
Transform and Come Into the World

"Bye hyung!" Niel waved as he skipped off into the school, with everyone else following suit. Changjo was about to go as well but was stopped.

"Wait just a minute." C.A.P said. "Don't think I forgot about you."

Changjo sighed as he turned around to C.A.P. "Yes hyung?"

"Mind explaining why you were with the mafia?" C.A.P raised an eyebrow. Changjo fidgeted a bit, not making eye contact with C.A.P. "Any day now." C.A.P sighed. "Unless you want to be late for class."

"I'm okay with that..." Changjo mumbled.

"Jonghyun." C.A.P pursed his lips.

"Okay, okay..." Changjo sighed in defeat. "I know that you work long hours everyday so that you can have some money to help take care of us since the orphanage isn't what we call paradise. So I decided that I'd try to help out since I didn't want you to stress too much. I was looking for a job one day and some guy approached me. He saw that I was looking for a way to make money so he offered me a job. At that time I didn't realize that he was a part of the mafia. The money he offered was great too! So I agreed and worked with them for a while."

"How long have you worked with them?" C.A.P interrupted.

"Uhm... About four months..." Changjo whispered.

C.A.P sighed. "Continue."

"They tell me to do certain jobs and errands for them. If my performance is great then they'll give me alot of money. However one day I messed up. The boss man, that old man that you met yesterday, yelled at me and was really angry. He said that he'd let it go that one time. If I messed up again then there would be consequences. Unfortunately I wasn't able to complete my recent job in time so they ended up taking it out on you..." Changjo looked down at his feet, feeling guilty for dragging his beloved hyung into his problems.

C.A.P, although feeling really disappointed in his dongsaeng, immediately softened when he saw that Changjo felt really guilty. He placed his hand on the younger boy's head, "As long as you know what you did was wrong, I'll let it go. Just don't go back to them, okay?"

Changjo looked up at C.A.P, "R-really...?"

C.A.P nodded. "I know that you're really responsible, more so than the others even. I'm glad that you look out for me since I always look out for you guys. You don't have to worry about me so much though. Just focus on your studies and help take care of your hyungs. Even though you're our maknae, it seems as though you're older than the others." C.A.P chuckled. "But I want you to depend on me from time to time too. Don't burden yourself with too much since you're still young. You have five other hyungs to help you."

"Uhm..." Changjo glanced at C.A.P.

"...Okay maybe Ricky can't... So continue to look out for him." C.A.P and Changjo chuckled for a bit. C.A.P then ruffled Changjo's hair since his hand was still on his head. "Now get to class before you're late."

"Okay. Bye hyung! I'll see you later!" Changjo waved as he headed off to class. C.A.P waved back as he watched Changjo enter the school building before taking off towards the supermarket that he worked at.


When C.A.P arrived at the supermarket he noticed that there were several men dressed in black suits standing in front of the market. He recognized one of them, the one that he spoke with yesterday before he entered the van. How he recognized them even with sunglasses on? He had no clue.

"Aish. Why are they back?" C.A.P mumbled as he made a detour to the back entrance. When he entered through the back he bumped into someone. "Oh I'm sorry." C.A.P looked up to see that it was his boss that he had bumped into and immediately bowed.

"Eh, it's okay." His boss replied and gave him a weird look before asking, "Why did you come through the back entrance? Don't you usually come through the front?"

C.A.P rubbed the back of his head. "Well about that Aejung-sshi—"

"Didn't I tell you to just call me Aejung-noona? You've known me for a while already." His boss rolled her eyes.

"Sorry Aejung-ss—noona." He corrected himself when she gave him a glare. "There are some guys in the front of the store that I'd rather not see..."

"Oh, you mean those suspicious men dressed in the suits?" Aejung tilted her head. "I just arrived as well so I saw them. Do you know them or something?"

"It's a long story..." C.A.P trailed off, not wanting to talk about the mafia incident that occured the day before.

"We have time." Aejung smiled. "Your shift doesn't start for another half hour anyways."

'Mental note: I need to stop coming to work early...' C.A.P sighed. "Those men came yesterday looking for me because of some trouble that Changjo, one of the kids I take care of, got into."

"That explains why I didn't see you at the end of your shift yesterday..." Aejung nodded to herself. "By the way, you didn't check out or anything. I thought that was weird because you always do."

"Yeah, it's because of the incident that I wasn't here. They basically kidnapped me..." C.A.P frowned.

Aejung's eyes went really wide as she exaggerated the gasp that she gasped. "Omo! Come tell noona to beat them up if this happens again!"

