
I am 18 years old and ready to face the world…

Ready to love and try to handle relationship for the first time.

But when I started to have one…

I realized I am not ready for one thing.

I am not ready to get kissed.

There I realized it is not just a simple problem.

Before I know it, it is already a phobia.

What is kiss for that I should be ready about?


Should I get my first kiss as sweet and passionate as this?

But, what’s happening?

Sweat started to appear on my forehead and on my neck.

My body  felt  the tense. My hands began to shake.

My heart started to pound like the beat of a drum.

He started to move forward, close enough to feel the breath of air coming from his mouth.

I closed my eyes... My mind went totally blank and for a moment dead.

What's going on? What's wrong with me?

I fear.... even of getting kissed...


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