CHAPTER 8 - Missing You

Only Him
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Author's Note: 2 chapters as promised and I hope you'll like it! Please re-read chapter 8.


I've been overseas for quite long, and I'm actually getting exhausted with this life. Following my parents everywhere they go. I don't even get to stay in Korea for long. My parents and I are flying back today and I am actually excited. Eversince Yu Bi started talking to me unlike the first time when she screamed at me for kissing her, okay I admit it was my fault, but yeah, I missed her. I miss my Yu Bi. I boarded the plane with a bright smile on my face.

'Mum, do you remember Yu Bi?' I asked.

'Yeah, why? What about her?'

'Well, I kinda miss her and she's talking to me nowadays when I'm around. Not as friendly as before but at least she's talking.' I said while looking at her happily. However, I could see the disappointment in her face as she tried her best to hide it with a smile.

'Really? I'm happy for you. However, don't get too close, you know your dad doesn't like her. Plus, she doesn't remember you right? Don't make her remember you son, just be friends.'

'Why? Why mum? I still love her.'

'No son, you don't know what's love. Let's not try to do that. You know how your dad is.'

I sighed.

My father, no, my parents, never actually accepted Yu Bi. Eventhough mum sounded like she did, I knew deep down she didn't. We didn't know much about Yu Bi's background and ofcourse as a rich businessman and woman, who would want their son to befriend someone with no background, what more marry. It's so cliche. I couldn't even stand a chance to meet her parents except for when she was admitted to the hospital because of the accident.

Her parents were average looking civil servants and when I came with my parents to see Yu Bi when she was still unconscious, my parents didn't allow me to visit her for long. I was only given 30mins and that's all. That's all I had, to see my girlfriend who just got hit. I was upset but I couldn't disobey. Her parents were very nice and polite. They were worried for Yu Bi and since I was the only friend she had, they wanted me to stay and be with her but I couldn't. She got hit badly and there were stitches everywhere. Her face, her chin, her neck and she also had a cast on her foot. I felt daggers piercing through my heart as I looked at her with pity. With what I saw, I felt guilty because I couldn't do anything for my friend. I didn't even know what happened to the driver that hit her, even until now! Did he go to jail? Did he die too after hitting Yu Bi?

I had a crush on Yu Bi and she did on me too. Although it was 'monkey love' which I believe is not true because I still love her and I only look for her, I really hope she'll remember me again. Since then, I declared myself as her boyfriend forever, even if she gets married to someone else (which will never happen unless i get buried 6 feet under the ground), I will still love her unconditionally. I will still be a buddy that will always stay by her side.


The fly back to Korea became silent so I decided to have a good sleep before reaching Korea.

'The plane is landing in 10 minutes time. Passengers, please buckle your safety belt at all times and please do not stand.'

I rubbed both my eyes. 'Wow, that was a good nap.' I thought. I felt abit more awake. I didn't even wake up in the 6hours flight from Singapore. I still felt upset with the flashback I visualized before I fell asleep but when I looked towards the window, I was welcomed by the city lights of Seoul that I've missed for quite sometime. I smiled at the scenery.

'I'm finally back Korea.'

I looked beside me and woke my mum and dad up. I sat back and relax while the plane slowly descends.


Jong Suk's incident was still vivid in my mind and I was still felling guilty but with my friends around, I definitely didn't feel like I'm going through this alone. The night when I fell asleep in my bed with my wet clothes all over the floor, I was really upset. However, I woke up with Jun Hee in my house, cooking up something delicious. I believe she saw the whole mess, the pills, the blades, everything but I kept quiet about it. I've been cutting down my depressants lately and so I told Jun Hee about me and my bad addictions with pills and blades and eversince that, she's been keeping and eye on me. I felt like a burden to Jun Hee and Hyun Woo but they assured me to be happy so that they'll be happy too.

I was dying of boredom and I so need a friend. Jun Hee and Hyun Woo have their own things to do too, plus I'm already burdening them with my addictions. I spent lonely days at home when I have no work. I couldn't even go out because no one was free to hang out, so I would just walk around the neighbourhood and arrange my thoughts.

I invited Hyun Woo over to my house today since he didn't have plans as well.

'Yu Bi, let's go. Woo Bin's touching down today, wanna follow me fetch him?' Hyun Woo said with gleaming eyes.

It's been months since I saw Woo Bin, and for some reason, I've missed him. And the note that was pasted on my door, I bet it's from him. Then I thought, 'wait, how did he know where I lived!?' Since even Hyun Woo haven't been to my house until today, how could Woo Bin know? And

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LeeEva #1
I'm only subscribing so I can read, hope it's a good one
storys #2
Chapter 23: Hi, dear author-nim! Yeah, it's been a along time... But no worry. Your writing is good, but I have to admit that I have some problems with the POV when I read... But your imagination is WOW. Her friend? Why the hell? What does she has to do with it? *very confused* I'll be waiting for the next chapter... Keep up the good work!
storys #3
Chapter 22: Ohhh , now the kidnapping from the front door makes more sense... I wonder who's the guy who gives her food.. And what Woo Bin discovered(btw did he really have to hit that housekeeper ?!)
Keep up the good work , author-nim !!!
storys #4
Chapter 20: Who on the earth uses the front door when he wants to kidnap someone ?!!! Hyun Woo would better use his gang moves to do something !!!
storys #5
Chapter 19: In spite of what you think , I like this chapter and the others , too . So now that Yu Bi isn't safe in her own home , couldn't she live with Woo Bin ? Good luck with your exams , study hard , but please update soon !!! :D
kaylajua #6
Hi hi hi hi
kaylajua #7
Chapter 1: Can't to read this pafe
kaylajua #8
I can't wait to read it
storys #9
Chapter 16: And now ladies and gentlemen ... The Kiss ! Finnaly got to read it . Great story , everything is perfect , no need to improve anything . Just update soon :D
storys #10
Chapter 15: I am looking forward to the next chapter ! :-D Keep the good work , author-nim fighting !