Prologue: Of flaming hair and fearsome dragons

You’re hotter than a dragon’s breath

The guy sitting in front of him is made of complete utter bull. 


I mean he should of figured it out by the time he saw the guy’s flaming red hair and “self made” shawl (basically a curtain wrapped around his head) but clearly he had disregarded all of this and now the regret has started to set in as he finds himself sitting in a flimsy plastic chair across a squabbling man inside a heavily perfumed and uncomfortably small tent. 


“I see a dragon in your future,” the redhead squeals. “ A dragon, yes a big dragon and a quest yes. A quest to slay the dragon before it goes all barbecue on your kingdom. Yes that is what lies ahead, Prince Leo.”


Complete bull is what Leo thinks, he has better things to do. “Right.” He drawls out and stand up stiffly and quickly ready to bolt to out of this tent and away from the crazy so called fortune teller. 


The redhead looks up at him alarmed and with a pout on his face as he latches his arm onto Leo’s sleeve. “Wait, the crystal ball is showing me more. It’s telling me something. Something important..” he spits out, his free arm flailing everywhere.


Leo turns his head to looks at the ‘crystal ball’ on the sad looking fold up table. “Oh, you mean that broken light bulb.”


The other man looks slightly offended but doesn’t say anything about it and instead chooses to shout. “You shall go on a quest to slay the dragon. I see a wizard and perhaps a companion and maybe a horse. Can’t really tell though. Kinda looks like a camel. Or a donkey.”


He begins to pout again while mumbling at the broken light bulb and Leo thinks he has had enough of ‘whatever this is meant to be’ for the day. “Mmmm… That’s great. Now tell me, what is your name?”


The said redhead looks up surprised and slightly pleased. Because, hello hot prince wants his name that means progress. “Prince Leo, you can call me Hakyeon.” He says and flashes a overly blinding smile.


Leo turns to face the dreamy looking red head and takes a deep breath. “Well, nice to meet you Hakyeon and I never want to see you and your mouldy curtain and your broken light bulbs ever again.”




Leo knows it’s rude to stare but he can’t really help it right now. 


“Hello, son did you hear me? I said that you need to slay this fearsome dragon that just landed next door so it doesn’t burn down everything and whatever the hell dragons also do.”


Leo curses under his breath and the king looks at his son, suspicious. 


“Are you not willing to take up the quest. I mean if you aren’t-“


Leo looks up at the king immediately. “No father, it’s not that…”


“What is it son?” The king narrows his eyes.




Leo refuses to believe that the fortune teller actually was able to predict that. He most definitely wasn’t cut out for dragon slaying quests. 


that fortune teller and his obnoxious red hair. 




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hyundeul #1
Chapter 1: HAHAHAHAHAHA OMG at Hakyeon being an accurate as heck fortunate teller in a dinky tent. I can tell i am gonna love this a lot. Thumbs up!
exovixxfinite #2
Can't wait for the update! It seems interesting!^^