That Braid Girl - END

A Braid Girl

A Brid Girl

Tittle  : A Bride Girl
Genre: Het/AU
Cast : Choi Seung Hyun (TOP)- Park Boom - Victoria
Rating  : PG-13


It was three pm. I will pick her up from her house this noon. I phoned and informed her that I’ve come and asked her to meet me outside the house. Then she come with smiling face. She was dazzling.

She looked so simple and sweet like usual. Her appearance was combining from maroon color pants and her top was baby pink color with floral hue. When the air was blowing all of sudden, her long hair was falling. She combed it with her fingers and I can smell the fragrant of her. Somehow her smell was intoxicating like drugs and I liked it.

She smiled when realized that I come in front of her house without put off my helmet.

“Want to come inside first?” Victoria asked. I shook my head. I little bit feel uncomfortable, but I hid it like you know right, how it felt? Meeting with her family and bla bla.

“I am going to take my bag, you will wait for me right?” She asked playfully. I nodded at her. Three minutes later she come with her mother and I said “ I’ll return “it” back at eight pm so don’t worry Omoni,” then I got a punch from Victoria because she thought that I was considering her as a thing that I’ve borrowed from her mom.

Then she already seated on my motorcycle, and I started up the motorcycle then left the house.

Well this girl name’s Victoria and she is my girlfriend for one year. And if you wondering why I end up having relationship with her.., I haven’t particular reasons actually except we knew each other, she was nice, sweet and I like it. I just like her. Lucky me she loved me back.

 By the way we’ll going to bookstore first, because Victoria wanted to buy several books for complete her thesis and after it we will dinner.. well I didn’t know what to do since spent quality time for couple usually labelling as “having a good meal together”. Okay I am not that creative for said that.

It was four pm and the weather was nice and good. It was totally good time for us to get out today. Then the wind was blowing slowly, and caressed my face it made me slightly sleepy. Moreover I saw something stole my attention. There was a red thing that made me stunned over it. Something red that I’ve been familiar with.

It was a bag. It was a red bag which worn by a girl. That red bag is still looked good even though as I knew it was old bag that worn for a long time. I wondered why she hardly change her bag. Girls usually love to change the bag or followed new trends, but she didn’t.

She was riding the motorcycle with the average speed. Well she and I have met accidentally at the street because we went to same avenue after the school time off. And from that time somehow we went along together, but we were riding motorcycle by ourselves. I knew that was strange explanation but that was the fact. We were together and we were not together.

 In others conditions she leaded her motorcycle in front of me or otherwise. Or the funny moment when I was teasing her with let my speed followed her. She warned me because I was riding my motorcycle near with her pace, and it was extremely dangerous. And guess what? I chose not to obey her.

After it we talked about the random things and laughed, but something that I remembered the most was her subtle smile.

I remember it well where the owner of the red bag always let her long hair fell or pony tail it. But today when I saw her it weren’t from those options. Today she was braided her hair. That made her looked like a child from play group school.

I smiled, and for God sake I didn’t know why was I smile unconsciously?

The owner of the red bag who was riding the motorcycle is friend of mine from language club. Her name is Park Boom.

I met with her once in a week, or in hectic activity we could meet three times in a week in the language club room. We never phoned, bbm, line or whatsapp each other since I have Victoria.

Okay, I admitted that I have approached her, but it was casual and common messages, until the condition become complicated between us, or I too lazy to remember. Or maybe it was me who thought that she was not for me at that moment. And since I met and have Victoria I felt like.., okay I just enough to have her.

But that braid girl who owned the red bag never was that simple.

Park Boom and I never was that simple.

As I remembered about Park Boom that she is always smiling, and she is “loving to talk”. And sometimes I felt myself tired as I notice her when talked. How was she can talk so fast without space? Was she okay?

 She was really a weird girl, indeed.

After she was doing that her “fast talking without space” in the event club activity last time, I gave blank expression to tease, then she will pretend as mad girl and turned to be like a grumpy cat.

But that braid girl who owned the red bag never was that simple.

Park Boom and I never was that simple.

And in one dot, I believe that she have known and felt the same like me.

So once more Park Boom and I never was that simple.

