Chapter 3 : Past that couldn't be forgotten

Time has passed

I remember when I first saw you back then, you were so beautiful. You looked like angel and I couldn’t take my eyes off of you.


It was the first time I saw you. You looked a bit lost, like some kid searching for their parents. Like someone needed to find their lovers. I could see that you’ve been waiting for someone. Yet, someone you’ve been wanting to meet hasn’t show up.

I felt the urge to come approaching you and talking to you. I was trying to argue with my own thought that are telling me that I should have get to know you when I see someone has already approaching you.

I looked at the exciting face you shown when you realize that person hugging you. You showed your big, wide smile and I was attracted to that smile. You looked so cute.

I was being caught off guard when I saw you standing in front of me so sudden. You were waving at me like a childish act.

“Hei!” You exclaimed to get my attention. What I could have done was only stare with a dumb expression. “I’m Park Jimin,” You introduced yourself and pulled out your hand that I only looked at it. “What is your name?” No response. I don’t even know why, but no words came out from my mouth.

I was sure that you felt awkward because I said nothing and you just pulled back your hand to rub your nape. “Well, I’m sorry I had to watch the game. Ehm, you must be one of the competitor, right? Good luck for you!” You were gesturing some fighting sign while putting a fist in the air.

I smiled and you laughed. “Bye!” You were gone with a crowd of people.

I sighed and started to practice a bit before I heard my name being called. “Jeon Jungkook.”

Putting on my equipment, I walked and ready to fight. I looked at the person that would be my opponent of the game. Out of people, why should I compete with my own best friend, Kim Taehyung.

Before starting the game, we were bowing to show some respect and held out our weapons that we called as epee. “En garde... Prêt... Allez.”

We started to attack each other and I could hear some people screaming for my name, also him. As the time being hold, I looked at the audience to find you were screaming and cheering for his name. I looked at him and quickly realizing that there’s something going on between you two.


Even when I tried to think the reason, but I just couldn’t find any reason. I didn’t even know what happened with me. I couldn’t think of any reason why.


My life was all so happy because I found someone who I loved so much and I never know how I could be if he would leave for me. I never know how I should have react after that time comes. I wouldn’t think that time would come anytime soon. I didn’t want it to become true.

I walked to my locker and started to put my book neatly on it. I looked up when I felt someone wrapping his hand onto my waist. “Hey,” He said while grinning to me.

I could have only smiling at the handsome figure towering me and kissed my nose when I was looking up at him. I could swear that my heart would be stopping if he’s going to grip on me. I would be died caused of the inviting rectangular smile. “Hey!”

I escaped from his grip when I heard the bell sound ringing. He was pouting which made me giggle. I patted on his face slowly and kissed his cheeks. “I gotta go, see you later.”

There was no one surrounded us, so when I tried to walk away and went to my class, he took the chance to kiss on my lips before I even had the chance to protest. “See you,” Pulling me away from his grip, he walks to his class calmly while I shook my head and grinned.

As the time goes on, it was the time to go home. He informed that he couldn’t give me a ride to go home caused of his practice. I knew that he was practicing so hard to get the gold medal and making everyone  proud of him. He was really good at fencing, moreover when he was playing with Jungkook.

That boy, I noticed that when I came to watch the games, he was looking at me. I was so clueless and had no idea why would he looked at me. I barely knew his name when his name being called and he had to fight with Taehyung, my boyfriend. They were playing so good and they had their own strategy, but even though I knew that Jungkook has already tried his best to beat Taehyung, he just couldn’t.

Speaking of which, my thought has been snapped by the loud of yelling. “Jimin!!”

I looked up and found himself staring at me with his wide smile.

I wanted to refuse the invitation, but he was attacking me with his cute act to agree on accompanying him to the park. As we walked to the park, we just talked over random things.

Arriving on the park, we sat on the bench and talked. I tried to tell a joke, but I could see him laughs caused of the respect, not because I had the perfect sense of humour.

Time passed on so quickly and we didn’t realize that we spent more than two hours together. Sun starting to fall as we watched the sunset hold up.

“Jimin,” The wind was blew on my face. I turned my head when I heard my name was being called.

What surprising me the most was the feel of lip locked on mine. I widened my eyes caused of the shock. I didn’t what to do since I was too confused to even think what was going on. I tried to push him, but then I realized that he was holding me so tightly as if he doesn’t want it to be over.


Never I thought of leaving you, but promises is promise. I could have just hoping that he would be your happiness even if I had to feel hurt caused I couldn’t bare on watching you with someone else.


“If I won, you have to accept the truth that he wasn’t going to be yours anymore,” He said firmly as I looked up to find the serious tone out of his mouth. “If I lose, I would have to give up,” I took my weapon and pointed at him.

