Like a song...

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We have our ups and downs just like a song and our everyday lives are just like a drama...
It's as if we are protagonists trapped in a twisted fate that only a few can understand.
Our song has both highs and lows but it's a beautiful melody, don't you think?


When I started school I had the urge to fit in and make friends...
By the time school is over will my mind be changed by him?
Why does he shake my heart?
Not even music will block him out any more,
How is that possible?


I made new friends. I fell in love. I suffered my first heart break... And then I loved again.
What is wrong with me?
Maybe I should listen to my Sunbaes' songs and take their advice.
My swag explodes, wherever I go, I’ll go forward" 
but maybe with less swag then Sunbae...
Watch it world, My music will overpower everything. That includes him.




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It sounds go, publish the 1st chapter soon! ❤️