DERRIÈRE  ⌘  closed. it's not a goodbye. it's a see you again. o u o


derriere rp
a place where we burn trees and worship grapevines because we have a family grapevine. a place where all butts unite because derriere means anyway. a place made by you, for you because we believe that the members of the roleplay are what keeps the roleplay alive. a place where you belong. the family is waiting for you. come and join us. password: say the secret phrase which can be found in the rules + your timezone.
if you have a , you have to join.
scroll down
001.  one account per .
002.  closed agency. no interactions with outsiders.
003.  50 tweets in 24 hours for newcomers. 3 days of inactivity leads to a kickout. retweeting or coming on to reply mentions or post 1 or 2 tweets does not count as being active. interact with the members please.
004.  ooc in brackets but not too much. you're here to roleplay.
005.  timeline rated pg-16. in dm.
006.  /yuri allowed, 4 days in the rp to be in a rs. marriage after a month. please inform us if you're moving in as a couple.
007.  facechasing and biased replies are not allowed. rude and offensive jokes are not tolerated.
008.  strictly no ooc drama at all. ic is okay but not too much. respect everyone please.
009.  two character changes allowed.
010.  inform admins if going on hiatus / leaving / being in a rs. hiatuses are limited unless you state a good reason.
011.  secret phrase: rules are promises.
how to join
do not reserve if you're not planning to arrive.
do not arrive if you're just going to disappear after that.
you may be blacklisted.

001.  check the masterlist if your idol's available and comment below with the passwords. don't forget to ask nicely please. :)
002.  reservation lasts for 24 hours. reservation for friends is not allowed.
003.  once accepted by an admin, you may create your account.
004.  username format is (name)rie or rie(name). lowercase letters only.
005.  put "derriere" somewhere in your bio, preferably in your location.
006. please clear your tweets if using a recycled account. if using tweetdelete, be sure to disable it after all your tweets are cleared.
007.  mention base to be verified.
008.  follow everyone. wait until we verify you before you can interact with the members.


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Reserving Girls Day's Hyeri.

//Rules are promises. GMT+7
tdawg730 #2
Chapter 5: may i reserve exo's kai?
+rules are promises, gmt -8
oopsiedaisies #3
Chapter 1: reserving apink's eunji
rules are promises; gmt +8
Chapter 1: may I reserve RV'S Seulgi? :)

rules are promises : gmt +8
oreo_jae #5
Chapter 1: may I reserve Teen Top's L.Joe, please? thanks.

// rules are promises ; gmt +8
cassand #6
reserving iu please!! : ) ty!

::rules are promises; gmt+8
Chapter 1: reserving f(x)'s soojung please :)

:// rules are promises & +7
baekingcakes #8
EXO's Kyungsoo pls?
+ all butts || GMT+0
poojung #9
aw this is cute < 3
reserving bts' namjoon
i promise to be active and to follow all the rules ; gmt +8