

What creates the difference between human and robot? Emotions? Feelings? Memories?

Can one have those things, but run on batteries? If so, is there even a difference?

When a robot believes it's alive and a human wishes it was, much of social norm can be overlooked for the sake of love. But family, friends, and the law can see otherwise.


I opened my eyes. It took a few seconds for my vision to focus and a few more for the object before me to register as a person. He was slightly shorter than me, though it might have seemed that way because of the platform I was raised on. His hair was a deep brown and cut roughly across his forehead and his deep, dark eyes were serious, yet somewhat…

I couldn’t think of the word for it. Emotions were so new to me. And even then, they were nothing more than hard facts. I took a few moments to think and finally found a word for it; he was hopeful. For what, I didn’t know. But for some reason, he was placing bets on me. I didn’t know why.

I felt…something in my lower back. It registered as pain and I tested out my limbs, reaching behind myself to feel for what was causing it. The man seemed surprised by my action and quickly moved to help, gently taking my wrist and unplugging the cord that I was apparently attached to. I watched him blankly, not moving. He pulled me off the podium and I followed after him.

He led me to a dimly lit room filled with various technologies, most of which I didn’t recognize. I kept my gaze facing forward as he sat me down on a low, empty bed, free of any pillows or blankets. I reached to feel the cushioned surface, but found my right arm faulty. It was immobilized and I voiced my concern in a flat voice. For some reason, the man suddenly looked like he was going to cry, but he just carefully disassembled my arm and tinkered for a few moments, returning it in working condition. He picked up a large, hollow object, the outside of which was made of metal and glass pieces. I stared at it, not knowing what it was for, slightly confused when he slipped it over my head, the cloth edging resting on my shoulders. A soft beeping came from the computer to my left and then I felt them.

The memories.




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joanna20 #1
Chapter 3: Hi. Its been so long. How r u?
Chapter 13: Navi please~
GTokodi #3
Chapter 13: I want Navi *-*
idkijustlikekpop #4
Chapter 13: Ah, I can't believe I didn't guess! Oh well, good twist :). Navi please! There's so much more Neo out there, the world needs some Navi :))
Chapter 13: i'm sad that Hyuk always repeatedly said that he's not Hyuk, it'll hurt Hongbin by the time. i know that he's a cyborg of Hyuk, but he has Hyuk memory, personality, and feeling too~~~
i'll wait for next update :)
hsh0795 #6
Chapter 13: is so sad what happened to real hyuk :( poor him i feel bad when something bad happens to him.
Chapter 12: Chapter 12: what's that?? oh my god!! i'm soooo curious...
and thank you author-nim~~~ for keeping it Hyukbin story, thank youuuu~~~
and i ship LeoHyuk beside Hyukbin, i hope u can make one, hehe :D
idkijustlikekpop #8
Chapter 12: Awww, I do love Hyuken but it's okay, Hyukbin is great too! My vote is NAVI or WONTAEK either would be lovely thank you <3