
Last Dance

Sighing, you pushed open the door to the local dance studio and set down your stuff on the floor carefully. The cold winter air escaped into the room as the door was opened, immediately filling the room with crisp coolness. Seeing that it was empty, you smiled a little despite your sadness and took off your jacket. You shivered as the coldness touched your now exposed skin, feeling as if a moderate breeze had blown in from outside.

Suddenly, you remembered the warm pair of arms that used to hold you nearly all the time, that protected you from everything and everyone, that comforted you in your moments of insecurity and sadness. You wanted to hit yourself for remembering that, but you couldn't help but just feel a little stupid at the argument that you had this morning.

Not wanting to think about it anymore, you shrugged your sholuders rather violently and went to put on some music. Apparently, you didn't seem to be looking properly when you picked out the music earlier, because the one CD that you brought just happened to be his favorite song to teach you.

"Ugh, not this song! Why didn't I look when I was going through the music.." you scolded yourself, hitting your forehead repeatedly with your fist. You wanted to change the song so badly, but seeing that this was the only piece of music that you brought and you rreally wanted to dance, you reluctantly decided to just keep the song on and start dancing.

You began counting to yourself as the music continued. "One, two, three, four." In response, your arms and legs started moving to the music automatically. You didn't have to try hard to remember the steps at all; the memory of learning them was burned into your mind.

"No, no, no." You tried to stop yourself from remembering the year-old memory, but it was too late. Images started d=streaming into your mind one by one, and before you knew it the whole scene was replaying again as you danced.


"This sounds like a hard song, Hoya. Are you sure you can teach me this successfully?" you asked, folding your arms and raising an eyebrow questioningly at him as the music started playing. Looking back at you, he laughed and stood up to hold your hands in his. The dance studio was empty for once, so the both of you had decided for him to teach you a song or two.

"Trust me. There is no dance that I, Dance Machine Hoya, cannot teach or learn!" he exclaimed, raising his hand to his forehead in a salutation. Seeing this, you giggled and tugged on his arm lightly.

"I highly doubt that, oh mighty dance machine. If there's one person in the world that can't learn any dance properly no matter how hard they try, it's me."

He looked at you doubtfully and smirked. "Is that a challenge?"

"Maybe it is," you teased, shrugging and faking an innocent look on your face. The slightly excessive amount of chocolate  you had earlier had left you a little more hyper than usual, so you were practically bouncing on your heels as the both of you spoke.

Hoya chuckled. "Well then, challenge accepted. Come on, let's start." He pulled you towards the middle of the room and stood still for a second. "So, you just try to follow as I dance, okay?" he instructed, looking at you as he did.

You tilted your head and pouted as you looked back at him. "How am I ever going to learn that way?"

As a response, he merely smiled and shook his head. "Trust me, it's a lot more effective than you think. Ready?"


With that, he started dancing. You tried your best to keep up to his moves, but - as expected - you found it extremely diffcult to continue. Your less-than-sharp moves turned into sort-of-flails, but he didn't seem to notice. In fact, he seemed too absorbed by the song to pay attention to anything else. So you just stood there, making mistakes one by one as he continued to dance expertly, laughing at yourself uncontrollably.

Hearing your laughter, Hoya's eyes darted to the side and glanced at you making an effort trying to dance. Unable to control himself, he burst into laughter as he detected your obvious mistakes. He actually had to stop dancing to hold his stomach, which was pained with laughter.

"What?" you asked innocently. "Am I not good?" You tried to keep a straight face, but even he could hear the short bursts of laughter that escaped your lips.

He laughed even more at that question, and at this point he was nearly in tears. "N-no, it's not that," he managed to get out, not even capable of forming understandable words. "It's just, you're really.. cute when you dance."

You replied to that statement with loud hysterics. "You don't have to lie. I'm the worst at dancing, I know."

Hoya knew he couldn't pretend any further without losing a lung, so he nodded. "Well, yeah," he admitted, caling down a little. Smiling, he put his arm around your waist and pulled you closer. "But you're still cute, whether you're good at dancing or not."

Blushing, you hit his arm lightly and looked up into his eyes. "I love you, Lee Howon."

"I love you too. More than you imagine," he said bluntly, and leaned down to kiss you.


When the memory ended, you finally cracked. You couldn't take it anymore, so you turned off the music immediately. You sighed once again and sat down on the floor, burying your face in your cold hands.

"Nice moves. Where'd you learn 'em?"

Upon hearing the familiar voice, you turned around to face the door with wide eyes, and there Hoya stood, smirking a half-smile.

"Hoya.." you whispered and looked down at your feet. "I- I'm--"

"I'm sorry," he cut you off and finished your sentence. "I shouldn't have been such an idiot this morning. I shouldn't have shouted at you, I shouldn't have accused you of things you didn't do. I love you too much for you to disappear from my life. So here I am, standing at the doorway of an extremely cold dance studio, asking for your forgiveness." He walked over and sat down next to you. "Well, not at the doorway anymore, but still. Forgive me?"

You had so many bitter things to say locked up in your mind earlier. An hour ago, you would've replied with a mean and insensitive remark, but all of that bitterness had gone away. Right now, you were extremely happy, and you couldn't stop yourself from smiling.

"Of course." And with that, you hugged him and pulled him into a kiss. It felt sweeter than any other kiss that you had ever had, and it lasted for a long time before he pulled back for some air.

"Heh. I love you too." He pinched your nose and laughed when you pouted. "So... want to keep dancing?"

"Only if you're gonna teach me."

"Something tells me I need to."

"Yah! I'm not that bad... am I?"



He laughed yet again, and took off his jacket. "Let's start."


A/N: So yeah.. this is the oneshot I wrote. ^^

I'm sorry if it's a little confusing, or boring, or just not understandable. I'll work harder, I promise!



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milk-sushi #1
Omg. Thank you guys so much for reading~ ^_^<br />
And yes, this is my first. OTL ><
Uncle_Ling #2
that was good! you should write more.
aigoo~ so cute! :3
aww this is so cute >__< ♥
flabbycow #5
Aww.. So sweet. I want Hoya to teach me how to dance too. He's awesome.
janale6 #6
cute. howon should teach me too :p
Chocolato #7
first ?<br />
<br />
and aww, how cute (: