Shortly Taller

Cost Of Its Worth

He drove me home safely. It was amazing that movies became a bridge for both of us to start getting close. It seems like he loves watching movies too just the way as I am. Eric is one interesting person. The way I listened to his random perspectives, I realized that no one else would ever see things the way he does.

“Thank you for the good talk Professor.” I as he removed my seatbelt for me.

“Anytime! Let’s catch up soon.” He said and pulled the hand break of his car while he left the engine humming while the lights were still open.

Yaku’s waiting patiently at the staircase as it wagged its tail wildly at the sight of his master. Laura’s beaming to see me. She rushed by my side and asked Eric a bunch of questions about what happened in the hospital and how the trip was and he politely explained every detail.

“Kris, I’ll be going. I still need to prepare an exam for tomorrow.” Eric pulled the strings of his hoodie as he told me and gritted his teeth like a kid who would still like to play but can't.

“Oh, okay. Alright. Thank you too.” I can’t even give him a proper return of gratitude.

He untied Yaku’s leash and started walking towards the Villa’s gate when he stopped and turned back running to me and handed me a metallic black mp3 player.

“About the nightmares, it will help a little if you listen to music as you sleep.” And he left me and run away just like that, disappearing like a ninja or maybe I am too tired to figure out. Laura was kind enough to get my bag from me and I went straight to my room to charge up.

I didn’t bother to open the lights anymore, since the lights from the garden shines through the curtains well enough. I detached my earphones from my own mp3 player and plugged it to what Eric lent me. I laid my right elbow on a pillow as I sank on my bed and pushed the power on.

It was that serenading sound from the clarinet that served as the main highlight playing on each track. The music of the instrument was accompanied by clear minus-one background audios. It felt so relaxing that my head swung easily, calming my heart naturally like a lullaby.

I woke up with a loud knocking sound on my door and voices arguing outside my room.

“Sshhhh! Don’t wake her up! Let’s wait until she gets up on her own!” a tight whispering scream said.

“What makes her sleep until two o’clock in the afternoon? Is that even normal? She hasn’t taken lunch yet! I asked Laura about it and she needs to take her medicine now!” nagged another voice.

Then the knocking continued. I’m sure that the other one is Dongwan and the gentle one sounded more like another familiar person. I just can’t seem to think of his name yet. I noticed that the afternoon sun light is touching my face through the open patterns of the curtain and I needed to get up.

As I got down from my bed and tried to pull myself together, I really tried my best to fight back with my laziness. With a slouched back and eyes almost half opened, I tried my best to walk towards the door when all of a sudden I jumped by surprise when I accidentally stepped on something squishy. It was Minwoo’s baby panda stuffed toy! It might have fallen last night when I grabbed clothes from the paper bag. It spoke as soon as I hit a trigger inside.

“Hello my princess!” said the stuffed toy with Minwoo’s voice clearly recorded on it. I picked it and rested it on one of my pillows.

“She’s up! Did you hear that? I heard my voice! She played my message via the pandaaa!” Minwoo sounded so happy outside.

I didn’t even bother to look on the mirror when I opened the door. Both of them seemed to be not so surprised with my bare face but they cannot help but to laugh loud as soon as they saw me. They looked like two happy kids with those teasing faces. They are even shortly taller than I expected. I tried to remember why I always see them that way when they are entirely taller than me, and I suddenly realized that maybe it’s because their pals are all standing giants except for Andy who stands in the middle when it comes to the height bracket.

“HAHA! Kris, you’re bare-face is the best! Let’s have brunch now! I asked Laura to cook something good for us!” Minwoo said and he grabbed my left hand and led me to the dining area like a mannequin being dragged by a designer.

Dongwan followed us carrying a bag on his hand and kept on saying, “Don’t be like that! Be careful! Be careful!” while covering every corner of the house with his body as we pass by. He looked like a human shield as he tried to save my elbow for possible contact with any pointed stuff at home.

I think Laura left me with these two since the only thing that I can see waiting for us in the dining area are the food that she prepared. I felt the hunger creeping on every inch of my muscles; my appetite took me by surprise when I started to realize that my tongue is already swimming with saliva.

