Before the Escape

Brutal Escape

Everyone in the team surely knew that Leo had been hiding something from them for the entire time. Him being quiet and cool all the time wasn’t anything rare, and the members didn’t care that much about it in the beginning. But lately, he had been going out at night and came back at the same time as the sun’s arrival on the sky. And he had been talking, and meeting with someone unknown.

They couldn’t help but to make him become suspicious. Sometimes, N would catch the said man doing the laundry at midnight.

“What are you doing, playing with the washing machine this late?” was the thing that always came out from the leader’s mouth when the scene happens.

The vocalist just shrugged, and didn’t reply. N wasn’t bothered by the thing at first, but the sound of the washing machine didn’t annoy him just once. He always asked the same thing again and again to Leo, but it wasn’t expected at all that Leo never answered him every time he asked the exactly same question.

Different thing happened to the other vocalist of the group.

Ken was always the gag-man of the group—who actually was a little bit annoying in the other members’ eyes, but they just enjoyed his gags, anyways. His mouth rarely stopped making gags, and the members always got cracked up when he started his gags off.

Well, it was an exception for Leo.

It wasn’t strange for the main vocalists to gather in one room, alone, practicing. Ken would sometimes made jokes and laughed at himself—even though Leo never laughed at his jokes—such as, “Why are you so gloomy today? Wait, you’re always gloomy,” or “I wonder why aren’t you that old yet, when your mouth is always makes an ‘n’ shape!”

Leo would just huffed, and Ken thought that he was only tired of his jokes; remembering that Leo himself was a chic and cool guy.

That was the meeting day of ‘Error’, which this scene happened inside the toilet. Ken found Leo with his face, gloomier than ever, rubbing the sink with toilet tissues. It was actually very weird, thinking that the company had its own toilet cleaner.

Letting the suspicious thoughts go from his head, Ken tried to think positively about his teammates. ‘Maybe he just puked; I wonder why he did, though.’

“Your face is killing the air, hyung,” Ken started his gag again. “Or do you want me to kill the one who put you in such a bad mood?”

Leo snorted, throwing the tissues in his hands into the trash bin. Ken laughed, suspecting himself to be ignored. It wasn’t like that he hated it though, or he felt miserable, it was just normal to be ignored by the cold, tall figure in front of him.

“No, Jaehwan,” this time Ken was surprised. So he wasn’t ignored by the other vocalist, which was very rare to happen. “What is it for, hyung—the ‘no’?” he answered back, his heart felt light since the cool man who rarely talked, actually answered him.

The older tilted his head up, staring at Ken’s eyes from the mirror. Ken tensed up a little from the cold stare Leo was giving, but he put all his courage to stare back, waiting for his answer.

Vous n’avez pas besoin de faire une telle faveur, Ken,” Leo chuckled quietly speaking in French, his cold gaze moved from Ken’s eyes to his own hands. “It’s my pleasure to hear you giving that offer to taint your pure hands, to me, in addition. But no, you don’t have to get involved. I am enough to kill the people who got my patience.”

Ken froze. The words Leo gave to him as an answer—a long one to be exact—hit his heart like a bullet; giving him utter shock and electricity jolt which caused him fear from his head to his toe. He regretted his choice to talk back at Leo. His eyes were glued to the reflection of the mirror which brought him nightmare.

It was a smile that wasn’t expected. But in Ken’s eyes, it wasn’t like Leo’s. It was terrible, it wasn’t normal at all. He looked like a monster; his small mouth was opened wide, showing his usually hidden fangs, and his eyes were stretched as wide as his mouth as if they were going to fall out. 

Frozen like a statue, Ken was left by Leo in the toilet.




Ravi and the maknae experienced another thing.

It was a sunny evening when they decided to play soccer together since it was VIXX’s free time. They were seriously annoyed by Ken’s whining voice echoing inside the dorm about Leo’s murderer face or anything.