"...No offense noona, but I don't think you're capable of that." C.A.P chuckled.

"Well I have connections. So I can always get those people to beat them up." Aejung nodded with authority.

"So what do we do about those men now? I can't go out there to work otherwise they'll see me..."

"Hm..." Aejung pondered about the situation. "I really should have put that 'No Loitering' sign up last month... I'll go tell them that they can't loiter around. If they don't leave then I'll call the cops."

"And don't tell them I'm here if they ask for me. Thanks Aejung-sshi." C.A.P bowed several times.

"IT'S NOONA!" Aejung called back as she left the room.

C.A.P shook his head in amusement and went to change for his shift.


"Give it back!" Ricky's eyes were filled with tears.

"Aw, is the baby going to cry?" some guy smirked.

"Who brings a stuffed animal to school anyways?" The guy's friend raised an eyebrow as he held it high up in the air.

"Lunch is ending soon. Let's hurry up and go get food." the guy groaned.

"I-it's a present from my hyung! Give it back!" Ricky jumped up to get it but unfortunately it was too high up.

"Yah! What the hell are you guys doing?" a voice said behind them.

"L-L. Joe." the guy holding the toy stuttered.

Changjo was right next to L. Joe and saw what the guys had taken from Ricky. Since he was taller than everyone present, he took the stuffed animal out of their hands and handed it back to Ricky. "Here you go."

"Thanks Changjo!" Ricky brightened.

"So, you guys wanna explain yourselves, or do you just wanna skip to the part where you run and I chase after you?" L. Joe lazily asked as he yawned. "Quickly make your decision. I'm missing my afternoon nap."

"Can we get a headstart?" one of the boys sighed. L. Joe shrugged, indicating that he didn't care either way. They wouldn't get that far anyways so it doesn't really matter to him.

L. Joe watched as the boys started to run off. He switched his gaze to the ceiling as he popped his gum and continued chewing it for several more seconds. "Welp, I'll see you guys in a bit. Be right back."

And with that Ricky and Changjo waved as L. Joe left after the other guys to do only Hogod-knows-what.

"You okay?" Changjo asked as he stared down at Ricky.

Ricky nodded and smiled. "Thanks Changjo. I really wish I could get them to run away like how you guys do."

"Stand up for yourself then. Don't let them push you around." Changjo said as he handed Ricky a sandwich. "You haven't eaten yet right?"

Ricky happily took the sandwich and took a huge bite out of it as the two waited for L. Joe to come back.

"Yah!" the two turned to see that L. Joe had come back.

"What is it hyung?" Ricky questioned.

"Why do you still carry this around?" L. Joe scrunched up his face as he picked up Ricky's stuffed animal.

"Because you gave it to me." Ricky beamed.

"This is why they pick on you. Just throw it away." L. Joe headed to the trash can.

"No!" Ricky shouted as he snatched the stuffed animal back. "I can't throw it away! You gave it to me so I treasure it!"

L. Joe sighed. "Fine. Just leave it at home or something instead of bringing it to school."

Ricky stared at his stuffed animal. "But..."

"Just let him bring it if he wants." Changjo defended.

L. Joe rolled his eyes. "Do you want him to get made fun of everyday?"

"Of course not!" Changjo frowned. "We can just protect him if anything."

"You can't protect him forever. He needs to grow up sometime!" L. Joe shouted.

"I'll protect him while I can!" Changjo retorted.

"Hyung... Changjo..." Ricky furrowed his eyebrows. He didn't want his hyung and his dongsaeng fighting.

"If you keep babying him forever he won't be able to defend himself!" L. Joe and Changjo were up in each others' faces at this point.

"I'm not babying him! I'm only doing what I should be doing!" Changjo growled as L. Joe shoved him, causing Changjo to stumble before shoving him back.

"Yah! Stop fighting!" A voice shouted.

"Chunji-hyung! Niel-Hyung!" Ricky ran to the two with tears in his eyes.

"What's going on?" asked a confused Niel.

"L. Joe a-and Changjo are fighting..." Ricky informed.

Chunji furrowed his eyebrows and went over to the two. "You guys shouldn't be fighting. We're supposed to be looking out for each other."

"That's what I told him!" Changjo glared at L. Joe.

"Yeah well, he can't always protect Ricky over every little thing." L. Joe said to Chunji.

"L. Joe is right." Chunji looked at Changjo. "Ricky needs to fend for himself sometimes. You can't always be there for him..."

