The Mafia

Transform and Come Into the World

"What do you guys want with me?" C.A.P asked the men as they led him to a van.

"If you come with us we will explain." one of the men said.

'Who are these people?' C.A.P stared at the men. "Sorry but I'm afraid I can't do that. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to work."

As C.A.P was walking away, one of the guys in black put a hand on his shoulder stopping him. "We can do this the easy way, or we can do this the hard way. It's your choice."


"So if you take the log of y and raise it to the tenth power, you'll get 1.4365."

Changjo sat in his seat trying not to fall asleep in his last class of the day, which was really difficult to try. His math teacher had a very monotonic voice.

'Can the bell just ring?' Changjo's eyes were slowly closing. And as if the bell magically heard his prayers it rang, signaling that school was over for the day. 'Finally!'

Changjo gathered his things and dashed out of the classroom that he dreaded being in. He walked up to his hyungs in front of the school where they stood chatting about the good things that happened throughout the day and complained about the bad things.

"Everyone ready to go home?" Chunji asked.

"Yup!" Ricky smiled.

"You guys go on ahead. I'm going with some friends.." Changjo told everyone.

"Again?" Ricky frowned.

Changjo nodded. "Sorry Ricky."

"Uh... Yeah go ahead." Chunji said after he checked his phone. "I have to go somewhere too."

"Oh... Okay." Ricky sighed.

"Be careful going home okay?" Chunji said as he left.

"Yeah. I'll see you guys tonight." Changjo waved as he left in the opposite direction.

"Do you guys know where they're going?" Niel asked. "They've been leaving after school alot."

"Who knows." L. Joe shrugged. "Hey, I have an idea. Let's follow them."

"But they're going in different directions." Ricky pointed out. "Who do we follow?"

"We could split up?" L. Joe suggested.

"Alright." Niel said. "Ricky and I could go after Chunji. You can go after Changjo."

"Chunji seems easier to follow right now since he's still nearby. Changjo is already farther away. So I'll go after Chunji." L. Joe suggested.

Niel rolled his eyes at the older boy. "Lazy ... Let's go Ricky."

And so the three split up to go after their designated targets.


'Oww... My body hurts...' C.A.P thought as he slowly regained consciousness and saw that he was tied up in a chair. 'Where am I...?' "I see you're finally awake." A voice said. C.A.P looked up and saw a man in his mid-50s sitting in a chair in front of him.

"Who are you?" C.A.P asked.

"You needn't worry about that." the old man chuckled. "Just know that you are now dealing with the mafia."

'I was kidding about the mafia thing. Who knew they actually were.' C.A.P sighed

"What do you want with me?" C.A.P asked. "Why am I tied up?"

"You wouldn't have to be tied up had you cooperated. If you obeyed my men earlier, they wouldn't have to beat you." The man smirked as he stood up, using a cane to hold him up.

C.A.P gritted his teeth. "Why do I have to cooperate? What did I even do? I don't know who you guys are!"

The old man chuckled. "You didn't do anything. One of the boys you look after did. So now you will pay the price in his place."

C.A.P gave the man a confused look. 'What is this old man talking about?'

"I see that you don't know what I'm talking about. Looks like the boy has been hiding things from you."

C.A.P narrowed his eyes at the man. "What are you talking about?"

"Sir, he's here." One of the men in black told the old man.

"Good. Good." The old man smirked. "Let him in."

The man in black opened the door for the person.

C.A.P's eyes widened at the boy who walked in.

"H-hyung?" the boy stuttered. "What... Why are you here?"

"I could ask you the same thing." C.A.P narrowed his eyes. "What are you doing associating with the mafia?"

The boy looked at the ground. "I'm sorry. I was just trying to help."


"Why's he going in there?" L. Joe wondered out loud as he watched Chunji enter a building. Making sure no one saw him, L. Joe scurried in after Chunji.

"Good afternoon sir." Chunji bowed to a man.

"Come with me." the man said as Chunji followed him into a room.