“So what do you want Choi Seunghyun sshi, lollipop or milkshake? You should feel grateful since I am in the good mood today.” One day Park Boom asked me when we headed to our club room accidentally (again?). Sometimes I felt that accidentally become a string between us. And for information sometimes she liked to add “sshi” to tease me.

“Come on~ Seunghyun sshi.” She pulled me to the canteen and she demanded me to choose between the lollipop or milkshake.

While she was busy by herself, I picked her a strawberry juice. Her favorite juice. Hey don’t ask me why I knew about this, maybe a lucky guess?

I was smiling “Take this Boom ah, this is for you. Then our business is over right now, Boom sshi?” I passed the juice to her as I back. Park Boom blinked her eyes with disbelief looked. I ruffled her hair and laughed.

“Okay, eh but wait there Seunghyun sshi, so I should pay for this too?” Park Boom asked cutely and I pinched her cheek.

I shook my head “Noap puffy cheeks! I treat you this time. Let this manner guy pay for this first, then go go to the club!” I stated to her and pushed her.

Park Boom yelled and said thanks more than once (o mygosh). She was smiling and I felt like her smile was sweet as her own strawberry juice that time.

I stepped on the gas, and now she tied with one rider in front of me. I can see her reflection for her rearview mirror, was mumbling about something that I can’t hear. I never saw her in silence except when she ate or scolded by the tutor (her face was so squeezed-able when sulking, you know). So I guessed she was humming to get rid of her bored.

Then I smiled. I enjoyed her reflection and for the God sake, why I should smiling unconsciously again?

But still I find her attractive yet weird. Eii Choi Seunghyun what was you thinking?

I shook my head, then Park Boom was still tied with one rider in front of me.

I chase her or not?

Should I chase her or not?

Not that kind of  “chased”, but just say hi or just waving hand to her?

I glanced at Victoria’s reflection from my rearview mirror. She was here. My head felt dizzy.

I stepped on the gas again and I saw a traffic light. We’ll be stopped at same line.

And here we go, we stopped because the traffic light showed red signal. Park Boom was still tied with one rider in front of me and for next 30 seconds what should I do?

She was still twitched her pouty mouth. She looked bored by the surroundings, then she shook her head to the right side when she saw a bunch of play group pupils holding hands each other while crossed the zebra cross. Finally her lips curved made a smile. I wondered why her smile felt like magic that infected me.

And this was ten seconds left, then I …

Chased her or …





The traffic light changed the light from the yellow to the green light. I stepped on the gas slowly this time but,





The green light was showing off.  She stepped on her gas and increased her speed. It made her back looked blurry and finally she was gone from my view.

I stunned for a moment for searching her in the crowd. But I didn’t see her. I didn’t see Park Boom in front of me again. She was gone.

As if she slowed his speed or perhaps that I really chased he in that traffic light maybe we will meet and she will laugh clumsily. And she will become in a cool girl looked like mode on, but I knew behind that she always inhale her breathe when I come nearer to her.  Felt nervous.

And I just pretended that I never knew about that. As if you know Boom ah, I did it too when I saw you. But it will not fair for that Park Boom if I chased her, waving my hand to her and finally she found out the girl behind my seat.

I exhaled my breath.

“Hey what’s wrong Seunghyun ah, are you okay hun?” Victoria asked through rearview mirror. Her eyes fixed on mine.

I stupefied when she clenched her arms on my abdomen and my back tightly. She caressed my back slowly feel like she asking through her touch that “are you okay?”

And I smiled feeling my sanity come back to me. I looked at her through my rearview mirror. Her feature looked shining from reflect of twilight light. She was beautiful. Victoria was smiling to me and I knew, for this time that she was here, for me and only for me.

I was inhaling my breath “I am okay.” I said to her as I closed my eyes for a moment and I clenched back at her fingers on my abdomen.

It was enough to be like this. It will not fair for Victoria and for Park Boom if I started to walk out from the proper line. And for Victoria who was walking with me for this one year and supported me from behind it was enough. To have her like this was enough.

And I stepped on the gas fast, wasn’t for another person but for person who seated behind my back, and it just for her.


PS: Ok here we go, sorry for my errors and hopefully you can enjoy it. Happy reading~ RnR ya :)


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