Ljoe's kiss

The battle for one
The next morning, you woke up and got dressed for school. You heard a thud in the living room. "Kwon Jiyong I thought I said not to barge into my house anymore!" you ranted but stopped when you saw a familiar blonde rummaging through your refrigerator. 

"Ljoe?" You blinked. He turned around, the corners of his mouth smothered with freshmilk. "I'm angry." he did an angry pout. 

"Wae?" "Cus you said I was nobody yesterday." Then, it hit you.

"Oh. Yesterday. Right." you bit your lip. "I did it for you. You don't wanna die, right?" 

"I would for you. Who's Jiyong? Does another guy live here?" he made an accusation. "No, siilly. Wait. How did you even get here? You didn't break my lock, did you?!" 

Ljoe shook his head and approached you. When he was only a centimeter away from you, he bent down such that his eye level was the same as yours. "There." he pointed towards the window. 

After you realized what he was implying, you went crazy. "Yah! Are you insane?! It's three storey high for god's sake!!" you shook the boy, hoping to shake some sense into him. 

"Well, did I ever mention to you that I was perfect?" He smirked. "Yeah right." you smirked back.

Ljoe's eyes fell onto your lips as you talked. "I'm a good kisser too, wanna try?" he leaned in, and his lips made contact with yours. You gasped, and he took this chance to slip his tongue into your mouth. "No-mmmfgmm.." your words turned out muffled as his arms s around your waist, pulling you closer.

You blinked when he slowly pulled away. You felt weak in your knees and almost fell when he let go of you. "You must do this alot." you mumbled, cheeks flushed.

"Man, jealous already?" he ruffled his hair. "and nope. To be frank with you, you're the first girl I've ever kissed. The whole good kisser thing was just an enticer." he gave you a cheeky grin. 

"Jerk." you slapped his arm. "You're in trouble. My boyfriend's gonna hunt you down if he knows about this." you teased. 

"Let him come, you're mine and that's that." he folded his arms. "But let's get you to school first. What school do you go to?" he checked your uniform for the school crest. 

"Woolim academy." you answered him. He stayed frozen and you noticed his expression harden. "you okay?"

"Y-yeah." Ljoe straightened himself. "Listen, I can't bring you to school." 

"dude. I didn't ask you to. Anyway, you've got your own school to attend to. What school do you go to?" 

"Top. Top academy." 

He went to the window and climbed onto the frame. "If you've noticed, there's a door." you jabbed your finger towards the direction of the main door.


"Dont worry, I'm perfect. Nothing will happen." he positioned himself. "see you at the club tonight, or I'll come find you." he gave you a small salute and jumped off. You went to check if he was alright, and saw him hopping onto a bike and speeding off. 

*I'm dead. First Howon, now Ljoe. What should I do?*

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KoreHannah #1
Chapter 31: "We'll be back before you can
say the word marshmallow."
Hoya said stupidly.
"Marahmallow." you looked at
Hoya with a so-now-what face.
~LMAO! Daebak! This part dit cracked me up XD nice story ya got there authornim ^^
WatashinoOrenji #2
Chapter 31: NO.WAY!!!SERIOUSLY?!LUCKY!Both of them r her bfs. >.<
I cried when TOP took the bullets for her! T____T
Jessika98 #3
Chapter 31: SEQUAL! I hope you make one I love they way you wright stories! :) <3 ^.~
ailisu #4
cute~~ howon & l.joe :DD
but i really wanted her to be with seunghyun ;A;
and L.. XD
LOL so lucky 2 bf<br />
sad,fantastic ending ;)
HAHAHA...... 2 boyfriends....<br />
Amazing story....but TOP died... <br />
BTW....like your story....
dkhanani27 #7
Aww , the ending was amazing
BabyDaeJae #8
it'd be awesome to have 2 bf but apparently here in the US everyone's gunna be like "!" "player!" but how would they know ;D
Hey ~ How sweet Hoya and L.Joe are!! <br />
And L ...OMG ...why didnt you make her end up with him too ..? He really likes her though ~