
Growing pains: Erasure

"Hyukjae! Hyukjae! You there?" Two bodies shuffled on the bed as they lay asleep. One slightly being awaken by the voice outside while the other snored lightly. 

"Hyukjae! I need to borrow some ingredients let me in! Our cute neighbor will be in my apartment any minute now!" The voice sounded desperate and the knocking was harsher. 

Donghae yawned as he stretched. His eyes soon widened as he heard the name. 

"Hyukjae?" He whispered. He looked to his side to see a groaning man. He jumped away in surprise almost falling from the bed. He quickly lifted the covers and sighed in relief once he saw he was fully covered clad in his pajamas. 

"Am I living here?" He asked himself. He breathed in and out slowly trying to calm his nerves down. 

"Lee Hyukjae! Open the door! Aish!" 

Donghae shook the body slightly afraid of what would happen. Where was he anyways? Who is he? He doesn't remember anything at all. 

"Yeah?" Hyukjae opened his eyes lazily to then widen at the sight of Donghae. "Who- who are you?" He asked bolting out of bed. 

"Hyukjae!" The pounding on the door didn't halt and Donghae not wanting to stay in the other's presence because it was too awkward, hurried over to the door opening it. He saw a small petite brunette make his way past him and into the kitchen. He rummaged through the fridge while Donghae watched him in confusion. 

Hyukjae peeked outside of his room. Was the stranger gone? Who is he and why is he even here? He doesn't remember anything. 

"Ryeowook?" At least he remembers his friends. Sorry Hyukjae I need to borrow some stuff. I would go to the store but it's far away and I'm always stocking your fridge anyways." He continued to check the cabinets. 

Donghae cleared his throat "H-hi." Ryeowook spun around and smiled brightly. "Omo Donghae! I'm sorry I didn't see you." 

"You know me?" Donghae asked surprised. 

"Of course I know you. You and Hyukjae have been inseparable ever since you met. By the way isn't it too early to already have moved in together? I mean you've been going out for just a day." Both Hyukjae and Donghae's jaws dropped. 

"Wh-what are you talking about?" Hyukjae asked in disbelief. 

"I-I don't remember anything about that." Donghae spoke uneasily. 

Ryeowook narrowed his eyes at them. "Yah! Quit playing around you two! Of course you're dating! You announced it yesterday at Leeteuk's birthday party. Way to steal the spotlight by the way!" He laughed putting the stuff in his basket. 

"How did we meet?" Donghae asked. 

"Who tops?" Hyukjae received a smack on the arm by the shocked brunette. "We lost our memories and that's the only thing you can think of?" Donghae shook his head. 

"Sorry." Hyukjae muttered. Ryeowook laughed. "You two never change. Anyways I'd love to stay and talk but our cute neighbor from 207 is coming to my apartment for breakfast." He squealed then stopped. "Wait you said you lost your memories?" He asked and checked them for any sickness. 

"I don't remember him." Hyukjae said removing the petite brunette man's hand away from his forehead. 

"Omo forget the date are you being serious?" Donghae nodded. 

Both wanted to run away or feel panicked but surprisingly they were calm about it. They questioned if it was right or not. 

After a while both where now sitting in front of Ryeowook and his cute neighbor Yesung. The latter eyeing them suspiciously. 

"So you're saying you have no recollections of your relationship?" He asks both fidgeting males. 

"I don't even remember being gay." Hyukjae confesses. Ryeowook gasps and hits his arm lightly. "You've been gay for a while now Hyukjae!" 

"I remember everything but him." Donghae points to the man next to him who slaps his pointer away. "Yah! It's rude to point!" He says making the other pout. 

Hyukjae unconsciously smiled at the sight of the pout before realizing it and coughing awkwardly instead. 

"So how did we even meet?" He asks. Yesung shrugged and Ryeowook sighed ready to explain. 

"We were both enjoying dinner after a full work day so as we were waiting for a taxi- because you refused to drive since you were too tired and I hate driving, so then we were waiting at a curb when suddenly this stupid jerk- your words not mine, spun into the curb too fast with his car and then he splashed us all over with muddy water." He took a drink before continuing. 

