The Middle

Goodbye, Cold Guy
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Kris was, as he soon found out, the jealous type.

He'd never been second best before, so was shocked when he started harbouring strange feelings of resentment towards Yixing.

Kris hated Yixing. As far as he was concerned, Yixing had always been, and would always be a good-for-nothing tool.

Yixing was just there. Just this member who was always there. 

And what could he do?

Nothing. Absoloutely nothing.

In Kris' mind he was infinitely better than Yixing.

Who was the better rapper? Kris.

Who was the better visual? Kris.

Who was the better dancer? Yixing. Kris, of course.

So why didn't Tao like him? Why did Tao have feelings for this complete tool of a guy instead of the galaxy hyung himself..?


It was towards the last days of Summer, in 2013 when Kris' green eyed monster first reared its ugly head.

Luhan had told Tao a scary story earlier that day, and now Tao was too scared to go in and shower by himself at 2am. 

So, of course, he asked Kris to shower with him.

Kris stood in the bathroom taking off his clothes and shifting uncomfortably. He hadn't wanted to shower with Tao, as it could get awkward, so he hesitated. However, Tao's aegyo worked wonders, and before Kris knew it he was standing beside Tao, , in the overly small bathroom.


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Chapter 3: Whoot! <3 I was here for TaoXing and despite not having enough of them (come one! where was it!), I liked it. Poor Kris, though. D:
Sanapie #2
Tears in my eyes ;~;
There just has to be a sequel please please please!!!
helloimme #3
Chapter 3: this was too fabulous, thank you i died
Chapter 3: No, no, no, thousand times no.
My heart aches for Yifan´s romance sake.
Yeah, I gotta encourage you to make a sequel as mallowme said.
Anyway, this was clear and straight to the point, I like it.
Chapter 3: oh god
I just felt like my heart was shot by a thousand arrows and torn into pieces just like a used tissue.

one sided love is always so cruel *sighs
Still I love every single word here.

I demand for a sequel with a happy Yifan /getsbrickedforbeingtoodemanding

(meh,i think i might just conjure up some other ending in my head with Fanfan meeting someone who'll teach him to love again and get loved back in return or u know just pretend that Yixing and Tao broke up and he lives happily ever after with Kris HAHAHAHA *dodges flying torches)

Chapter 3: ;;;( why? My poor little heart you did an outstanding job this was awesome <3