Two... eyes that needs to see the heart's tears

Look at Me?! Only Me!

Kyuhyun! Guess what, Eunhyuk knows my name… 

Kyu~! He said I’m an amazing dancer! –Donghae screams from excitement – HE is even better! 

Hey, hey, if I give him chocolates on Valentine’s day, anonymously of course, would he eat it? Would it even taste good? How the heck am I going to give it anyway?! – Donghae rolls on the floor literally – 

Kyuhyun had put up with every report Donghae has about his encounter with Eunhyuk. After all, he was his best friend, second, Donghae don’t know any other person who likes guys like he does and since Kyuhyun was such an open-minded, the-hell-I-care attitude he just lets it all out.

Oh my God! Kyu?! Eunhyuk said he’d agree to become our roommate?!!!! – Donghae screams and starts running around the apartment – 
‘Hae are you a kid? Stop running, you might break something!’ he had said. 
But I’m just so happy! 

Since that day, Kyuhyun thought it was not such a smart idea to get a new roommate after all. Although Donghae was normally a warm, friendly person he just doesn’t like how friendly he was with Eunhyuk. He wanted to get angry and tear them apart if possible but it’s not like he has any right to. They were just best friends. It wasn’t like he didn’t try to confess his feelings, but he was just afraid that Donghae would be too blind for his affection for Eunhyuk that he would also ignore him and worse stop being his friend. Two things can come up with regards to best friends harboring feelings with the other – either they get together, because they had mutual feelings or things get awkward even though the other said that they’ll remain being friends and drift apart. Kyuhyun would rather become the best friend than lose Donghae. He’d rather get hurt listening and watching Donghae obliviously talk to him about his crush. At least, Donghae’s happy, he thought. 


“Hey, hey listen to this Kyu.” Donghae said as he takes one of his ear plugs and gave it to Kyuhyun, sharing the music from his iPod. “It’s nice right?” 
Kyuhyun nodded approvingly. 
“I still have a lot here, Eunhyuk recommended them.” when Donghae said ‘Eunhyuk’ Kyuhyun suddenly felt irritated. “Oh yeah, there’s this funny movie Eunhyuk downloaded, wanna see it?” 

Oh, let’s go this place sometime Eunhyuk said their sundaes are the best…. 
Junsu, you know Eunhyuk’s boyfriend, he said that he’ll show us around his new club, isn’t that amazing? Waaah! I can finally see Eunhyuk dance. 
Hey. Hey. Have you tasted these brownies? Eunhyuk… 

And Donghae went on talking about Eunhyuk he just fell silent when Kyuhyun intentionally slammed a book on the floor. 
“Kyu…?” Donghae looked worried. 
“Eunhyuk this, Eunhyuk that. It’s always Eunhyuk, Eunhyuk, Eunhyuk! I’m sick and tired of listening about him!” Kyuhyun exclaimed, infuriated. “ Donghae! Don’t you even care about me?!” 
“Of course I care about you, you’re my best friend.” Donghae said meekly. 
“You know what’s wrong with you, you never got the guts to tell him your feelings?! You know what think, if only you did he might’ve been going out with you instead of that Junsu, cause the way I see it he was interested in you back then.” 
“Kyu… I’m sorry for…” 
“BUT I was actually happy and relieved that happened. Serves you right!” 
“What?!” now Donghae was getting mad too. “Okay, maybe I got overboard with always venting out on you with my unrequited love but you don’t have any right to say that to me, if you hated listening to it so much why didn’t you just say it?!” 
“Well I’m saying it now! I HATE IT! I HATE EVERYTHING ABOUT IT! Why couldn’t you just stop and look around you for once?!?! THIS IS THE MOST HELL I’VE FELT SINCE I REALIZED MY FEELINGS FOR YOU!” 


Both of them looked surprised. “?!” Kyuhyun hissed as he wiped away the tears escaping his eyes and before Donghae could react he made a run for it.

 chapter 2 end. 

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memoire- #1
Kya~!!!! I so so so so love this fic!!!! I was like fangirl all the way.
sashi91112 #2
how did I not see this!?!??! OH LOL this made me squeal in soo many parts!!! AHHHH i just wanna hug you right now!! :D THANK YOUR FOR THE GREAT STORYYY!!! :) and I hope you'd get to make more soonn!!! preferably Kyuhae XD
I don't understand how I missed reading this before... o.o But, this is awesome!!! <3 I loved it so much~ <3 I wish to hug you now, really. This is like... wow~ <3
Gosh, I love this so much!!XD Aww, Kyu is finally happy and now they are together forever!!!XD I really adore KyuHae when It's only KyuHae fics not Haehyuk mix with Kyuhae!!XD <br />
This is too good!!XD
Aww I love this :) KyuHae!~
I like it~ like it~ like it~~ :DD Impatient Hae XD
kyuhae~!!! <3
I LIKE IT SO MUCH!!!! first time for me to read a fanfic of KyunHae ! :D
AAAAAAAAHHH!!! >,< !!! poor Kyu!! :(
hae_ki #10
i'll update soon! thank you for everyone who read and commented and subscribe.