Happy Birthday Taeyeon~

"Happy Birthday to you~ Happy Birthday to you~ Happy Birthday Dear Taeyeoniiiieee~ Happy Birthday to you!" Sunny sang giving her girlfriend her cake


"Ah.. Sunny.. Thank you~" Taeyeon kissed her cheek before blowing the candles


"Even after all these years, you still manage to surprise me." Taeyeon commented making Sunny giggle


They're a couple for 9 years now. Starting from High School up to now, as Adults and working. Their relationship was rocky from the start because of Sunny's attitude and Taeyeon's byuntae habits. But after some time, they finally found their common ground and promised to understand each other. Just last year, they moved in together in an apartment (thanks to Sunny's rich uncle) where they can finally be with each other everyday. Although Taeyeon and Sunny don't see each other sometimes- Being a famous Singer and a CEO of an entertainment respectively- Once they get a rest day, they spend their day cuddling or having a date, which always ends up, later at night, into more hot and steamy activity.


"Taengoo.. What did you wish for?" Sunny asked as they look up to the beautiful night sky from their balcony


"To be with you forever.." Taeyeon answered, hugging her from behind and resting her chin onto her shoulder. She can see Sunny smile and have her cheeks tinted with pink.


"That's.. So like you Kim Taeyeon.." 


"Mm.. Yeah.. Maybe because I'm getting older, my mind is maturing.." Taeyeon softly said as silence followed, both of them enjoying the comfort of each other


"Hey.. Remember when you first asked me out?" Sunny chuckled as Taeyeon gasp releasing her girlfriend in the process


"Of course! I made a fool of myself in front of you so I will never forget it!" Taeyeon said laughing along with Sunny


"You were so clumsy that day.."


What they were talking about was when they were at the school gardens. Taeyeon asked Sunny to come to the gardens by a letter which the younger girl followed, curious. Though she did not expect to wait for the older one for an hour. Taeyeon came running to the gardens but tripped on a bush. Not minding the fact that she have a wound on her knee or a branch and leaves on her head, she hurried over to Sunny, worried that the younger girl left. Once she arrived, Sunny stared at her concernly seeing the haggard state she was in. Taeyeon hugged her suddenly, crying out "Sorry" all over but Sunny only pat her back and said okay. Taeyeon explained why she was late and the reason why she called the younger girl. Sunny was momentarily shocked by the confession but she smiled softly, picking the branch and leaves out and fixed her hair before kissing her cheek. Taeyeon blushed before smiling brightly and hugging her in which the other one returned back. That was the start of their relationship.


"You were so cute back then.. But I wonder what happened now.." Sunny teased laughing at Taeyeon's pout


"That's because I'm beautiful now!" Taeyeon proudly said as Sunny nod


"True.. You're so beautiful now Taeyeon.. And will always be.." 


"Speak for yourself! You're like a goddess!"


"No you are!"


"Uhuh. And pigs fly."


Most of their silly arguements starts with this. When one compliment another, they say the other is more than the compliment. Usually it starts with Sunny saying she is beautiful and the older one countering it. But mostly, it ends with a 'Thank You' and 'I love you'.


"Ahh.. Here we go again.. Just accept it since it's your birthday today!" Sunny said pinching her cheek


"Hmph.. Fine, but you're cuter." Taeyeon finally surrendered back-hugging Sunny again


"I know that Taengoo, even if you don't say it~" Sunny said in a cute voice as Taeyeon faked a vomit


"Ugh.. I really hate your aegyo..."


"And I love you too~" They both laughed kissing each other and sighing in content.


Minutes passed, they were still looking at the stars and sometimes the peaceful yet busy night of Seoul. Just by being with each other, they are at ease, relaxed and comfortable wherever they are.


"I'm getting sleepy.. We should get inside now.." Taeyeon said loosening her grip and started to walk away but a hand prevented her to do so.


She looked at Sunny in shock, seeing her kneeling and looking at Taeyeon seriously.


"Taeyeon.. Kim Taeyeon.. The dorky byuntae that I love.. I promise that I will never leave your side and will always be there for you. I'm sorry that sometimes you get angry because of my bad habits but I'll try to change them for you. I'm sorry that sometimes I'm not considerate of your feelings. But thank you for understanding me. You're the first person who loved me for who I am and changed me for good. You didn't befriend me because of my family background nor love me because of my money. But you befriend and loved me as Lee Soonkyu. We may have a rough start but I'm glad we worked it out. I love you so much Taeyeonnie.." Sunny started before getting a ring and showing it to the other one who was now crying because of happiness


"Will you marry me, Kim Taeyeon?" Sunny asked hopefully. Taeyeon only kissed her as an answer but she was satisfied with it. Afterall, she felt the answer on her lips.


"Happy Birthday my lovable dork. I love you.."  

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Awww really cute and sweet ♥!! i love dandyu moments :D thank you ^^