Chapter 11


Though the full cast meeting was kept short, the information imparted was important. While everyone had known for a while the general idea of the reward to be given to the winning team, the particulars hadn’t yet been decided upon, mainly due to a last minute change in sponsors before filming commenced.

But now, they were told with certainty; the winning team would have the option of keeping their cafe open after the show ended and turn it into a legitimate business, whereas the losing team had no choice but to shut theirs down.

This prize was desirable for a multitude of reasons. First, this reality show was obviously not being aired live, or anywhere even close to the original filming dates. The pilot would only be broadcast two weeks after the last episode had been filmed and the winner decided. The reality show would therefore serve as the best free advertisement possible, and during the broadcasting of the show, the business could transition from a one-day operation into a permanent fixture.

While Mark and Jaebum probably couldn’t care less about having another small business to run next to their already giant corporations, this was a golden opportunity for all the other team members. Not to forget, the all of the expenses for the initial setup of the businesses were being footed by the producers of the show; where else would you find this kind of a bargain?

Following the announcement, the room was soon thrumming with excitement at the implications. For some of them, they were now that much closer to their dream!

Mark, though, found it particularly hard to focus during the meeting. The fact that it had little or no direct effect on him allowed him zone out, his thoughts drifting back to the scene he’d just witnessed earlier. 

The more he thought it about, the more his stomach churned and the more suspicious he became. He remembered back to the day where they divided the teams, and how eager Jaebum had been to have Jinyoung on his team. It hadn’t made sense at the time, and it still didn’t make sense now, not if Jinyoung was truly innocent.

Mark couldn’t deny it; Jinyoung was special. Mark had been inclined to dislike him from the start, mainly due to appearances and preconceived notions, but it hadn’t taken long for Jinyoung to win him over. From then on, it hadn’t been hard to see how charming he truly was. He got along with everyone, was always smiling, energetic, and though difficult for Mark to admit, he’d grown on him.

Personality aside, it was also true Jinyoung possessed a creative mind much needed in the innovative side of things these days. Though not the best at planning or organization, Jinyoung did have the skills and ability to back up at least some of his outlandish ideas.

But if Mark was to be coldly objective, speaking only from the point of view of Mr. Mark Tuan the businessman, Jinyoung still wasn’t all that special. It didn’t matter if he’d grown on Mark personally, or struck him as being someone so incredibly different from all the rest. Mark hadn’t been exaggerating when he first pointed out all the flaws of Jinyoung’s first proposal; it had lacked perspective, and left gaping holes in major logistics that would’ve rendered the entire endeavor useless. Creativity was only useful in the business world if it could be backed up by facts, plans, and feasible action, and Jinyoung clearly lacked the insight for these things.

Which brings us back to Mark’s original point; Jinyoung, objectively speaking, was painfully average. He had traits that made him special and desirable as a team member, but if Jaebum already knew him from before, surely he would also know that his flaws compensated just as much for any of his strengths? 

Following this line of reasoning, there was no way Jaebum should have been willing to give up an advantage for Jinyoung. There had to be some ulterior motive.

Mind whirling with the different possibilities, Mark tried to decide what his next step should be. But for whatever reason, it was the picture of Jinyoung being backed by Jaebum against the wall that came to his mind, and would not leave him.

As much as Mark tried to be objective, for whatever reason in this case, he couldn’t be so wholly unbiased. He was still human, after all, ruled by emotions that were even subconscious.

He made his decision, nails digging into his palms as he clenched his fists.


“We’re not doing the pet café. I’ve had a backup proposal just in case, and that’s what we’re going to go through with from today onwards. Youngjae-“

“What?” Jinyoung had slammed his hands down on the table, nearly knocking his chair over when he stood up violently. Kunpimook and Youngjae both looked bewildered as well, bordering on upset, but Jinyoung was absolutely livid. “Why? Why now, so suddenly?”

Mark’s gut clenched, but he ignored Jinyoung’s outburst, carrying on with his instructions with only the slightest of pauses. 

