Chapter 4




Detention Room



The both of them sat as far as possible from each other, silently erasing anything erasable on old text booklets.


This is all his fault” Taeyeon shot a glare at the boy beside her who is diligently doing the work assigned to him “If he just picked up his pen then none of this should’ve happened” she continued to grumble in her thoughts


Taeyeon dislikes detention as much as she dislikes this eyeliner guy beside her with a passion. It was boring and tiring. Being locked up in a room for a couple of hours is definitely something she despises.


“It would’ve been better to be locked up with a hot chic ‘cause that would be like, heaven here on earth or something” Taeyeon sulked “But being locked up with this bacon here? Damn that’s just awful as hell” she scrunched up her nose in disgust


She thought she could tolerate Baekhyun’s feisty chic behaviour and actually put up with him being her seatmate for the rest of the school year, heck she was wrong. She’s totally bad at befriending people and socializing is totally not her forte.


But at the same time, she wasn’t this mean towards strangers or acquaintances but this guy just keeps on getting on her nerves. She didn’t understand why she was acting this way and why everything the guy beside her does just flares up her normally calm and collected temper.


Taeyeon erased with rage. Biting her lower lip, scrunching up her nose and furrowing her brows, she glared at the poor textbook page. She then, suddenly stopped when a suddenly crumpled figure caught her peripheral view.


She turned her head to her left and saw Baekhyun clutching his stomach with pain painted across his face. She shifted and fully turned towards him, eyes boring on Baekhyun with confusion, curiosity and a tinge of worry and concern. She may dislike the guy’s existence but she was not that mean to leave him alone.


She slowly dragged her chair beside him and hesitantly raised her arm and patted his shoulder lightly and Baekhyun surprisingly didn’t jerk away from the touch “Hey…” she reluctantly started “Um… You okay?” she asked


“Okay, that’s dumb. With that expression, of course he’s totally NOT okay. That’s so dumb Taeyeon. Really dumb” she inwardly scolded herself


Baekhyun groaned in response and continued clutching his stomach harder with his eyes shut tight, brows connecting together, gritted teeth and sweat beading on his forehead


Taeyeon scratched her head using her free hand while the other one is still on Baekhyun’s shoulder “You’re probably not” she mumbled and shifted closer to the pained figure. She lifted her hand from his shoulder only to wrap her arm around him hoping to comfort the guy “Does it hurt that bad?” she asked


Baekhyun merely nodded his head weakly and Taeyeon continued to contemplate on what’s wrong with this guy’s body, placing her free hand’s thumb at the back of her chin and her pointer finger on the front she thought, “Hmm… He’s clutching his stomach so… It’s probably stomach ache” she nodded, approving her ‘brilliance’ and turned her head towards Baekhyun


“Say,” Taeyeon spoke “What did you eat this recess? Or breakfast?” she asked and her tone came out more teasing than she intended it to be


“Ugh Taeyeon! Not now!” he ran his hands on his hair in frustration


“What?” Taeyeon asked innocently and realized how she sounded “Oh! That’s- - Its- - I- - Ugh! I didn’t mean to sound that way, okay? With all seriousness, what did you—“


Before Taeyeon even finished talking, Baekhyun suddenly covered his mouth and his eyes popping out. He made gagging noise and actions. Taeyeon panicked that he might puke all over her uniform so she quickly scooted away.


She stared at Baekhyun with wide eyes for a while before regaining her senses and she immediately pulled Baekhyun by the wrist—still trying to stand as far as possible—and dragged him towards the windows. She frantically opened the windows and shoved Baekhyun towards it and looked away as Baekhyun puked rainbows and unicorns and heaven knows what else he puked outside the window.


“Damn.” Taeyeon grimaced while Baekhyun is still puking his insides out “Why the heck are you puking? Oh wait, pregnant ladies puke don’t they?” she said to nobody in particular and her brows rose in realization “Then does that mean…”


She turned to Baekhyun whose head is still stuck out the window “Say,” She carefully started as her lips formed into a smirk “By any chance… Are you pregnant?”


He didn’t hear her question as he was drowned in his own gagging noises “Damn you Jongdae” he muttered loud enough for Taeyeon to hear


Taeyeon took this as an answer and her smirk upgraded into a lopsided grin “Oooh!” she exclaimed as Baekhyun finished his business with his face flush and his hand covering his mouth and Taeyeon lends him her handkerchief which he took without words


“So…” Taeyeon continued “Is Jongdae the father then?”


