CHAPTER 6 - The Past Us

Only Him
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Last week was definitely a hectic week. I couldn't sleep properly during the weekends. I kept thinking of Jong Suk and whatever he wanted to say. I made stories in my head thinking that maybe he has learnt his lesson. Maybe he wanted me back for good. Maybe I was destined to be with him. But I knew that all of those were lies. I've seen the woman that Jong Suk slept with several times around his apartment and I knew that she probably met him at his house. Again. I knew I can't afford to get my heart broken again but I really want to meet Jong Suk. I really want to settle this once and for all. I decided to throw the sadness away and try to carry on with my life now.

I got dressed and got my black cap as soon as I walked out of the locker room.

'Work work work, sigh. My parents have a business overseas and here I am working my off!' I chuckled to myself. It's funny that I'm supporting myself in this real world unlike those kids with filthy rich parents who provide them money every single day but I wasn't jealous. In fact, I like my life as it is. I like being independent.

I was back to my old job at the cafe near in my neighborhood. It was the school holidays so I took this opportunity to get some cash before starting school again as a year 2 student. University has been quite fun and stressful at the same time. Hyun Woo and I were close to each other and Jun Hee and Jin Woon are still as lovey dovey as ever. Woo Bin on the other hand was never in school ever again after we met previously. To think about it, he wasn't even in school before we met last week. It's like he came for a week or probably a day or two and then he's gone again. I decided to ask Hyun Woo since he was Woo Bin's childhood friend.

'Are you finally taking interest in my friend, Yu Bi?' Hyun Woo said as he winked at me.

I let out a laugh and shook my head. 'No! I was just wondering. Eversince we met and when he sent me to the clinic, I've never actually seen him ever after that night. I didn't even have a chance to pay him back the money for the bills.'

Hyun Woo nodded and he explained that Woo Bin was probably overseas again to support his parents. I gave Hyun Woo a confused look while raising one of my eyebrows. 'Is this Woo Bin rich? No wonder he could afford to pay my bills.'

I snapped out of my thoughts and got back to wiping the tables before opening the cafe for customers to come in. After wiping everything, I turned over the open sign to indicate that the cafe is now open. I waited for customers while checking my phone for any messages from Jun Hee or even Jin Woon and to my surprise there was one, from Jun Hee.

'Ya, Yu Bi. I have good news! I got a job over at a model company! I guess I'm gonna be a model hehehe! Oh my god I'm so excited! Meet me after work maybe at the park nearby your cafe. Okay? Okay? Hehehe >< Can't wait to tell you everything!'

I giggled at my phone. 'This Jun Hee is finally being acknowledge for her slender but beautiful body. HAHA.'

Suddenly, I heard a bell ringing which indicates that customers were coming in so I kept away my phone and looked up to smile at the customer and that's when I saw someone I wouldn't want to see to start my day....

Lee Jong Suk.

'Yu Bi-ah, I knew you were working so I decided to come by.'

Many customers came in as well so I told him that I was busy and that he should not disturb me as my boss will fire me if i get distracted and not do my job well.

This is annoying, whatever I say comes true in an instant. First, Woo Bin disappearing and now Jong Suk appearing. Ugh!

'Alright I'll wait then, one latte please.' And he left the money on the counter and waited at the side.

After I was done making the latte, I put it on the side counter and continued taking orders and then making them not even taking a glance at him. Since I was the only one working today, it was a little hectic. I ran back and forth many times. I ran to the counter and gave change to the customers. Some used their cards which I was grateful for as they only need to tap it and the exact amount will be paid. I was literally doing a 3 men job! It was all worth it though. I love this job.

I look at the corner of my eyes and saw Jong Suk sitting there patiently waiting, looking around and drinking his latte.

'Aish! Why is he here in the morning? ' I whispered to myself.


After I got my drink, I walked towards the seat near the window and sat there. I watched Yu Bi as she took orders here and there, get their payment and made their drink. I sighed. The feeling of guilt engulfed me. 'If only we didn't break up, I would have supported her. She wouldn't have to work. What did I do? I've messed up my own future with the woman I still love.'

I took a sip of my latte and remembered the times when she made this latte for me when we first met. It obviously tasted the same if you ask another customer, but to me, I felt no more love from this drink. It tasted bitter, empty, I don't even know how to describe it.


It was months after we first met and we've went out a few times however, we didn't have each other's contact. So it was by luck. If I saw her working, I would go in and ask her out at night, and if not, no outing then.

'Good Morning! May I take your order sir?'

'Yes, one latte please. And maybe your number too?' I said while giving her a cheeky smile.

'Yes sir. So one latte and my number coming right up!' She said while writing down her number on a piece of paper happily. I took it and smiled to myself as I felt that I just got myself the girl that I've been waiting for.

She came back with my drink and I asked her out. Tonight would be something special. Tonight would be the start of our journey.

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LeeEva #1
I'm only subscribing so I can read, hope it's a good one
storys #2
Chapter 23: Hi, dear author-nim! Yeah, it's been a along time... But no worry. Your writing is good, but I have to admit that I have some problems with the POV when I read... But your imagination is WOW. Her friend? Why the hell? What does she has to do with it? *very confused* I'll be waiting for the next chapter... Keep up the good work!
storys #3
Chapter 22: Ohhh , now the kidnapping from the front door makes more sense... I wonder who's the guy who gives her food.. And what Woo Bin discovered(btw did he really have to hit that housekeeper ?!)
Keep up the good work , author-nim !!!
storys #4
Chapter 20: Who on the earth uses the front door when he wants to kidnap someone ?!!! Hyun Woo would better use his gang moves to do something !!!
storys #5
Chapter 19: In spite of what you think , I like this chapter and the others , too . So now that Yu Bi isn't safe in her own home , couldn't she live with Woo Bin ? Good luck with your exams , study hard , but please update soon !!! :D
kaylajua #6
Hi hi hi hi
kaylajua #7
Chapter 1: Can't to read this pafe
kaylajua #8
I can't wait to read it
storys #9
Chapter 16: And now ladies and gentlemen ... The Kiss ! Finnaly got to read it . Great story , everything is perfect , no need to improve anything . Just update soon :D
storys #10
Chapter 15: I am looking forward to the next chapter ! :-D Keep the good work , author-nim fighting !