“Youngjae, most of the things you’ve done so far won’t be affected at all. Location, if they accept our offer, will remain the same. Same as the menu, Kunpimook. We haven’t gotten to most of the theme and setting details yet, so we’re not being set back much at all. What I-“

“You can’t just do this without giving us an explanation!” Jinyoung shouted, hitting the table again and Kunpimook flinched. “What about all the research I’ve done? That we’ve done?”

Mark swallowed inaudibly at Jinyoung’s words, taking a breath to steel himself before he looked up into Jinyoung’s blazing eyes.

“It was an executive decision. I am the team leader, and I am under no obligation to tell you everything, especially not with those manners. Do you have a habit of yelling at your bosses?”

“I-“ Jinyoung cut himself off, forcing himself to take a steadying breath. When he resumed, his voice was stiff, but kept firmly under control. “If we are to continue working as a collaborative team, if we are to be successful, I believe good communication is crucial. I would much appreciate it, and I think Youngjae and Kunpimook would agree with me on this, if you could tell us why we’re suddenly switching directions.”

“I agree, sir,” Youngjae fixed Mark with his steady gaze, and Kunpimook nodded along eagerly.

Mark sighed, surveying his team. When they continued to stare at him expectantly, determined, he pursed his lips, but spoke. They brought up a valid point, after all; he did owe them an explanation.

“There isn’t much for me to say, except for the fact that our plans may have been compromised. While we have by no means been trying to be secretive, it would be a great disadvantage to have our ideas in the hands of the other team while we ourselves are clueless about theirs. Therefore, we are changing our focus.”

Mark’s voice was steely, determined, and left no room for argument. Kunpimook was immediately gaping in shock.

“What? How? Did they steal our files or hack our computers? Or…” he trailed off, looked at his fellow teammates with something akin to panic.

“It doesn’t really matter at this point how,” Youngjae said resignedly, his searching gaze fixed on Mark. “If it wasn’t for sure or if there was something we could do, I’m sure you would have said so rather than let any effort go to waste. We have no other choice?” 

Mark felt something terribly similar to guilt stir in his gut, but he quickly squashed it down.

“You understand me.”

Youngjae continued to look at Mark scrutinizingly for a few more seconds, but seemed to be convinced by whatever it was he saw in Mark’s eyes.


And now Mark finally had brought himself to look at Jinyoung, who had his head in his hands, fingers pressed to his temples.

Mark swallowed.

“Meeting adjourned.”

Kunpimook and Youngjae left almost immediately, knowing they’d be pulling a few extra hours to make the necessary adjustments, but Jinyoung remained sitting, unmoving. 

Mark hesitated on his way out, fingers brushing the doorknob.

Just as he was about to open it, a fatigued voice sounded out from behind him.

“Can I talk to you?"


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Hey guys so sorry, but some family stuff came up and I won't be able to update today. I promise I'll make it up to you guys with a double update later!!!


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markjin18 #1
Chapter 14: this is so interesting!!
Julianna18 #2
Chapter 14: Authornim..pleaseeeee update its really been a while...but i miss this story.
Chapter 14: It's been almost a year, really do miss this fic.... Please update if u have time
Its been a long time since your last update this story..hope you will find more time to write this story story again..still waiting for the next.. XD
floralis #5
Chapter 14: Just discover this fics and i just so ing love it ! Can't wait to read next update ! What is jaebum plan ? What will jinyoung do ? How mark will handle it ? Aish ! I can't wait xD
Chapter 14: im so invested in this fic but it's been awhile since you last updated. it's really great and i shall try to patiently wait for the next one!
Chapter 14: Hi! I started to read this a while ago and cant help but think that this fic is one of the best ive ever read! But it's sad that it hasnt updated for a while :(
Would you please update if you have time? I'd gladly wait for you. Thank you beforehand!
rudolphy #8
Chapter 14: wow i like this business au, i hope jb will not do anything drastic tho :-( btw you're doing an excellent job authornim!! :----) <3
kimheenim93 #9
Chapter 14: Authornim, ur story are superb..i love it..keep up the good work, i'll patiently wait 4 update... *wink*