L. Joe ran quietly over to the door once the two were inside. He tried opening the door to see what they were doing but it was locked.

"." L. Joe groaned. "What now?"

He looked around and saw a table with pasteries and sweets on it.

"Ooh! Food! I'm starving!" L. Joe hopped over to the table and started stuffing his mouth. And since he wasn't paying attention to his surroundings because he had possession of food, he didn't see the man that came up behind him.

"Hey! Let me down!" L. Joe shouted when the man picked him up and carried him elsewhere.


"Why are you dealing with the mafia?" C.A.P was feeling a mix of emotions. Anger. Sadness. But nothing compared to the disappointment he felt in his dongsaeng. "Changjo, answer me."

"I-I'm really sorry hyung." Changjo stared at the ground not knowing what to say.

C.A.P sighed. "Didn't I teach you better than this?"

"Well, I thought I could have helped you get money so you wouldn't have to work as hard." Changjo admitted. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you."

Clap. Clap. Clap.

Changjo and C.A.P turned their attention over to the old man.

"How touching." the old man sighed. "However I don't tolerate touching moments. You know my policy Changjo. I give you money, you do things I ask, but since you failed in your task there will have to be consequences."

"If you give me another day I can get the stuff for you!" Changjo pleaded.

"You know I don't give second chances." The man shook his head. "So prepare for your beating."

"No!" C.A.P shouted. "Don't... I... I'll take the beating for him."

Changjo turned to C.A.P with wide eyes. "Hyung! What are you saying?!"

C.A.P turned to Changjo. "I'll take the beating. Just don't hurt him." C.A.P said once more to the man while looking at Changjo.

The old man smirked. "You heard the boy. Get to it." he snapped his fingers and one of the men untied C.A.P from the chair, only to tie his hands to chains that were hanging from the ceiling so that he was standing. Several men then came out with baseball bats and spiked gloves.

"Ready?" one of the guys smirked at C.A.P before beating him with the bat.

Changjo stared in shock as the men repeatedly beat C.A.P. His eyes started to tear up and he started to run towards the older boy. "N-No! Stop!"

Unfortunately, Changjo was held back by the old man's right hand man. The old man started to cackle. "I want you to watch. Hopefully this will show you not to disobey me next time."

"D-Don't worry. I-I'm fine." C.A.P tried to smile at Changjo.

Changjo flinched and shut his eyes as he started to cry everytime C.A.P was hit.


Niel hugged Ricky who was crying as he saw his hyung get beat. "Shh... Don't look." Niel had Ricky's face in his chest.

"W-We have to stop them." Ricky cried.

'Damn it. I can't just stand here watching hyung get beat up like this.' Niel thought. How was he supposed to stay calm? The older boy that was practically his brother was getting beat and going into unconsciousness.

"Tch..." Niel looked around and saw a gun on the table, unguarded. He gulped before standing up from his spot on the ground and walked towards it.

Ricky stopped crying to see what Niel was doing. Ricky gasped when he saw that Niel was standing directly in front of the gun staring at it. "H-hyung..."

Niel sighed before picking the gun up. "Ricky... If anything happens I want you to run."

"Are you going to... s-shoot them?" Ricky asked, scared out of his mind.

"I hope I don't have to." Niel said.


"I said put me down!" L. Joe pounded at the man's back. He got his wish as the man dropped L. Joe. "Ow! My !"

"And who might you be?" a voice asked. L. Joe looked up and saw a man in a suit sitting in a chair, staring at him with an eyebrow raised. He looked like he was around 40 or so.

"What does that matter?" L. Joe shot back as he noticed Chunji sitting in the chair opposite the man. "Chunji?"

"You know this delinquent?" The man asked Chunji who nodded.

"Hey! Who are you calling a delinquent?!" L. Joe scowled.

"What are you doing here?" the man ignored his question.

"I followed Chunji." L. Joe pointed at Chunji.

"You were following me? Why?" Chunji furrowed his eyebrows.

"Well you were being really suspicious lately. You haven't been home until really late." L. Joe said.

