
cyber bullying situation

There was once a boy named Luhan.

He was bullied at school. The only escape from reality he had

Was the net, specifically the site called , it was a chat room and his screen name was chinaboi1990. One time when he logged on he noticed that there was someone new in the chat room, the  screen name of the person was koriaboy90. Luhan not wanting to be rude greeted the stranger.

chinaboi1990: helo r u koria boy?

koriaboy90: ye im koria. wht about u?

chinaboi1990: im china. wht ur name?

koriaboy90: kim minseok. wbu?

chinaboi1990: my name luhan, got any pics of urself?

koriaboi90: ye in minot

koriaboi90 was a faker and he sent a fake image to Luhan.

koriaboi90: Image.jpeg   Open      Delete

chinaboi1990: wowe so hot!!!!! wait im gon sen u 1 ;)))

Luhan was really attracted to this new stranger and decided to send a picture of himself.

chinaboi1990: utyhtjjuytu .jpeg   Open      Delete

koriaboi90: wowe so hot lets met

chinaboi1990: idk im not sure mam wil let me :/

koriaboi90: can i ad u on facbok?

chinaboi1990: sure?

koriaboi90: thx ttyl

chinaboi1990: godnite ;)

Minseok added Luhan on facebook.

Kim Minseok sent you a friend request

Accept               Decline

Minseok messaged u!

Kim Minseok: Stil dont wante 2 met up?

Lu Han: oke lets met up at park.

Kim Minseok: oke c u.

The next day at school Luhan told his only friend Chanyeol and how he was going to meet him today

"Hey Chanyeol! I met this boy Minseok on the interwebs the other day and I’m going to meet him today"

"Okay Luhan, but be careful."

"I will Chanyeol, don’t worry."

At the park, Luhan was sitting on one of the benches waiting for Minseok. After around 30 minutes Luhan got tired of waiting and decided to text Minseok asking about his whereabouts. As he reaching for his mobile phone he heard a voice calling for him.

Luhan’s eyes widened in shock, luckily, his friend Chanyeol had followed him and beat the creeper up. Later they reported to police about this incident.

The next day the votings 2018 were happening and everyone was voting for Suho. 

Suho was elected to be president of Lithuania and everyone was very happy. Luhan was very happy too, he was Suho's biggest fan, but there was one thing which made him upset.

After the encounter with the creeper everyone started leaving nasty messages to Luhan online, posting on his wall telling things like “Kill yourself” ; “Gay” etc.

Hater Nr.1:


Hater Nr.2:


Hater Nr.3:


Luhan cried himself to sleep each night, he felt depressed, and emo.

The next day when he arrived at school there was a new boy at his school. It was Kim Minseok!!!!!

"Hello my name is Luhan, I hope we become friends!" Luhan was very happy

"My name is Minseok, please take care of me."

Luhan and Minseok shook hands Minseok looked into his eyes and smiled. This is going to be the start of a new friendship.

Luhan deleted his facebook and profiles, over time Luhan and Minseok became very good friends and hung out everyday, Chanyeol got himself a boyfriend named Baekhyun. The four of them became best friends forever.

One time Luhan was hanging out with Baekhyun and Chanyeol.

"Hey Luhan, you should ask Minseok out" Baekhyun speaks up

"You two would make a great couple" Chanyeol adds

"I’m not sure he likes me back" Luhan responds, his voice filled with sadness

"Have you seen the way he looks at you?"

"I’ll think about it."

The next they Luhan decided that he should confess his feelings to Minseok. Minseok of course felt the same way and soon they became boyfriends.

A year later Suho legalized same- marriage.Minseok proposed to Luhan. 5 years later they adopted 8 children and lived happily ever after.

The haters mentioned in this story are now dead, so if you treasure your life, think twice.

Without Suho Luhan would have never met Minseok and this story would have a tragic ending, if you want cyber bullying to stop, please vote for Suho in 2018.

Suho is love.



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