
More than Meets the Eye


. “W-wh-what—?”


“Angel. You know, spelled A-N-G-E-L. Comes from heaven. Immortal. Deliciously gorgeous. That’s what I am,” He said calmly while I was having to the biggest internal fight with myself.


Not possible. There is no way that he is an angel. He’s not Immortal. My  boyfriend is not, nor will he ever be, immortal.


“Liar,” I whispered out. Minho scoffed and threw his hands up, turning his back to me before snapping around again.


“You.. You are so unbelievable. First, you ask me what’s wrong. I tell you nothing but, no. You insisted that there was something. So I told you. I’m an angel. Sorry to crush your dreams about having a mortal boyfriend, Taemin-ah,” He spat. I looked at him in utter disbelief and pointed a finger to my chest.


Me? I’m unbelievable? Your standing there and telling me that you’re a goddamn angel, and I’m the one who is unbelievable. And excuse me for thinking that when I said yes to us going out, my first thought wasn’t to think that you were some… some freak. It’s only normal for me to think that you were human!” He growled and pinned me to the earth, my wristed locked down by his hands and my body held in place by his.


“My kind aren’t freaks, Lee Taemin. And we don’t really appreciate being called that. I’m the one that has been keeping your safe from getting attacked by others so I think the least you could do is show some type of respect,” Minho said seriously, a fire rising into his eyes. I gulped while keeping eye-contact and nodded an apology of some sort.


“Th-thank you—?” Minho smiled bitterly at me and nodded, getting off of me and lifting me back to my feet. There was an awkward silence as he stared at me and I kept my eyes to the grass. “So…”


“So what,” He chuckled.


“Y-you know… like… do you have-have wings or… something?” I muttered, using hand movement to emphasize. Minho laughed.


“Yes, I have wings.”


“Can-can I see… them?” He nodded and told me to step back. I watched his face contort to deep concentration before enormous wings unfolded from somewhere in his back, probably.


I stumbled back several feet, the sheer impact of the new sight making my eyes widen, jaw drop, and everything that I’ve read about in fictional books making me wonder if it was really fiction. My made contact with the hard earth, dirt and grass getting scraped up into my finger nails as I grasped on to the ground. There was a dull pain that shot up my back and I whimpered involuntary.


He definitely wasn’t lying when he said he was an angel.


His wings were a terrifyingly beautiful color of black that would give the middle of the night a run for it’s money. The edges were sharp and sleek with an eerie look of softness. Feathers stacked on to more feathers and they withered down from a little over his shoulders to his hips.


I picked myself of the ground cautiously and took a step forward to which Minho retracted back.


“A-aren’t- Aren’t angel wings wh-white?”


“I’m fallen. White wings are given to the pure and I was tainted. God didn’t necessarily like that I was watching over you, another male, from heaven like a creeper. But whatever. Screw Adam and Eve, they were douches anyway,” He smiled at the blush that tinted my normal skin tone.


“C-can I touch th-them?” He narrowed his eyes but nodded. I cleared my throat and took hesitant steps towards my boyfriend. I reached my arm out and voluntarily skimmed my fingers over the soft plumage of his wings. They twitched and flapped ever so slightly, causing a light breeze to rush past me. I quickly pulled back my hand and smiled sheepishly.


“S-sorry,” I mumbled. He shrugged his shoulders.


“I can’t feel, anyway.” He laughed at my crest-fallen expression. “It’s alright, Taeminnie, I have other ways to feel things.”


“Like?” I asked curiously. He pulled me close into his arms and wrapped his pitch black wings around us.


“Like body heat. I can feel that in my blood.” He touched up my arm with his finger and hooked it under my chin, forcing my head up. He leant down and pressed his nose into my neck. “Your addicting scent. I can smell it,” He whispered into my skin. He pulled his head away and I breathed out oxygen I didn’t know I was holding in. “And your emotions, along with everything else, goes from this,” He placed his index-finger pad on the spot above my heart, “To this,” He did the same to where his heart rested. I looked up and placed my lips lightly over his, sparking a fire that was immediately put out when I pulled away.


“So.. you couldn’t feel that?” I chewed on my bottom lip.


“Not physically, no.” I pushed our lips together again, a little harder this time, igniting a match to throw on to the ever growing fire. My hands found their way to the back of his neck and they brushed against his feathers.


“That?” I asked when I pulled away.


“Why don’t you try again?” He smirked. I forced his head closer to mine and fitted our lips together once more, the fire blazing into long streaks of red and orange. I turned my head to the side slightly as I molded out mouths as one and tried to get as close to him as possible. I wanted him to feel everything I could; The warmth of his lips, the happiness that rested in my heart, the love that I had for him, the pleasure that he gave to me, I hoped that I was able to portray it all.


I killed the fire that rested between us by disconnecting our lips right when he was asking for entrance. Minho frowned but bumped our foreheads together, his hands intertwined loosely around my waist.


“I love you, Lee Taemin,” He chattered and I smiled.


“Let’s go, I told my mom that I wouldn’t be gone for long. She’s probably worried already,” I quipped quietly, telling him to put back his wings… however he did that.


I love you, too, Choi Minho, I whispered deep into my thoughts.


“Did I tell you that I can also read minds?” He said with a playful grin that I narrowed my eyes at.


Shut up, stupid. No one loves you anymore, I thought, just to mess with him.


“Hey! That’s not very nice!” Minho frowned. I giggled and held his hand. 

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beatiewrites #1
so cutee ! <3
AW! That was so cute!!!^^ <3
The ending is so cute! XD
SHINee4ever5 #4
Ahahah, I love the ending <3
to call Angel a freak? thats new reaction XD