"Well, I guess we should explain what's going on." The man chuckled. "I'm Chunji's stepfather."

L. Joe gave the man a weird look. "Stepfather?"

Chunji nodded. "He's been giving me money occationally so I could help support the six of us."

"Oh... So you've been meeting up with him. Is that why you've been home later than usual?" L. Joe questioned. Chunji nodded as he stood up.

"Well I'll see you again another time." Chunji bowed to the man. "But for now I have to get back to the orphanage."

"I don't see why you don't come and live with me." Chunji's stepfather frowned. "I can convince your mother to let you stay."

Chunji smiled as he shook his head. "I don't want to cause conflict between you and mom. Plus, I'm happy being with the others. They're like my real family."

"I see." he smiled. "Just remember I'm here for you if you ever need anything. You know where to find me."

Chunji nodded. "Thank you. Let's go home L. Joe."

L. Joe took one last look at the man before bowing and leaving with Chunji.


"Oh my Hogod. I can't do this." Niel said as he dropped the gun back on the table.

"B-But what about C.A.P and Changjo?" Ricky's lip trembled.

"Are you telling me to shoot the men?" Niel's eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

"N-No!" Ricky waved his hands in front of him. "B-but we need to help them!"

"Okay. I have a plan." Niel said. "But I need you to be ready to run okay?"

Ricky nodded. "What's the plan?"

"You'll see." Niel said. "It's pretty risky though. So, there's a 70 percent chance of it failing."



Changjo was on the ground holding in his sobs at this point. He couldn't take watching his hyung get beat up for his foolish mistake. 'I never should have made a deal with them. Now hyung is in pain because of me.'

Changjo looked up and saw someone trying to get his attention at the corner of his eye. He saw the Niel was mouthing to him that he was going to distract the guards. Changjo's eyes widened ten times and shook his head shouting 'no!'

"Quiet!" the guard holding him shouted.

Niel then motioned for Changjo to untie C.A.P while he is going to be the decoy. Changjo sighed and reluctantly nodded. It's not like he had any other options at this point.

'Here goes... something...' Niel thought. He took a deep breath before jumping out of his hiding place.

"Hey! Over here you ugly piece of whale feces!"


Say whaaat? It wasn't Chunji that dealt with the mafia?? Did I fool you guys? xD

I felt so bad writing about C.A.P being beat up T.T

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This won't be updated this weekend T^T since it's prom weekend and all xD I'll try updating on Sunday though ^^


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Chapter 32: Chummy ChunChun x3
Chapter 32: OMG, HAHAHAHA ! Your writing style is hilarious ! I love the names ! Team fluffy pink seal slippers ! XD
syriondethvow #3
Chapter 32: I just realised I hadn't checked my AFF for a while and I missed so many updates on this OTLLLLL my fab chapter is Disposing Sohyun XD keep writing this! I love this fic, this is hilarious X'D
ILoveYou_Forever #4
Chapter 32: LOL Funny! You always write hilarious things! LOL!
And I was surprised you finally updated! Heheh!!! Hope to see more!
Chapter 32: WELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL, this is a surprise~ xDD Like omg. It's been ages! Haha. And it's still full of crack as everr~ Haha. I miss this~

Yes Changjojojojo~ Go declare to the world that Ricky is yours~ xDD Sohyun's disappearance will forever be a L.Joe. Because he is stupid and will believe in everything Chunji says~ xDD


Awhh~ What a nice appearance from Block B~ I miss Suicide Notes~ Haha.
This update is so funny xD I cant believe they "killed" her :O
I cant believe they believed chunjis explanation haha
lol what was that language you used? the part where changjo charged at sohyun lol. aigoo which planet were you from again? okay you never mentioned that hahah /dry humor/ xp
favourite part ---> ... EWWWWW!!! ... Xinfinity >< and lol chunji's explanation for sohyun's disappearance is so freaking absurd yet adorable! i side with them though. coz you see, ljoe's my bias.
to them: GOOD JOB GUYS! :P