“Didn’t you think it was a bit risky to throw a bet on him? He might be mad for you if he found out the truth,” I said and furrowed my eyebrow.

He laughed mockingly. “Then you couldn’t tell him the truth. Why? Are you scared that you would lose this time?”

I sighed. “No, you should’ve be the one whose scare of me.”

“Then it’s settled.”

As the time goes on, we played without noticing there were so many people watched us. The two of us keep on scoring a number just to try win the competition. I had no idea how he would be react if he found out that we were betting on him. But, the deal was a deal. No broken promises should have shown.

I looked up at the score as we got the time out. I stared at the score. 13-12. Two more points and I could have just won this stupid kind of bet. I panted slightly as I receiver the drink has been offered to me.

“What was going on? Why did you fighting over him again?” I almost spit out the drink when I heard the soft voice on my right side.

How could I just leave him when I knew exactly that either of us can forget of each other? What should I have to say to convince him that I wanted to leave him? When could we got our happy ending? Why should I take on bet if I didn’t want to leave him?

I looked at the opposite place where Jungkook has been resting while looking at me –no, him-. I could feel the anger boiling up on his heart as he keeps on looking at us.

I turned my head to see the concerned eyes watching me. I leaned forward to his face to capture his lips for the last time. If I should leave him, let these moments to become my last time on capturing his lips and show him that I was truly loved him.


The past that couldn’t be forgotten would be remembered as the time goes on, no matter how hard you tried to forget, the memories wouldn’t stop on haunting you.


Living with no hatred..

Sorry for the late updates, no, sorry if I couldn’t update quickly like my previous story.

So, Taehyung’s past has been revealed, right? I just love vmin so much, so I couldn’t leave them behind. However, there will be no vmin after this.  Also, what happened the next of their story was told in previous chapter.

And yeah, Jungkook has already made his appearance on the first chapter, go check it out. I mentioned him as ‘he’.

Uhm, yeah. Hope you enjoyed it. It meant a lot to me if you could have enjoyed on reading this story.

I’m sorry for grammar mistakes..

Thank you and please give me some comment, subscribe and upvote my story..

Check out my other story :

Personal soldier, Best Friend, Paradise of lights, Everything has changed



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churroseventeen #1
Chapter 1: Gosh, so sad TT TT
hedobang #3
Chapter 16: My heart is broken ㅠㅠㅠ
That was so sad but cute but sad buuuut cute ㅠㅠ
And the MV +19 is finally out! Finally ❤❤❤❤
Chapter 15: did u really done with this ff???guess this 3th ff that i read have ending of jimin died..2bcoz of sickness,1 bcoz of suicide..oh my... T.T
hedobang #5
Chapter 15: It's okay, but you worry too much about updates! (it's not like you shouldn't, but I think that you are overthinking about that, because that could be stressfull ) It's fine if you don't do it regularly, don't force you if you're not in the mood to write, we could understand if you'll take more time to do it :)
And, like I've said, complicated things are the best! Haha
Oooh yeah, exams are the worst thing in earth :c
One last thing, I thought that about myself too (that I at writing), and want to give up on (even if I only had four stories, and they all are one-shots xD) but you can't tell if you'll improve in the future if you don't try (I like to draw, I can draw, but I don't do it like I want to, I have been drawing since 2010 (well, since my childhooh but I started to draw in manga style since 2010) and sometimes I want to give up because I see others people works and the're so freaking good and mine are just ... they aren't bad actually but is not how I want them to be, BUT the thing I learned because of that is that is if you want to be good, excellent in something, you need to practice, and it might be difficult but if you really love it, then all the time spend in that it would be worth (I'm sorry for this very long comment)
But it's all up to you :)
hedobang #6
Chapter 14: This isn't the end I expected, truthfully is better (for me obviously, maybe not for everyone but I liked it)
I'm crying, it was just a little bit rushed but it is ok, because it didn't seem to forced.
Congrats for your cool story :)
Chapter 7: Omoo!! A huge love web!! Hmm.. let me recap, Taetae loves Jimin, Yoongi loves Jimin, Hoseok loves Taetae...
But! Does Jungkook love Jimin too? And does Seokjin love Taetae??
I feel really bad for poor Jiminnie!! T - T I wanna cry!!
hedobang #8
Chapter 12: Oh my god...
Oh my god
I don't know what to say xD
Can't wait (maybe a little bit xd) for next chapter :)
Chapter 8: Great chapter! But a little bit short^^'
I'm waiting for the next~ ^^
Chapter 8: Oh my! Jimin trying to leave his memory with jungkook and move on by moving to diff place but guess god have diff plan and fate brought him more closer to jungkook..great chappie but too short~ *pout*