
The battle for one
You ran to the hospital. Seeing your mum would calm you down. Your mum had leukemia, and was very frail and weak. You couldn't afford her hospital bills, and Top was the one who paid. So naturally, you became his woman. 

DING. The lift door slowly opened, revealing a quiet hallway. While walking, you could see from afar a crowd of nurses and doctors gathering outside a familiar ward. Your heart palpitated as beads of perspiration gathered on your forehead. *No..* it couldn't be, It mustn't be. As you quickened your footsteps, you felt yourself panic.

Your doubts were confirmed when you reached the ward. "Miss Kang!!!" the doctor-in-charge called out to you. He was responsible for your mother for the past few years, in charge of her medication, her health, and her whatever that concerned her. 

You didn't answer the doctor. "Where's my mother?" you tried to be calm, but your body actions failed you. You were trembling so hard that anyone could tell that you were afraid. 

"I'm sorry. We tried our best-" "DON'T SAY YOU'RE SORRY I ASKED WHERE IS MY MOTHER!!" the doctor nodded and led you to a small room. There was a metal table in the middle and a white cloth was laid on it. Underneath the white cloth was a body. 

You approached the table and gently lifted the white cloth away, revealing a pale recognizable face. Her high cheekbones were evident, and she looked so peaceful. Your eyes instantly teared up, and your heart ached. 

"How..?" you managed to choke out. "One of our nurse was about to give her a bath when she saw your mother gasping for air. We tried to call you during the last few minutes when your mother was alive but we couldn't get through. I'm really sorry." The doctor gently patted your back.

*Call?* then it struck you. The call was from the hospital. The person that stopped you from seeing your mother for the last time. Top.

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KoreHannah #1
Chapter 31: "We'll be back before you can
say the word marshmallow."
Hoya said stupidly.
"Marahmallow." you looked at
Hoya with a so-now-what face.
~LMAO! Daebak! This part dit cracked me up XD nice story ya got there authornim ^^
WatashinoOrenji #2
Chapter 31: NO.WAY!!!SERIOUSLY?!LUCKY!Both of them r her bfs. >.<
I cried when TOP took the bullets for her! T____T
Jessika98 #3
Chapter 31: SEQUAL! I hope you make one I love they way you wright stories! :) <3 ^.~
ailisu #4
cute~~ howon & l.joe :DD
but i really wanted her to be with seunghyun ;A;
and L.. XD
LOL so lucky 2 bf<br />
sad,fantastic ending ;)
HAHAHA...... 2 boyfriends....<br />
Amazing story....but TOP died... <br /> your story....
dkhanani27 #7
Aww , the ending was amazing
BabyDaeJae #8
it'd be awesome to have 2 bf but apparently here in the US everyone's gunna be like "!" "player!" but how would they know ;D
Hey ~ How sweet Hoya and L.Joe are!! <br />
And L ...OMG ...why didnt you make her end up with him too ..? He really likes her though ~