

A group of voodoo dolls escape their puppeteer with their curse still buckled down on them.

But they can escape the curse.

Someone just needs to love them enough to be willing to die for one of them.

But with shattered pasts, can they succeed?


They were not human. However, they were far beyond caring about their immortality. They were free.

It had all happened in a blur. The six of them woke up in their respective cells, being shoved to the master's main lair. There, they had heard the best news of their whole lives. He was letting them go and letting them live. Better yet, he was allowing them to keep their fast immune systems, which he had so often used as an excuse to almost kill them.

But of course there were draw-backs. Someone, the master had said 'You'll know who the minute you leave this place', had to love them so much that she would be willing to die for one of them.

They spent a few weeks walking across Korea, feeling a pull in each of their hearts that was suddenly warmed when they stopped in front of a small white house with no car in the garage and small daffodils in the front garden.

"I think we've found our hero," the leader of the group of six, Hakyeon, commented, a wide smile growing on his face.



It has been brought to my attention that it is quite easy to think I'm copying someone else's voodoo au because HECK SON, THERE ARE A LOT OF VOODOO AUS.

So I would just like to clear the world up with some Clorox and say that all plot in this story was born from my sad mind in a fit of fangirl freakout, along with another story describing their lives in the cells, which I put in the file called 'too controversial and scary'.

Yeah, that's it.


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Chapter 1: This sounds suspiciously like jesshime and richkidsuho's 'Voodoo Boys'
Can't wait sounds interesting!