The Third Glance

Four Times Around the Sun
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chapter three | the third glance


          All of the familiar sights Changmin has seen so far appeared to be softer today and it has got to do with the fact that he’s only half awake. Skipping sleep is not a good medicine to cure excitement, he realized. But it’s too late. Then sun’s already burning yellow holes into the clear sky and he’s dressed to kill in his faded jeans and loose white shirt. He probably shouldn’t mention to Yoona that it took him thirty or so minutes to style his hair. That would be downright weird.

          They agreed to meet up in front of the entrance and whoever comes first should wait. Changmin checked his watch: five minutes to ten. He was still early.

          Somehow, he looked at his right and saw Yoona approaching him—in distressed faded jeans and a loose white shirt.

          “I’m going home to change,” Once close to Changmin, she typed in that small laptop of hers that never seemed to leave her side. Changmin wanted to be the same. “I hate being matchy-matchy with someone.”

          “Oh come on,” Changmin’s arm is quicker than Yoona. He gently grabbed her by the hem of her shirt and towed her to the entrance. He paid for their ticket with one arm still on her shirt. “It’s a waste of time. You look cute anyway.”

          Yoona blushed.

          It’s not because he touched me, it’s because of the heat. That’s right, it’s too hot over here. I need some water. It’s just the heat. So what if he’s the first guy your age who called you cute? She mentally argued with herself.

          He finally let go when he was certain Yoona wasn’t going to leave. From his clenched fists, he produced two identical wristbands. “I hope you don’t mind, I bought the one with the unlimited pass. We should try out all the rides.”

          Reaching out for her wrist, Changmin strapped the wristband around her. Yoona’s eyes were transfixed on the spot where his fingers touched her skin.

          She glanced up to see him smiling at her.

          This was when the unknown creatures in her belly woke up and her knees felt like giving up. If this is how dates normally go, how the could girls survive these feelings?






          “You ready?”

          Yoona nodded, unable to fish her laptop out of her bag. Side by side, they’re securely buckled into their seats. There’s a steady lane of excited passengers and iron loops before them. They agreed to try out the stomach-churning rides first before they eat anything and settle for the mellow ones.

          “If you get scared,” Changmin whispered with his eye on the ride operator. “Just hold my hand.”

          Yoona rolled her eyes. This guy must have been a gigolo in his previous life.

          The engine’s steady grumbling made itself known beneath them. Yoona held on to the brace over her. Changmin did the same as the roller coaster launched forward. They had been going on a steady pace, but when the humungous loops came closer, their speed drastically increased. The wind was too harsh on her face. Yoona could feel her skin getting ripped off. Her hair must be a haystack now. She could barely keep her eyes open. She laughed.  

          The sound of her natural laughter shocked Changmin who was gripping the brace for his life.

          A second before they turned upside down, Shim Changmin forgot to be scared.

          Yoona yelled and laughed at each quick drop while Changmin was stone-faced beside her. The wind and speed made her feel light headed and infinite. Changmin’s lips got whiter with each second.

          Let’s go for another round, Yoona typed into her cellphone this time and showed it to Changmin. He read, mentally groaned, and nodded at her.

          Changmin swore he was going to die then and there when they lurched forward again, but he went back to life when warmth spread around his left hand. He forced himself to peer down and saw Yoona holding his hand as if it was the most natural thing in the world.  

          She looked at him and winked as they went upside down once more.

          Now, this is a roller coaster ride.

          He squeezed her hand tighter.






          Right after leaving the roller coaster, Yoona’s hands had been busy with fiddling with the edges of Changmin’s shirt

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[Four Times] New chap posted! love you lots! xoxo


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kewtclover #1
Chapter 3: oh ma gawd,i cleared my cookies and refreshed ,logged in again and again but i cant read the hidden parts!!! help mehhh
TheHonestOne #2
Chapter 9: Kyaaaaaaa poor YOONG T.T I hope Changmin gets to explain himself before you send him to the other side lol anyways, I am in love with this story♡ Changmin and Yoona are both so adorable and mysterious and cute and witty and omg I love my otp♡ thank you for writing them so beautifully!
Chapter 9: Who is changmin actually ? He should told yoona about min ahh before it turn worst
hiddencupcakes #4
Chapter 8: i just read ch 7 and 8 and gaaahh i thought jaejoong was kai!!! so wait.. min ah was jj's ex lover right?! and ch8 is so sweet!! but really tho, im so excited for kai's char! thank u for the update~
TheHonestOne #5
Chapter 8: So short yet still so valuable! I'm in love with this Changmin♡ and I hope he gets to tuck her hair behind her ears before you kill him off lol *cries a river* The. TT also, author, I hope you're okay now! Thanks for the update!
YoonYulsnsd #6
Chapter 1: Yoona was rather mean to him but he still decided to follow his heart and approach her, awwwww
charliexx #7
Chapter 7: Aaargh I'm about to tear my hair out, SO FLUFFY! (the singing part, of course. Poor Jaejoong) I got my hopes up that the Adonis lookalike was Kai, but *sniff sniff*... When is Kai gonna appear?! (Sorry, result of too much fangirling) Anyway, amazing chapter, amazing story, amazing everything. Update soon!
TheHonestOne #8
Chapter 7: I love Yoona's go to hell Changmin BTW and I hope you mend your own heart and someone better and more deserving will get it next time. Cheers!
TheHonestOne #9
Chapter 7: I thought the stranger would be kai haha how could Jaejoong be the second cutest guy? He's first :p (sorry minnie) I can't wait till the next update!
fantacy #10
Chapter 7: How sweet!^^ loving the moment between Changyoon:)