Minwoo smiled at me with his fascinated eyes and pulled one of the chairs of the table to give me a seat. Dongwan sat opposite to us and pulled a taper wear out of his bag. It smelled melted butter as he opened the lead and took out freshly cooked bread.

“I baked them. I know it’s nothing much but, I also like to cook too.” Dongwan said altering his voice which sounded a little bit thicker than the usual; I’m sure it mimicked a comedian’s voice but cannot think of anyone. I noticed it gave him a very funny sense when he did that. I am not sure about his motive but it is obvious that he is trying to pull off a nice joke.

I smiled at him with my blurry sight still trying to adjust as I squinted my eyes towards his direction. I am an obvious blind person without my contacts. I think I misplaced them the other night but I know I brought my glasses. No problem, I will just wear them after entertaining these two thoughtful gentlemen.

Their warmth made me feel so comfortable. Minwoo took my spoon and loaded my plate with lots of rice and put creamer on my coffee. I saw him put lots of sugar in it too. I’m wondering why.

“I like sweet stuff. Tell me if it’s too sweet I’ll prepare another one. Hahaha! ” Minwoo said while laughing and added newly cooked chicken sausages at the side of my rice.

I’m staring at Minwoo when Dongwan suddenly snatched my fork from my steady hands. I diverted my attention to him and saw the Doctor stabbed a sausage for me. He gave it back and gestured for me to eat it.

“Kris, go on eat now. We will not be staying for long. We just want to make sure that you are taking your medicine properly. This should be your vacation with us! You know? Catching up with your Oppadeul.” and he sighed as he blinked slowly at me nodding with a worried heart.

I tried my best to shake off the spontaneous blow of nostalgia from any of them. They started eating as soon as I bit the sausage on my fork. I also enjoyed the spam that Laura prepared for me and the mixed rice was nicely cooked with bacon bits on it and some other seasonings. I personally think that homes really have the best food for breakfast, even if it’s past morning time. The bread which Dongwan brought also tasted surreal.

How can a Doctor’s hands be so skilful both in stitching wounds and healing yet become a master in baking too? The texture of the bread was so soft and the inside was well cooked. It was covered with a generous amount of white whip cream at the top and diagonally patterned caramel syrup with matching grinded cheese for toppings.

“Kris! Don’t be silent!” Dongwan softly screamed at me with both of his hands in front of his mouth looking like his shouting from another mountain.

“Ow, wow. Sorry, I didn’t mean to do that. The food is really awesome.” and I my upper lip to remove a pinch of cream caught on it.

“She’s always like that, she treats you like an enemy when it’s meal time. It’s cold war for her, especially when she has her favourite on the table. She acted just the same way when we had lunch at Hyesung’s café. Hahahah!” Minwoo said while sipping from his cup of coffee smiling like he having a good time watching us eat.

I finished my dish in an instant. Dongwan immediately reached for his bag under the table and took something from it. He read the label twice before giving it to me. I was more surprised when what landed on my hand is not a tablet but an – inhaler for asthma.

I blinked so many times, taking this possibility to a higher extent. No. How did he know?

“Hey, I know that you’re having a hard time to breathe especially in the morning. Don’t act so surprised about it. Life in the city and your busy schedule might have fooled your body to ignore your asthma but not here in Sylfaen. You will be in trouble if one time you wake and get up instantly, it will trigger for sure.” Dongwan’s eyes were fixed on me when he’s saying these words.

I was caught off guard on how straightforward he spoke. His words will always echo glints of mature advice – Dongwan’s bluntness will seize to amaze anyone with his random insights from one thing to another. His gentle face together with his sincere remarks will make someone stop for a moment and take time to digest what he just said. It was his fourth point.

Learning from Dongwan is like taking a medicine. It will not taste as good as eating candies because he does not sugar coat his straightforward ideas but it will gradually make you better.

I gripped it tightly. I trembled briefly and I spoke with emotions overwhelmingly taking the best of me.

“I think I haven’t thanked you enough for all the assistance that you did for me ever since I came here.” I tried to open up.

“To tell you the truth, the moment Nana asked me to play this game with her, I thought of rejecting her. On the day when I took the bus, I’m guilty about the truth that I think everything is a mistake but now, I think I am getting her point.” I prefer not to look at them who are listening to me attentively. It makes my heart skip a few beats as if I am undergoing a recovery, as if I’ve wanted to speak to them as personal as this for a very long time ago.

