I hate you too !

Working For 7 Hot Guys ?

as Kiseop stood up , he walked to _______ causing her to move backwards .


" You " , Kiseop started .


_______'s body was leaning against the wall . _______ could feel Kiseop's breath .


" You are messing with Lee Kiseop and you're gonna get it . You think you can beat me ? Just look at you . A maid ? " Kiseop insulted her :o


_______'s eyes were red . She couldn't say anything . She was really shocked with Kiseop's words . * Why is this happening to me ? On my first day ? Grandma ! Emelda ! I really need you guys ! I dont wanna work as a maid ! This isn't my life ! * she thought .


" Why are you quiet ? Missing your badass parents ? " Kiseop mocked her .


She couldn't stand with him anymore . She really hates when someone talks bad about her parents . Without any warnings or sigs , _______ slapped Kiseop's left cheek blanky .


" Well yeah ! I'm a maid ! I'm sorry if I did anything wrong ! But please dont insult my parents ! You can call me whatever you want ! Just don't involve my parents in our case ! I hate you " ______ shouted at his face .


Kiseop stared at her with a smirk on his face . " Well I hate you too since the first time we met . " Kiseop said and went away .


They both didn't notice there were 6 figures were watching them behind the bedrooms doors . The other members couldn't help but just watching .


[ Kiseop's POV ]


I went into my room and saw AJ was sitting on his bed crossing his arms . I just ignored him and made my way to the bathroom . I can't stop thinking about the incident just now . Maybe I was too harsh on her . It's my fault . She was right . Nobody wouldn't get angry if someone talks bad about their parents . Including me . Aahh . Whatever . .


[ End of Kiseop's POV ]

[ Kevin's POV ]


I saw Kiseop and _______ were arguing . It's like World War 3 was coming . Sorry _______ ah .


I couldn't help you . It's not that I dont care . I just dont know why . .


After I had my shower , I made my way to the kitchen . I saw _______ was preparing breakfast for all of us . She looks so beautiful . Her big eyes . Her pointed nose . Her cherry lips . How I wish she wouldn't have got into troubles like this .


I stood behind her without her noticing .


' BOO ! '


I surprised her . She was a little bit shocked and a small smile appeared on her face . She didn't even say anything .


This is weird . Maybe she's still thinking about the incident just now .


[ End of Kevin's POV ]

[ _______'s POV ]


After Kiseop went to this room , I stood there for awhile .


I stared at the floor blankly with a few drops of tears on my face . As I wanted to forget about it , I went to the kitchen to make breakfast for the members .


When I was cooking , Kevin suddenly came out of nowhere and surprised me . The only thing I could do was just smile . But I admit . Seeing his angelic face can cool down my heart . It's like I forget about all things around me . He's too sweet . Not a badass like Kiseop .


" So _______ . What are u cooking for breakfast ? I'm hungry ! " Kevin asked me while rubbing his tummy .


" Mmm . Pancakes . . ? " I answered .


" Pancakes ? It's my favourite ! I can't wait to eat this ! " he cheered .


" Really ? Wahh . You're lucky today . You can eat my speacial pancakes ! "


" Do you want me to help you ? " He asked me .


" Naah . It's okay . I'm almost done . But can you help me to arrange all the plates on the table ? " I asked him for a favour .


" Sir ye sir ! " He saluted like a soldier and went to grab the plates .


I laughed looking at his guts . He's such a cutie :D After I had finished with the pancakes , I put 2 pancakes in each plates . The first person who sat on the chair was Dongho .


" Waaaa ~ Noona ! I can smell these delicious pancakes ! " Dongho said and started to dig in the pancakes .


" Dongho ah . Eat slowly . You wont get choked . " I reminded him .


" Ne noona ! Hey hyungs ! Come and eat the pancakes that _______ noona made ! It's delicious ! Dont make me eat all these ! " Dongho threatened his hyungs . I chuckled .


But then suddenly Kevin sat beside Dongho and started to eat the pancakes .


" _______ ah ! This is delicious ! You should try it for yourself ! Oh wait . Have you taken your breakfast ? " he asked .


" Mmm . No I haven't . "


" Oh . Come eat with us . " he welcomed me .


" It' okay . I can eat later . Besides , I still got a lot more works to do . " I made an excuse .


" Aww . Come on noona . You need to fill in your energy first . Then you can do the works .


" Dongho persuaded me with his mouth full of pancakes .


" Alright alright " I went to the kicthen to grab a plate . I started to eat the pancakes . The other members came out of their rooms .


" Ohh . Good morning _______ ah . " Soohyun said .


" Good morning " followed by the other members . Except for Kiseop . All of us were eating in silence .


But then Eli broke the ice . " This pancake is delicious . How do you know to cook this ? " Eli asked me .


" Ohh . Well . My mom used to make pancakes for me when she was alive . She taught me to make it . " I answered .


" I'm sorry . " He looked at me with symphatise .


" No it's okay . No need to be sorry . " I said hesistantly . We all had a lite chit chat . Well yeah . Only Kiseop was quiet like a mute person .


[ End of _______'s POV ]


After everyone had finished eating , _______ quickly cleaned the mess . All the members were enjoying their moments as they got a day off . _______ were busy cleaning the apartment .


Suddenly _______ missed her grandma so much . * How I wish this thing never happened to me * _______ thought as she kept cleaning around the room . 





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i love your story!!! update soon!!
kyungela24 #2
i'm boring..........................................sheispark96 unnie,ppali update....i'm tired of waiting.....................................................................#nowplaying 2pm - tired of waiting
"unnie"cyresslovekiseop cry as she grab you feet...."sorry, i will come back and finish it for you, i promise....so let go of my feet."sheispark said to cyresslovekiseop"unnie unnie unnie"
cyresslovekiseop cried..."mianhe cyress""unnie"cyress shouted.
kyungela24 #4
Best chapter!update soon!fighting!
this is not BORING..it's amaze me..
your welcome...as long as you update...fighting....<3..
sheispark96 #7
@CyressloveKiseop Haha . Thank you for your support :D
update.......park ______(ri tae) and kiseop are meant-to-be.
sheispark96 #9
@kyungela24 @milkycouplesaranghae Thank you :) Do support me all times .
kyungela24 #10
I hope you can update it everyday!fighting!