"You were so furious because it was your new jacket and started yelling at the driver. Donghae stepped out and it was cliche but it was as if you two knew each other or something you were staring intensely. Then you ruined it by demanding a new jacket and cursing the poor panicked guy." Yesung laughed at Donghae's pout. 

"Yeah then I don't know how it happened you both exchanged numbers something about Donghae promising to buy you a new jacket whatever. Then you both started hanging around each other more. Hyukjae you fell first. You were like a love-struck puppy and I was the one who always had to listen about Hae this Hae that." He looked at both. Hyukjae was giving him a confused look while Donghae was paying attention to his muffin more.  

"Weeks passed you confessed and cried to me about ruining your friendship. The next day Donghae appears at your apartment saying he liked you too blah blah and tada! EunHae was formed." He sighed after his speech. "You honestly don't remember?" He asked. 

Both shook their heads. 

"Well you should just act as if you do. Hyukjae ever since you and Donghae came out you've been even more popular deeming you Korea's hottest gay couple." 

"Wait am I still a fashion designer?" He asked. Ryeowook nodded. 

"And I still own my own bakeries and restaurants right?" Once again Ryeowook nodded. 

"Omgee it's EunHae!" They heard a few girls squeal as they stared at them.

"EunHae? What's that?" Hyukjae asked.

"A combination of your names, your shipping name actually. I guess it's awkward but you two tend to be very into PDA." Donghae blushed as Hyukjae frowned. 

He was never the type to display that. Heck he wouldn't even hold hands with his date! On the other hand Donghae was a er for sweetness. He gulped as he debated whether to hold his hand or not. It's not that he accepted what the other brunette was saying but if they were as Ryeowook had mentioned then everyone else would find it weird if they suddenly changed right? 

Before he could make the first move he felt a hand wrap around his waist pulling him closer to a new body heat. "Eat up your muffin baby." Hyukjae had pecked his blushing cheeks. He felt very warm all of a sudden. He should've ordered ice cream instead. 

"That'll do." Hyukjae said smiling smugly as he watched the girls nearly faint. 

"So will you be telling the others as well?" Ryeowook asked after finishing his cheesecake.

"I don't know. I don't want to make a huge fuss out of this. Donghae what do you think?" Hyukjae asked turning to the brunette. 

"Whatever is fine I mean if we're known as a couple what would happen if we suddenly like break up?" Donghae asked curiosity biting him. 

"You want to break up with me?" Hyukjae asked feigning pain. 

"No!" Donghae widened his eyes. He didn't mean to yell it out sounding desperate. "I mean I guess we can't. Let's just pretend then." 

"Good choice. You know even before you both went out you'd constantly flirt and tease each other. It was obvious you were crushing on each other." Yesung said sipping his iced latte.  

"Yep! I really hope you remember. At least try to alright? You're both adorable and fit each other perfectly." Ryeowook smile brightly. 

"If we liked each other then I guess we have to start from zero right?" Hyukjae asked more to himself. "Well this is awkward but I guess we have to try. I just really want to know why we forgot." 

Donghae nodded cutely, agreeing with his supposed boyfriend. "But Ryeowook, am I really living with him?" 


A/N: Well I was supposed to put this up the same day I started this Fic but I've been busy so I'm sorry! 

Please go easy on me it's just the second chapter. I hope I didn't disappoint anyone >.< 

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I'm so sorry for keeping you waiting u.u I hope you still remember this and please comment! ^^


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hirumamori #1
Chapter 3: omg thank you for updating!!! kyaaa~ I feel a bit weird on the 'WGM' theme haha.. how awkward will they be.. :))) or maybe this will make me remember SJM Guesthouse hehehehehe :3

fighting author-nim!!! :D
msleeoct #2
Chapter 2: I've been waiting for authors for make a growing pains into a fanfic T_T lol
But now you make it (?) So happy>< lol

Your story is interesting, please do continue ~~
Chapter 2: Omg I'm not the only one who thinks that eunhaes music videos are like some kind of beginning of a love story. And i want to know what happens after the erasure. So please update soon ^.^