“The SIX of you, you’ve been waiting for me but on my end this is the first time that I met you. I cannot even return all of my gratitude to you properly. I think I am lacking in so many ways that I myself, can’t even explain. For the past 25 years of my life, I believed in my skills. I am confident and competitive enough in my career yet when I came here, I had this feeling that I lost something big, a part of me that is yours too, something that we had in common and suddenly disappeared in thin air. ” now I finally admitted it to myself.

“I have dealt with so many strangers regardless if it was for business or for acquaintance purposes only but you were all different from being just strangers. It’s like as if, I can trust you to the point that you would catch a bullet for me if things like that might happen.” I choked as I said my last words and I sighed.

Minwoo stood from his chair and tapped my shoulder. He whispered gently, “Darling, take it easy. We’re always here for you. You will never be alone.” and lightly put a glass of water on my hand.

“Don’t be a cry baby” Dongwan followed. “I brought some stuff that will help you. You are a bright kid ever since I can remember.” And he took a thick orange photo book outside his leather bag. He lightly put it on the table and looked at it with a graceful smile on his face.

“I took all the shots. I hope you gain something from it. I’ll let you borrow this.” he said while pushing it in front of me. My eyes contained a curious glance over the random item that he brought. My left hand was ready to open it when Minwoo’s warm palm touched mine.

“Not until we’re out.” As he shifted his view a little bit higher than usual allowing his smiling childlike eyes to peek over the frame of his glasses. Dongwan stood up after hearing him said that and Minwoo called Laura from the opened kitchen door.

I hugged the photo book with my left arm and secured it tightly near my heart as I watched them depart from the villa. Minwoo playfully walked by Dongwan’s side while he dodges the doctor’s attempt to slap him with his bag. I really wonder why they looked so happy after their visit when it only caused me more piercing questions.

Minwoo looked back as he did a final spin and made a heart sign with both of his arms spread out meeting at the top of his head and even scream out loud “Get well soon! Please use your phone!”

His prompt reminder gave me a shock. I forgot about it! The phone!

I briskly walked towards my room still clinging closely the photo book that Dongwan lent me.

I stood still gasping for a huge amount of air in front of my room’s door as I try to recollect my memory on where I could have placed the phone, I can remember it was still inside the white paper bag. I tried to walk slowly towards my bed and saw nothing there except for my disorganized blankets and half pillows. I rested the photo book on my lamp table first and started looking around. The room is dim already.

The afternoon is slowly being eaten by the evening’s darkness and I opened the lights for more convenience. I know it is together with Minwoo’s items. I rushed towards the disfigured black paper bag which is lying on the ground right now. I’ve been in a hurry these past few days and everything that I own became too unorganized.

I lifted the unfolded hoodies and a black box and its white paper carrier dropped on the floor separately. I found it!

I pressed the power button soon as I grabbed it but it is already lifeless. It is still brand new. It was a rectangular handy phone which corners are curved providing smooth angles. Its size fitted exactly on my small hands unlike the oversized tablet-like phones these days. It is thin and light too. The sides were with orange matte linings on it which did proper justice on its overall contrast. I can see it’s of touch screen material and the back plate was covered with leather like texture, black and slick as I preferred.  I immediately pulled out the charger from its box set and plugged it in. I turned it on and didn’t wait for the welcoming screen to finish up.

I put it down on the table and picked the baby panda stuffed toy from my bed and placed it beside the charging phone. I went to my bed to take a look on what Dongwan wanted to show me earlier.

I flipped the cover and saw the first page with a hand-written title,

“My Personal Time Capsule”

I smiled as I imagined him writing this; being as sentimental as this but for the record, I didn’t expect the first page to drill a hole in my heart.

There was this faded picture of them with Nana. They were all wearing high school uniforms as they sat on the floor with all their right arms stretched forward towards the camera as if they were doing an epic pose while Nana’s sitting on a chair behind them full of happiness. The background, it is undeniably identical with our Villa’s main door minus all the scrapped paint on the wall.

Their faces did not change a lot except for the fact that they became more manly and mature now. I can still identify who’s who because it seemed like they already had those strong character impressions on them long before I came here, it reflected well in their expressions. They aged splendidly.

