fantasy he was dreaming up this time, Hakyeon marched up to Wonshik's limp body, crouched down and raked his middle finger along the arch of the poor guy's foot. This was enough for Wonshik to spring back to life.

He sat up straighter than if an iron rod had been surgically attached to his back, not seeming to notice the fish juice running down his cheeks. But sitting up so rapidly was not only a bad idea for whiplash reasons but also for reasons related to Mr Lee, who was still squatting over him. The salmon immediately dropped out of his hands which in turn, flew to clutch his lower abdomen. At the same time, Wonshik's hands shot to his head not only with pain but also with the disbelief of what he had just touched.

Both voices rang throughout the room,




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Chapter 6: Jaehwan and Sanghyuk killed me
Iheartyou1004 #2
Chapter 6: This is good!
Chapter 5: I freaking love how the sentence structuring makes this entire fic more humorous in the intellectual sense(?)

"The use of big words and formal sounding narration in my head is still making the fic incredibly amusing and entertaining," is what I'm trying to say. You've gotten yourself a subscriber. Keep up the great work :)
g_gangles19 #4
Chapter 4: How did I overlook this? OuO
Hyuk is such a creeper Omg xD
I love it!!
Please do update soon author nim
And I wonder what Taekwoons gonna teach *raises eyebrows suggestively*
Nomnommonster #5
Chapter 1: Lol ken writing
jihyobias #6
Chapter 4: new reader here~~
this is new to me as me always read romance stories
great keep it up...!
g_gangles19 #7
Chapter 3: I was laughing so hard when Ken slapped Ravi with the salmon xD
'Salmon backhand' HAHAHAHAH xD
Chapter 3: Bless your existence and for creating this fanfic. Maybe someday I will die from all the laughing but at least I'll die happy XDD looking forward to the next update~
g_gangles19 #9
Chapter 2: Hakyeon blinded by the holy abs xD
This is great!! I absolutely adore Vixx crack fics and your is no exception, I want moore xD
Please do update soon :3