First Day >.

Working For 7 Hot Guys ?


Then you both had a chit chat together until , " Oppa . I think it's late . You need to get ready for the concert tonight . "


He looked at his watch . " Ahh . Ye . Mianhe ________-ah . I gotta go . See you tomorrow ", he went outside so fast . You didnt even have time to say goodbye to him . 


* Tomorrow is going to be a long day . Plus, seeing that JERKFACE ! * ________ thought to herself . She layed herself onto the bed and drove to dreamland . 


- RING ! ! ! - 

the clock rings as it shows 7 AM . 


" Oh my god ! I'm so gonna be late ! ", _______ rushes into the toilet . 


after 15 minutes , you get out from the toilet and pick something to wear . like this


" all done ! hwaiting _______ ! ", you say and smile . 


you walk towards the bus stop 10 minutes from your house . you wait for the bus almost an hour . 


" tskkk ! where's the bus ? I'm late now ! ", u say pouting .


you walk to the left and to the right . soon the bus arrives . 


*20 minutes later*


" ahjusshi ! please stop here ! ", u tap on the old man's shoulder . then he nods . 


you walk to the U-Kiss apartment . you knock the door and no one answers . then you remember Ms. Kim gave you a keycard . you examine your pocket .


" ahah ! found it ! ", u jump happily :D


you swipe the keycard and enter the room . 


you walk into the room seeing nobody is already woke up . 


" hmm . I should just complete the laundry first . "


there are 3 bedrooms . Soohyun , Eli and Hoon are in the first room . AJ and Kiseop are in the second room , follows by Kevin and Dongho in the third room .


you walk in the first room . searching for the dirty clothes .  you see three handsome faces sleeping on their own beds . " they are so handsome . no wonder all girls are into them " you thought . you take the dirty clothes and place it into a big blue basket . 


then while you're on your way to enter the second room , Kiseop opens the door and sees _______ . 


your eyes open WIDE ! 


Kiseop is shocked .


" YAAAHH ! you ert stinks maid ! why are you still standing there ?! just get the away ! " he yells and covers his bare body . 


well , you know . Kiseop is just wearing a towel . covering up his down part of body . 


you walk away and feel your heart beating . why is it beating ?! because this is first time you see a man's body lively ! and you feel cracked up !


" yaaahh ! _______ ! EWWWWW ! you just saw a man's body ?! this is gross ! GROSS ! YUCKK ! but cant deny it . his body is perfect and built up with abs :D ", you thought to yourself . 


[ Kiseop's POV ]


" did she just see my body ? what the heck ?! ", I thought to myself .


I walk back into the room . I see AJ is still sleeping like a pig . 


I just cant stop thinking . I shouldnt have woke up early and met that stupid maid . 


I quickly pick a blue long-sleeved shirt to wear and a pair of jeans . I walk out into the kitchen to drink some water . soon I saw that maid walking out from Dongho's room . I mean , Kevin's room too . she's ugly . TOO ugly . 


she walks pass by me towards the washing machine . she walks without even looking at me . puhftt ! weird ugly maid . 


after drinking my water , I sit on the sofa in the living room . instead of doing nothing , I grab a magazine to read . 


then I see that maid is mopping the floor in the kitchen . phufttt ~ I bet she's scared to come here infront of me . HAHAHA ! *he smirks*


soon , she comes around my area to mop the floor . WHAT THE HECK ?! SHE DARES TO SHOW UP IN FRONT OF ME ?! HOW DARE HER ! 


I cant believe this >:( I just ignore her . soon I realize that she doesn't mop the floor around me . *it's like Kiseop in the circle that full of dust !* 


" YAAAH ! are you blind ? there is still dust around here ! clean it ! " I point my finger on the floor near me . 


she keeps quiet . and it means she ignores me ? what the ?! I really hate when someone ignores me .


I place my leg infront of her that causes her to trip down . HA HA HA ! serve her right ! 


[ End of Kiseop's POV ]


[ _______'s POV ]


this man is really getting on my nerve ! he dares to treat me like this ? he's gonna get it ! 


I stand up and make my way to a pail that is full of dirty water that I use to immerse the mop . I grab it and POUR the dirty water onto him . 


now that's what we call DRAW in a GAME :)


serve him right ! ! ! >>:D


I make an " awww " face . 


" awww . is it cold ? want me to get a towel ? " I ask him sarcastically . 


I see he stands up . U-ohh . is it his turn ?


[ End of _______'s POV ]




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i love your story!!! update soon!!
kyungela24 #2
i'm boring..........................................sheispark96 unnie,ppali update....i'm tired of waiting.....................................................................#nowplaying 2pm - tired of waiting
"unnie"cyresslovekiseop cry as she grab you feet...."sorry, i will come back and finish it for you, i let go of my feet."sheispark said to cyresslovekiseop"unnie unnie unnie"
cyresslovekiseop cried..."mianhe cyress""unnie"cyress shouted.
kyungela24 #4
Best chapter!update soon!fighting!
this is not's amaze me..
your long as you update...fighting....<3..
sheispark96 #7
@CyressloveKiseop Haha . Thank you for your support :D
update.......park ______(ri tae) and kiseop are meant-to-be.
sheispark96 #9
@kyungela24 @milkycouplesaranghae Thank you :) Do support me all times .
kyungela24 #10
I hope you can update it everyday!fighting!