(38) Voice

I Just Wanna

Theme 38: Voice

     Krystal blacks out: the aftermath.

     I'm well aware that one of the staff members had done the honor of picking her up and escorting her to safety after the unfortunate Red Light Incident, but my crazy shipper needs have suggested otherwise in an alternate universe.

     That being said, I hope she's doing much better and that she's not so exhausted now. weloveyouKrystal


       Amidst the frantic buzz of the crowd, she awakes to the sound of Amber's voice.

       "...ung. Soojung." Someone gives her shoulder a little shake. "Can you hear me?"

       The flashing lights filter through the stray strands of hair scattered across Krystal's face, and the backs of her eyelids glint with white for seconds at a time before they flutter open, gazing upon what seems to be the fly system hanging overhead. Then someone's face.

       This isn't the stage.

       Her hand automatically s for the blurry form, grasping at nothing until her fingers rest limp on someone's eyebrow. Whose eyebrow it is, she doesn't know. It's fuzzy, though, and for some inexplicable reason a chuckle falls from her lips, edging on a weak laugh before she realizes her breathing is too unsteady ot carry out a task that demanding.

       The stranger rests a hand on hers, fingers curling over the skin of her palm and tugging it back down to rest at Krystal's side. "Krystal? Can you hear me? Say something."


       Amber, she means to say, but instead, Krystal groans. Still, it seems to do the trick. The grip on Krystal's hand tightens, and a small cry erupts from above, somewhere over to her left.


       A shriller, higher voice. A woman's voice. Sulli? Or is that Luna?

       "It's going to be okay, take it easy -- no, stay down, you're hurt -- stay right there, here, have some water --"

       The lights are fading.

       "Oh, no," someone says, and everything fades back into darkness.

       Someone dabs at her forehead with a cloth.

       "Oh, you're here!"

       Who is that? Victoria? Or is it Luna?

       Rough, gloved hands reach out to seize her arms and legs, and Krystal thinks she catches a glimpse of one of the security guards, but the lights are bright, too bright, she can't see anything and the pounding in her head is steadily picking up speed --

       They're about to lift her up, and her joints nearly cry out in pain. When her lips creak open, there's nothing but a small croak to demonstrate her discomfort. 

       It hurts.

       The guards halt, and Krystal's body is left suspended halfway off the couch by now. Maybe they heard her?

       "Here, wait. I'll take her." No, it's someone else.

       "Are you sure?"

       "Yes. Sir, you should take care of that wrist, first. I think I saw a nurse around the corner over there -- right there, yeah. Right; thank you."

       The coarse, gloved hands relinquish their grip on Krystal's limbs, and she's hoisted into someone else's arms instead. This time the transfer is gentle, warm. She gives an involuntary sigh of relief, slackening atop the weight of her deliverer in an unexpected reprieve. The pounding in her head hasn't disappeared entirely, but as the stranger's even gait lulls her to a soothing slumber, it's slowed some, and Krystal drifts back to nothingness.

       Amber's breath wafts over her cheek in a whisper.

       "Let's get you home, princess."

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