The best place to play basketball was under the big bridge, which took about 20 minutes from their dorm by walking. Since they were unable to lend the company’s car for their own needs, the rapper chose to walk to the place as a warming up.

Sadly, when they arrived with their sweat all over their bodies, a lean figure had already used the small field.

“It’s unexpected. We should just watch until the guy over there is done so we can use the small field,” the oldest of the two said. Hyuk nodded at his hyung’s statement. There was no way that they should just give up on the field after the long way they went through to get there, after all.

The lean figure down there under the bridge caught their attention. The figure was practicing his shooting, by shooting a form that was made on the wall of the bridge. The form showed a shape of a tall, well-built man, made with a red soft-pastel if you see it clearly. You could realize it as soon as you see it from above.

None of the man’s shoots missed from the body, and all of them always hit the shape’s vital parts of human body. He aimed for the private part, considering the shape on the wall was a man, and the head.

The way he kicked the ball gave a strong impression since the ball always bounced back strongly to the man whenever he kicked it.

But somehow, even though the man’s skill was perfect, the aura he had wasn’t right at all. It was like watching a murder, a criminal situation, a terrible thing.

“That hyung is so scary, Wonshik-hyung. Let’s just go home,” said the maknae of the team.

“Just a moment, Sanghyuk-ah, I think I know that man,” Hyuk stopped breathing for a moment, before he stated one statement which shocked Ravi to death; “Isn’t it... Taekwoon-hyung?”

The rapper narrowed his eyes to take a better look of the guy, who turned out to be their main vocalist.

Hyuk was right. Standing there, shooting the form on the wall was Jung Taekwoon, their precious second oldest hyung and vocal specialist, the reason of Ken’s whining since the morning.

He wasn’t in the dorm since the morning, was he here all day?

J’ai trouvé deux auditoires regarder mon show.”

When Ravi had snapped out from his thought, and Hyuk had turned his attention to Taekwoon again, the said man had had his body turned around facing the other member, giving an unknowing smirk to his younger members. The French scent that lingered on his tongue sent shivers to Ravi and Hyuk’s body. It was rather y yet it sounded demanding.

His smirk turned the rapper and the maknae into jelly. It was terrifying as ever. Ken was right; Leo had that image with that smirk. The one which he stretches his eyes as wide as his mouth.

Time was ticking and Leo started to climb the stairs, approaching the younger members of his group. His smirk was never wiped off from his face as he walked towards his audiences.

Je suis heureux que vous ayez apprécié mon show. Adieu, choses pures.

Leo went home without his younger members, still smirking, leaving Ravi and Hyuk falling down on their knees with their hearts pounding inside their chests.

What is he?




Hongbin woke up at 1.15 AM because of the noise coming from the living room.

“Who.. is that?” the visual groaned, stretching his arms and legs before scanning through the room. ‘Taekwoon-hyung isn’t here. Is he out again? Or is the noise Taekwoon-hyung’s?’

“That’s probably impossible since Taekwoon-hyung is very quiet himself,” Hongbin softly chuckled to himself, thinking about their manager making a mess in the living room. Still thinking that the thought of Leo making such a noise in the midnight was funny, Hongbin made his way to the door.

Just as Hongbin hold the door handle, a loud groan, and a loud scream was heard. He froze on his place.

What happened?

What was that scream?

His body trembled in fear in instant. His decision to open the door and to enter the living room suddenly was taken into consideration. Should he come in and see what happened in their dorm or shouldn’t he?

His grip on the door handle tightened. In the darkness, there was him, alone. The other members were still asleep even though the voice was really loud just now.

And Leo who was still missing. Just as the thought flowed in his head, he suddenly got panic and worried of his older main vocalist.


A familiar voice suddenly was heard from the living room, calling Hongbin. “Taekwoon-hyung?” the visual answered, his body lightened at the voice of his hyung he heard from the living room. It was just Taekwoon-hyung; he didn’t have to be worried. But what was with the noise though?

Suddenly got courage from his hyung’s calling, Hongbin pushed the door open to meet his older member.