I turned the next page and saw something that did not make any sense.

A picture of a familiar looking girl riding a mini-bicycle with supporters on its side was smiling directly to the camera, waving with a tall young teenage Junjin following her from the back.

No. This can’t be.

The picture next too it was of the same girl, drawing on a paper with all crayons spread on the floor and there’s Dongwan pointing at her using his thumb, taking a picture of them both. My eyes twitched and whispered quietly to myself – “No.”

I’m starting to get goose bumps when I glanced to the next page and saw a baby faced Andy cooking beside Nana wearing an apron splattered with which seem mustard and ketchup together with the young girl holding a plate beside him. My eyes widened with so much surprise and supressed myself with another “NO” trying to tilt my head from left to right.

The succeeding page was containing Minwoo’s picture, with her again – both of them looking happily in front of the mirror while she pulls the strings of her black hoodie and him gesturing a two thumbs up sign that obviously did not change until now. I covered my mouth with a hush for the word – NO; now my word is fully covered with a huge disbelief.

My head whirled with so much adrenaline when I saw the little prince like version of Hyesung blowing a cup of coffee together with the little girl whose eyes were full of anticipation in the picture as he held the teaspoon on his other hand. My sight is slowly getting blurry as tears brim on my eyes. I can’t even take a gulp of reality with my anxiety piercing me while looking at these photos.

My fingers run trembling to the next page and saw the young image of that professor, Eric carrying her on his back while she comfortably sleeps on his broad shoulder. I bit my lower lip. I wanted it to bleed. I wanted to wake up. I desperately need to convince myself that all of these are part of a dream.

I closed my eyes. I shut them so hard that it hurt; my heart is beating so fast. I know for a fact that, the young girl and me – are irrevocably the same person. That was me when I was 8 but how come that I don’t remember them? Why did everything, every memory disappeared from my head like a bubble? Who exactly are they? How long have I been like this? Why now? I can’t breathe. I closed the photo book.

My free hand rushed at my bedside table for the medicines. I grabbed the inhaler that Dongwan gave me. I hyperventilated with extreme emotions and it saved me from the doom of my asthma. My head felt so heavy. All that I saw in the photobook gave me an overwhelming pour of stress mixed with total confusion.

I pushed the photo book aside. I lay on my bed and tears started rolling down on my temples, I cannot accept any of it.

I wiped them as fast as I can; I tried to hold in my soundless sobs and grabbed my chest as if it was in pain. For the few days that I spent here at Sylfaen, I am at the most clueless part of my life. This whole debt thing is not as easy as I imagined.

I curled in a fetus-like-position with no plans of getting up. I don’t know what to do next. I am completely lost with all these from the very beginning and now, evidences make it forceful to sink in. I closed my eyes. Hoping Nana will come and explain to me everything I saw today.

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sarangga #1
I read this few months ago but while I was scrolling Shinhwa fics I found this and then decided to read this again. I just have to say that I LOVE your writing style! This story is kinda so touching and this feels real. Thank you for this amazing fic :) (MY FAVOURITE SHINHWA FAN FIC EVER!!)
haha finally ended up reading and finishing this! And it is awesome as expected!! I could relate to the characters and I could feel all the nostalgia! Definitely something I'd come back to again!
ButterflyBB #3
Chapter 17: Yes I know is completed ☺☺☺ don't worry and again I LOVE IT
ButterflyBB #4
Chapter 17: Ohhh I love it!! but is not finish yet right? where the others to come? I can imagine Eric as a teacher, ohh he's smiling again, I just love it. Thanks, thanks so much!!! #Memory #Shinhwa #Schjs LOVE.
ButterflyBB #5
Chapter 6: I love the way Nana's call them "knights" so true, so lovely way, umm let's continue chapter I'm coming....☺☺
ButterflyBB #6
Chapter 2: Ohh my I was expecting that the sheriff was Eric but is Junjin so handsome ohh obviously I can think he looks like one for sure, let's go to the next chapter. ☺☺
ButterflyBB #7
Poor girl but I guess this is a great oportunitty to grow, let's see next chapter and have fun, THANKS.
artermis03 #8
Really like the story!! Its so interesting ^^
Chapter 17: Awwwww...cuteeee