"Of course you would take his side." Changjo mumbled, but of course, Chunji heard.

"I'm not taking sides Changjo." Chunji frowned.

"Like hell you're not." Changjo rolled his eyes. "You've always favored him after all."

And with that Changjo stormed away with everyone else looking after in shock.

"H-he never talks to his hyungs like that..." Chunji said, bewildered.

"I'm gonna go after him to make sure he's okay." Niel said before going in the direction Changjo left in.

Ricky looked between Niel and the other two, unsure of who he should stick with. "U-uhm... I'm gonna..." Ricky pointed at Niel before running off as well. "Hyung! Wait for me!"

L. Joe sighed. "Forget this. I'm going to class."

As L. Joe was about to walk away, Chunji grabbed his arm gently. L. Joe gave him a questioning look.

"Do you think I favor you over the rest?" Chunji asked quietly.

L. Joe shrugged. "I don't think so."

"But Changjo does..." Chunji sighed.

"Screw what he thinks." L. Joe growled. "Let's just get to class before we're late."

"Did the bell ring yet or something?" Chunji asked.

"I think the first one did. Let's go before the last bell rings." Chunji nodded in agreement.


"..." the two stared at each other before groaning.

". If only we left when the first one rang." L. Joe sighed.

"Well you and Changjo were... in a predicament..." Chunji rubbed the back of his head awkwardly.

L. Joe shrugged it off before grabbing Chunji's hand and dragging him to class.

"You seem eager to get to class." Chunji mused. "This is different."

L. Joe rolled his eyes and shoved Chunji lightly. "Shut up."

"Saying shut up isn't nice." Chunji grinned as the two made it to the class that they had together. "Let's try sneaking in. I don't want to get in trouble."

L. Joe nodded and opened the door slowly. Unfortunately this door was very creaky and the professor stopped his announcement as all eyes focused on the two.

"Byunghun, Chanhee." The professor sighed. "Detention after school. Now get to your seats."

L. Joe glared at the professor as Chunji sighed. "Yes sir."


IMPORTANT. PLEASE READ: Okay... Since there is (possibly) a high demand for (for those that don't know what it is, it's boyxboy. :D)... I'll hold a poll. It would be wise to vote (so I expect each one of you to vote! ^^) so that you will get what you want (mayybe...) if you don't vote then don't complain about the outcome.
I know several of you already want so vote anyways~
for those that don't want , vote because I won't turn this into a fic if there are enough people who vote for it. I take my readers' opinions into account after all!! (sometimes xD)

((The third and fourth option will be counted towards lol. Idk why they're even there...))

Also, if this story isn't updated often, I apologize. I have a life after all ((...okay I lie. I don't)). And I have to update my main story Suicide Notes more often because I'm trying to finish it before the end of this year. ^^ Don't be angry at me. ((actually you could, I just won't care xD))

Oh and there's more: I hope that this will turn (;
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Thank you!
This won't be updated this weekend T^T since it's prom weekend and all xD I'll try updating on Sunday though ^^


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Chapter 32: Chummy ChunChun x3
Chapter 32: OMG, HAHAHAHA ! Your writing style is hilarious ! I love the names ! Team fluffy pink seal slippers ! XD
syriondethvow #3
Chapter 32: I just realised I hadn't checked my AFF for a while and I missed so many updates on this OTLLLLL my fab chapter is Disposing Sohyun XD keep writing this! I love this fic, this is hilarious X'D
ILoveYou_Forever #4
Chapter 32: LOL Funny! You always write hilarious things! LOL!
And I was surprised you finally updated! Heheh!!! Hope to see more!
Chapter 32: WELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL, this is a surprise~ xDD Like omg. It's been ages! Haha. And it's still full of crack as everr~ Haha. I miss this~

Yes Changjojojojo~ Go declare to the world that Ricky is yours~ xDD Sohyun's disappearance will forever be a L.Joe. Because he is stupid and will believe in everything Chunji says~ xDD


Awhh~ What a nice appearance from Block B~ I miss Suicide Notes~ Haha.
This update is so funny xD I cant believe they "killed" her :O
I cant believe they believed chunjis explanation haha
lol what was that language you used? the part where changjo charged at sohyun lol. aigoo which planet were you from again? okay you never mentioned that hahah /dry humor/ xp
favourite part ---> ... EWWWWW!!! ... Xinfinity >< and lol chunji's explanation for sohyun's disappearance is so freaking absurd yet adorable! i side with them though. coz you see, ljoe's my bias.
to them: GOOD JOB GUYS! :P