Baekhyun choked “What?!” he asked as he gained his composure


“I thought so… Since you muttered his name and all.” Taeyeon ignored his question and grinned at him “So, how was it then? Was it good? Was he bi—“


“What the heck are you talking about?” Baekhyun cut in and crossed his arms


“Well,” Taeyeon leaned on the window “Isn’t it true? That Jongdae is the dad?”


“Of whom?” Baekhyun asked and sassily raised a brow


“Of your child” Taeyeon stated as-a-matter-of-factly


 “HELL NO!” he choked once again


“No?” Taeyeon asked, bewildered. Taeyeon didn’t have any problems about this. She’s open minded so it’s alright. She didn’t get why Baekhyun is denying all this. “There’s nothing bad with being pregnant” she frowned “Why not?” she innocently asked


Baekhyun ran his hands through his hair in frustration “Kim Taeyeon, are you dumb or are you dumb?” he said and paced around the room “First of all, I don’t want that troll to father my babies” he pointed out and grimaced as if the thought disgusted him “I may swing that way but to get laid by Kim Jongdae? No thank you” he firmly stated “Secon—“


“Are you aually reproducing then?” Taeyeon tilted her head with eyes full of dumb innocence


“WHAT?!” Baekhyun was dumbfounded by the short blonde girl’s logic


“It’s possible!” Taeyeon insisted and paced around the room “You could be aually reproducing!” She stopped by the table and propped her arms on it. She inwardly thanked her past self for listening to her teacher when she was discussing this “Since you don’t want to get laid, you could be aually reproducing! I’m so brilliant!” she grinned widely at Baekhyun whose jaw currently fell in bewilderment


Before Baekhyun could reply, the door clicked and they both turned their head towards the door as their bald mathematics teacher walked in “The both of you can come out now. It’s almost lunch time” he stated looking at his watch before glancing up to both of them “Don’t do that ever again in my class, understood?” he sternly said


“Yes sir” they both said in unison


“Good” The teacher nodded and walked out of the room


Taeyeon walked towards Baekhyun “Don’t worry” she smugly said as she patted Baekhyun on the shoulder “Your secret is well kept with me” she sincerely said with a wink and hummed as she exited the room


End of flashback


She ended her story with a grin and the girls just gave her a deadpanned stare. Her grin soon faded away as she remembered something ‘important’


 “Oh my god” she covered “I wasn’t supposed to tell anyone!” she exclaimed and earned a few groans from the girls


“Taeyeon” Sooyoung called out


“Yeah?” Taeyeon turned to her


“You really are dumb” Sooyoung deadpanned as she stood up and started to walk away


Soon enough, the rest of the girls stood up while shaking their head


“Damn I didn’t sign up for this” Yuri muttered “Hey Syoung! Wait for me!” she then ran after Sooyoung


“I’m coming with you!” Hyoyeon went after Yuri


“I can’t believe I sacrificed my sleep for this” Jessica sighed and walked away


“Hey Seohyun, where are you headed to?” Yoona asked Seohyun who just silently stepped away


“I’m heading to the library eonni” Seohyun answered


“I’m coming with you” Yoona wrapped her arm around Seohyun’s shoulders “I need to borrow some books and lend them to Taeyeon eonni. She badly needs to learn more about human reproduction” she said as if Taeyeon wasn’t there and they walked away


“That was the most juiciest gossip I’ve heard so far” Tiffany sarcastically said and chuckled lightly and walked off while shaking her head


Taeyeon watched her friends go in confusion and looked at her only friend left who sighed loudly


“Taeyeon?” Sunny asked


“Hmm?” Taeyeon hummed


“Why did I befriended dumb people?" and with that, Sunny walked away


Taeyeon leaned her head back in frustration “Wow” she groaned “What nice friends they are” she suddenly stood up and ran after Sunny “Hey Sunny! Wait up!” 

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Chapter 6 posted :D Enjoy ^^


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Update soon authornimT.T
yasmin98 #2
When you gonna update this story authornim.. i really like your story.. T.T
ForeverSoshiKezh #3
Chapter 11: Damn.. Cliffhanger...-_-
sanamomozaki #4
Chapter 10: Update soon :)
Chapter 10: I'm curious to know who's Taetae ㅠ.ㅠ Update soon author-nim~~ :)
Iloveexalot #6
Chapter 10: Loved it! Update soon!!! Fighting! <3
sunghyohooni #7
Chapter 8: ohh :o that beatiful lol
sanamomozaki #8
Chapter 8: thank you so much for updating so fast.Usually,good stories need lots of time for update...
Anyway,I loved this chapter,you should write more fluff :D
Chapter 8: so sweet <3 more more more <3