How hateful this hands that i couldnt hold you!!



It's been a year when B2ST's YONG JUNHYUNG showed me the true meaning of what people called 'LOVE'. It was the first time that i feel secured into a man's arms. He showed me how the two different worlds become one by breaking each barrier that keep them apart.
Yes, i'm still holding onto his promises because every words that he says to me are the only things I believed, But how long could I hold on? Could i still wait for him if someone took him away from me? Or I have to open my heart to a person who are willing to give the love that I ever wanted?



This is my first ever English Fic. I usually wrote Tagalog Fic so,  sorry for my wrong grammar. My English is not good enough to explain everything but i'm still hoping that you will enjoy it guys.. kamsa~


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