Which was the worst decision he had ever made.

The nightmare was real, indeed it wasn’t a nightmare. This was real. In the living room were scattered bodies—that were predicted to be dead bodies—and blood which was everywhere to found. His older teammate was in the middle of it, standing straight with blood covering his whole body. He was holding a short knife on his right hand and a pencil on his left hand.

“Hongbin-ah,” the called man tilted his head that was extremely rigid, now facing the face of his group’s main vocal. The man looked pretty calm; his usual feline eyes still stared at Hongbin’s eyes in the same way. His cold expression-less face and cool face still looked the same for the visual.

“Ne, hyung?” as quiet as possible, as careful as possible, Hongbin nervously answered. Leo sighed. He really had turned his team member into panic and worry. Motioning Hongbin to come closer, he said, “Come here.”

Hongbin hesitated for a moment but to think that it was okay if it was with Taekwoon, the younger slowly moved towards the older. Unexpectedly, Leo did nothing but hugged the visual. Hongbin froze in Leo’s embrace, afraid but in the same time he was feeling relieved that Leo actually was still the same. Slowly Hongbin moved his arms to hug the older back, and once he managed to hug him, he tightened his embrace more.

It took a while for Leo to realize that Hongbin was crying in his embrace. “Mauvaise chose,” he said kissing Hongbin’s hair.




“I.. should quit VIXX.”

Hongbin choked on his drink. He already stopped crying, now he was beside Leo sitting on the sofa, but the statement that just went out from Leo’s mouth seemed so ridiculous that he wanted to laugh at it.

But Leo’s face didn’t look like he was joking. Leo never made a joke before. Leo wasn’t Ken.

“No you can’t,” Hongbin shouted in a low voice at his hyung. “I prevent you from doing such a thing.”

“I’ve scared the members off,” the oldest of the two leaned on the sofa, messing with his own hair. “I’ll only cause trouble if I stay here longer. You saw what happened tonight, Hongbin.”

He had put the members into the panic and worry state, and right now he could imagine the members having bad thoughts of him when he showed them his true self, even though he only opened himself a little. They were afraid of him. He could see it when he saw Ken shifted his gaze from the older vocalist, or Ravi and Hyuk who tried their best to stayed away from the certain member.

Leo knew that he shouldn’t have done this from the start; he shouldn’t let the members get involved. He shouldn’t have tried to open himself, since he would be rejected.

His inner self, his true self was way too different. And the life he was living was too dangerous, and far from the other’s prediction.

Hongbin stayed in silence for a moment, playing with the mug on his hands. “Would you mind... to explain? To us?”

Taekwoon sighed heavily, turning to face the younger. “Knowing only causes problem for you.”

A few moments passed with silence.

“I’m leaving, Hongbin,” Leo finally spoke up. He stood up, and without looking at Hongbin, he walked to the front door.

Au revoir.”












I changed my account and left my uncompleted stories behind and create new stories about new bias here and I am very proud of it! Nyehehehehe.

I just got this idea today and ta-dah!! I finally created a soon-to-be Leo Harem fan fiction since I’m very desperate with this theme.


Yes, it’s my trick so you will read this fan fiction which I only update weekly. (Bruh, I have school)

Nah, nah, don’t worry, there will be more couples of Leo in the following chapters so please anticipate it... nanodayo

And please remember that English isn’t my first language so please bear with the grammar mistakes and typos.

Which couple would you like for the next chapter? Anything is okay mhmhmhm since I love Leo and everyone loves Leo –insert Kagami’s laugh here-

Yeah, I know what you're talking about, Bean.. 

See you in the next chapter!!!








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Chapter 1: Update soon, please :(
So creepy Taekwoon!! Is he psycho or something?? Who did he murder??
Darkruby98 #3
Chapter 1: NEO <3 i love this fic ^^ If you want to i can proof read for you :)
Wontaek wontaek !! Anyway great fic >< ! Oh wait no it's AWESOME !!!