

Hello guys! <3 I'm here again and with another story but seriously, idk if I should keep writing this even though I've got only 120 words. So, I want to ask you guys if it is good enough.

Here it is:


‘Don’t trust people too easily. You might get hurt.’ That’s what he told himself every day. That’s what his parents taught him.


‘Tae, be confident. Don’t show other’s what you’re feelings are unless you’ve met the only true one for you.’


He lived with those thoughts a long time and he was sure, his parents were right. But his friends showed him differently. From this point on, Taehyung had to learn everything from the very beginning. How he could trust someone, to show his feelings and many other things. It was a hard time but he managed to get even more friends through Jimin. Still, there were times were he would crawl back into his old self to protect himself.



what do you think?

Oh! And before I forget it; Thank you for all the subscribers I love you so much! <333333333333333333333


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